Keirii: Heehee, Jo is mad at me because I've spent three hours typing this up. It not my fault though...
Jo: Oh I'm sorry did someone make you sit at the computer for MORE than three hours ignoring your BEST friend who was here to visit you?
Keirii: was the plot bunnies...?
Jo: ...dammit...I can't hit an idiot...
Keirii: phew Anyway one of my two reviewers sob! suggested I make this into a series, so I thought, why not! Oh and wish me luck, I'm letting Jo dye my hair purple tonight but knowing her and her ability to wreak revenge succussfully it'll be green or something.
Jo: Nah, green wouldn't suit you Kei-chan.
Keirii: eyeing Jo suspiciously Then what would...?
Jo: evil grin Blonde!
Keirii: NOOOOOOOOO-no offence to blondes by the way.-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Disclaimer: I don't own The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya...if I did, Jo would be my personal slave.
Jo: Dream on you immature idiot...
Keirii: Don't forget to review please!
To Haruhi With Love
Haruhi nodded with a frown as she stared at the computer screen "Yeah, they were outside the door when I came. There was card with them; it's next to the vase."
Kyon scowled at the bunch of bold and colorful flowers sitting on the table. For some reason the thought of somebody sending the quirky girl flowers pissed him off. He grabbed the square piece of card that sat next to them and scanned the message, To Haruhi, love, your secret admirer, well that definitely didn't tell him anything.
The door opened behind him and Itsuki walked in with Mikuru, Yuki had already left when Kyon had entered the room, the time she spent in the computer club was slowly rising. He eyed the flowers with a secretive smile "What beautiful flowers." The red head gushed, brushing her fingers over a white rose.
"They're Haruhi's." Kyon muttered casually dropping the card back on the table "She has a secret admirer aparantly."
Itsuki smiled "Oh, is that so. Lucky you Miss Suzumiya."
Haruhi didn't look up from the computer "Yeah…lucky…whatever…" she answered distractedly.
"Oh I used to help out in a florist!" Mikuru chirped "I can tell you what they mean!"
"I already know their meanings." Haruhi interrupted clicking away on the computer with the frown glued to her face. Kyon nodded remembering that during her club search, she had joined the Flower club, her stay with them had only lasted a day or two.
Mikuru looked a little disappointed which was probably why Itsuki gave her a warm smile before saying "Why don't you tell me and Kyon instead Miss Asahina."
Mikuru smiled "Okay!" she pulled the vase towards us "There are five different types of flowers in this bouquet, white roses, red tulips, some gardenia, orange blossom and a white lily. The red tulips are a declaration of love; the gardenias mean a secret love and the orange blossom mean eternal love. Then we have the white roses which stand for innocence and purity and lastly the single white lily means it's heavenly to be with you."
Itsuki smiled over at Haruhi "Wow. That guy must really like you Haruhi."
"Sounds like he's trying to hard if you ask me." Kyon said glaring at the smiling Itsuki. It had to be him who sent the flowers, why else would he be trying to get a reaction out of his Haruhi. Wait a minute…HIS Haruhi?! Since when did he start referring to her like that?! Geez why did he even care whether Itsuki like her or not!?
"Are you…jealous Kyon?" Itsuki asked, his tone joking. Haruhi however, looked up expectantly.
Kyon narrowed his eyes at the Esper "No." he ground out firmly through clenched teeth "It's just that the whole idea of secretly sending flowers to a girl seems a bit stupid to me. If he had any guts, he'd have given them to her in person."
Haruhi scowled "Well I don't think that at all! I think it was very sweet of him to send me flowers!" Haruhi exclaimed kicking her chair back and storming over to Kyon to glare up at him.
Not being one to cower in fear against the short monster like brunette Kyon glared back "Are you telling me that YOU, Haruhi Suzumiya, like ORDINARY HUMAN boys giving her flowers?!"
Haruhi froze for a second before boosting her glare "He sent them anonymously he could be an alien or…or a time traveler…he could even be an esper!" apparently this thought excited Haruhi as she broke her glare with Kyon to pick up the vase and hug them close to her with a squeal.
Kyon grabbed them off her "Or he could be a pervert, or a stalker, or a pedophile!"
Haruhi pulled the vase towards her, but Kyon's hands remained "I don't care! As long as he isn't a normal human he could be an escaped convict for all I care!"
Tugging the vase back Kyon leaned down to intensify his glare "Yeah well don't come crying to me when he's not what you expected." He growled before releasing his grip on the stupid flowers with a push. Haruhi stumbled back and the vase slipped from her hands.
Kyon winced as they crashed to the floor sending glass and water skittering across the wooden floor. The three Brigade members froze. Itsuki and Mikuru were silent as they waited for Haruhi's reaction. They didn't have to wait long as she stood silently and carefully stepped over the glass to stand in front of Kyon, she raised her hand and quickly brought it down.
Kyon brought his hand up to his face and covered the bright red bruising skin with his hand, gaping down at Haruhi who refused to lift her head. Turning on her heel she quickly exited the room leaving Kyon, Itsuki and Mikuru staring after her. Kyon felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to face Itsuki who wore a sympathetic smile "You're an idiot."
Kyon scowled "Apparantly…" he sighed and collapsed in a chair as Mikuru busied herself carefully picking up the shattered glass "I've really messed up haven't I?"
Itsuki nodded "You could always make it up to her though."
Kyon scowled "And just how can I do that?" Itsuki shrugged and shared a glance with Mikuru. Mikuru smiled knowingly and placed the flowers on the table. A few stems had broken and the petals were bent shadowing their previous beauty.
"The boy who sent Haruhi these flowers mustn't know her very well." She said smiling down at the flowers. "He made his feelings know but he didn't include his crush's favorite in the selection."
"Haruhi has a favorite flower?" Kyon questioned incredulously. The red head nodded happily and Kyon sighed "Okay, tell me. What are Haruhi's favorite flowers?"
"Lilac irises." She answered giving Kyon a soft smile as he stood back up. He grabbed his bag and walked out muttering under his breath. When the door shut behind him Mikuru turned to Itsuki hopefully "Do you think we did good?" Itsuki smiled.
"I think we did very good Miss Asahina." He glanced at the flowers on the table and picked up a rose which wasn't too badly broken. With a smile he handed it to a blushing Mikuru "We can't let these flowers go to waste can we now."
After four hours and a trip to the next town Kyon found himself standing outside Haruhi's house with the spoils of his journey gripped firmly in his hand. Now…if only he could figure out what to do now…WHY THE HELL HADN'T HE THOUGHT THIS FAR?!?!?!
He couldn't knock on the door. Hell no! Last time he had paid a visit to Haruhi's house with a book she'd left at his house after a study session he'd met her father. Oh boy…that was a situation he did not want to be in again…the car in Haruhi's drive defiantly told him he was in, and the sound of a roaring crowd along with the flashing lights of a tv from the front window said he was awake and watching a baseball match. He defiantly wouldn't be knocking on the door then.
Maybe if he…
Inside the house, above the lounge and in the corner of a plain white bedroom, Haruhi Suzumiya lay on her bed with her face in the pillows. Stupid Kyon…Stupid flowers…Stupid secret admirer! It was their entire fault that she was in a bad mood! Why did she have to get those stupid flowers anyway!? If they hadn't turned up then she and Kyon wouldn't have fought and she'd be looking forward to the usual Saturday meeting instead of dreading it!
She sighed and rolled over onto her stomach glaring up at the stick-on stars glued to her ceiling. She hadn't been bothered at first when she'd found them, or even when she realized they were for her. But when Itsuki asked Kyon if he was jealous…well…they became extremely interesting. And when the flowers fell, Haruhi felt like crying and took her frustration out on Kyon…she hoped she didn't hit him too hard…
He was probably really angry with her. He probably wouldn't even turn up on Saturday and Haruhi wondered if he'd be quitting the Brigade on Monday. Geez…why did she have to hit him?
Haruhi jumped as she heard what sounded like hailstone hit her window before stopping. The weather report hadn't said anything about hailstone though…
Was someone throwing stones at her window?! Haruhi stood up and ran to her window. Looking down she gasped. "Kyon…?"
Carefully Kyon threw a small stone from a neighbor's gravel driveway up at what he figured was Haruhi's window due to the large SOS Brigade banner along the top. When there was no sign of her in the open curtained window he threw two more. She wasn't watching the game with her dad was she? Maybe she had fallen asleep with her light on…?
Well there was only one way to wake her up Kyon figured. With a nervous grin he threw up the handful of gravel watching as a couple hit Haruhi's window. There was still no answer so he ran back to the neighbor's driveway and grabbed a couple more and threw them as well. He was just about to get some more when Haruhi's surprised face appeared. He saw her mouth his name with wide eyes and his grin fell from his face.
Lifting his empty hand he gestured for her to come down. Instead she opened her window and glared at down at him "What are you doing here you idiot!?" she hissed.
Kyon rolled his eyes "Oh I wonder…maybe I'm here to apologize…?" he called as loudly as he dared, hoping not to alert her dad of his presence.
"Couldn't you have waited until tomorrow moron?" was Haruhi's reply, but Kyon could see a faint smile on her shadowed face.
He shrugged "It was a spur of the moment thing. Now come down here. I have something for you."
Haruhi frowned before disappearing and Kyon ran over to where he had placed his bag by the gate and grabbed the irises from on top of them. Haruhi appeared at the door a moment later dressed in jeans and a jacket. She leaned back in house and called out to her dad "Sure Dad, I'll just be a minute and then we can watch the game together." She closed the door behind her and jogged over to Kyon who stood by her gate "What is it then?"
Feeling a blush rise to his cheeks, he turned his head to hide it and shoved the irises in front of her "H-here…t-to replace the ones I wrecked." After a minute he felt her pull them from his grip and out of the corner of his eyes he could have sworn she was blushing. When he turned back to check, it was already gone and Haruhi was smiling up at him.
"Thank you Kyon." She whispered holding the flowers close to her chest.
Kyon blushed again "Yeah well don't think anything of it! I just didn't want you mad at me tomorrow!"
Haruhi still smiled "Well thank you anyway…" they stood in an awkward silence for a moment or two before Haruhi spoke again "I guess I should go back inside…see you tomorrow Kyon."
Kyon nodded and watched blankly as she turned and took a step toward the door. That step was all it took to break him and grabbing her arm Kyon pulled her back. His lips had barely touched hers when the door opened, pouring light on them. Kyon jumped away from her and turned to face whoever had opened the door, when his eyes focused he immediately wished they hadn't. Standing in the doorway was a furious Mr Suzumiya, wearing his team baseball cap and shirt he had opened the door to check for his daughter on the halftime, only to find her bratty friend all over her…Kyon didn't waste another second and dashed out of the garden, grabbing his bag on the way out.
He could hear Mr Suzumiya's yells behind him but his ears were more focused on Haruhi's cries "I'll see you tomorrow Kyon!" was it just him…or was her tone slightly suggestive…?