DISCLAIMER: My story. Own nothing. Get it? Got it? GOOD! Oh and if you are wondering who Kaitlyn is, she's my sister who begged me to be in the story and gave me a cookie .

The boys sat in a circle around the mighty bottle of truth. It was this bottle that would decide their destiny!!

"Who goes first?" Syrus asked, a little frightened.

"Wanna draw straws?" Jesse asked, randomly pulling out a number of straws from his back pocket.

"...I don't want to know.." Zane said as he looked at the straws.

They each pulled a straw, and Zane has the tallest.

This made Syrus even more frightened. So frightened that he was squirming like a fish out of water.

"First door to the left," Jaden said.

"I don't need to use the bathroom, Jaden!" Syrus exclaimed.

"Fine," Jaden shrugged. "The tree outside is good. I forgot to water it this morning, anyway."

Zane spun the bottle and it landed on poor Syrus.

"Syrus, I dare you to do karaoke."

Of course, this attracted many stares.

"Karaoke?" they all asked in unison.

"Is there a problem with that?" Zane asked, with a little anger showing.

"No no no!" everyone said as they scrambled to get the karaoke machine, mini stage, and CDs.

Syrus went up onto the tiny stage and put on the machine. Jaden took out his T-Pain CD case.

"How about 'Buy You a Drink'?"

Syrus sheepishly nodded.

Jaden put on track 6 and waited for the song to start.

You get the limo out front
Hottest styles, every shoe, every color

Yeah, when you're famous it can be kinda fun
It's really you but no one ever discovers

"HANNAH MONTANA?!" Syrus screamed.

"Kaitlyn must've switched my CDs...again.." Jaden said as he slapped his forehead.

"Kaitlyn didn't," Zane said as he held up the real T-Pain CD. "I switched them."

"..You mean.." Jesse was holding back a few snickers. "..you listen..to Hannah..Montana?"

"You got something to say, Anderson?" Zane looked angry again.

"Nope," Jesse stopped his giggling.

Well, Syrus had no choice but to sing Hannah Montana, since Zane held on to Jaden's CD for dear life. He danced on stage and sang (out of key). Then sat down.

"That was pretty good," he complimented himself. "I should try out for that show in America when they pick the next teen idols! What's that show called again?"

"I don't know," Hassleberry replied. "But I think it starts with a Q."

"My turn to spin!"

Syrus spun the bottle and it landed on Jaden.

"Oh no..." Jaden said.

"Jaden, I dare you to run outside in your underwear with meat strapped to your back!"

"You've been watching that beer commercial again, haven't you?" Jaden asked.

"Just do it..."

Jaden took off his pajamas and tied tomorrow's dinner to his back. The worst part is, it was snowing outside... This didn't stop the brunette. He ran for miles and even had some of the neighborhood dogs chase him. All the boys could do was watch from the window and laugh.

"Who's up for prank calls?"