Epilogue: Chapter Fourteen
"Good-bye, Bella," Jeff says.
I had just gotten back from a visit to Jake's when Jeff said it was time for him to move on. It's been a whole week after my change, and I'm surprised he didn't decide to leave sooner. I'd started to believe that he wasn't going to leave at all, but that just makes it harder to say good-bye now.
The church is closed at the moment, but Edward is really good at sneaking into places.
"Good-bye, Jeff. I'll miss you. Have fun in paradise. I'll see you eventually," If I wasn't a vampire, I'm pretty sure I'd be sobbing right now.
"Thanks for always being my friend, Bella," he says.
Then he walks towards the shimmering portal, stops and turns to face me. "I'll see you eventually," he says, grinning.
That having been said, Jeff steps through the portal, and into his new life.
Then, Edward and I leave the church together to begin my new life by his side.
AN: storie's all done. hope you liked it. if you didn't like it then too bad. even if there aren't going to be any more updates, please still review.