A/N: Ok this is a one shot or more like a five shot. I don't know yet but it's going to be short. A few chapters. it's like the breakfast club, but my style.

Today was not going to be a good day. It was Saturday, And for 7 teenagers it would be awful. But they got them selves into this mess so they have to fine a way out. That is if they can pass what drama brings all 7. Including 1.

Sharpay Evans, along side with brother, Ryan drove up to East High on a Saturday at 7am. They were only here because of Saturday detention. Thanks to Dave Matsui, the principle of East High School. The two 18 year olds got out of the pink car that Sharpay owned and Made their way towards the entrance. They were caught fighting each other and drama occurred, Darbus was involved and Sharpay had a cat fight. Ryan was with his sister and both got Saturday Detention.

"Ry, Do you see Troy?"Sharpay asked her brother who looked spaced out. She was looking for her boyfriend of 1 year and didn't see him.

"No, Shar. I haven't seen basketball boy."he said with a sigh and annoyed tone.

"Well look!"she demanded.

"Yes, Sharpay. I will look for Mr.Bolton."he said.

"Your hopeless!"Sharpay said stalking off into the building.

"And your dramatic."Ryan said with a sigh.

Chad Danforth was walking up to East High at 7:05am. He was still sleepy from not getting any sleep the night before. He had been caught bouncing his basketball in class and it rolling towards Darbus and she tripped over and fell on her butt. She had given him Saturday detention. He groaned, walking up the steps towards the entrance and making it inside. He stopped when he saw nerdy, Taylor Mckessie. He had a little thing for her but wouldn't admit it.

Taylor Mckessie was walking the halls when she stopped and started reading the bulletin board about the next Scholastic Decathlon. She was the captain of the team and she was absent the day this message was posted. She accidentally had gotten pushed by someone and knocked over a teacher's coffee and it spilled all over them and it happened to be Darbus. She gave Taylor a detention. Taylor looked over and saw Lunkhead Chad Danforth was walking towards her.

"Well, Well, Well...If it isn't Brainy Mckessie."Chad teased.

"If it isn't lunkhead stupid boy."she snorted back.

"Oh...feisty. Just how I like them."he replied.

"Your so gross."she said and then spotted her friend, Kelsi walking in.

Kelsi Neilson walked in and saw Chad Danforth bothering Taylor. Kelsi had misplaced some papers that were important to Ms.Darbus and she got mad and gave Kelsi a detention. Kelsi saw that Taylor was in need of help and walked over.

"Hey Tay, you ok?"she asked.

"No. He's annoying me."Taylor said pointing towards Chad. Kelsi giggled and tugged Taylor's arm and they headed towards the library, where Detention was being held.

"Oh come one Ladies! You can't get enough of the fro!"Chad said running after them.

Troy Bolton got out of his father's car and groaned. He had Saturday Detention. He didn't mean to get in trouble. He had skipped class because of something important that no one knows except Troy's father, Jack Bolton and coach of the East High Wildcats. Troy was captain of the team and he just couldn't believe he had gotten a detention. And from the principle, Darbus and his own father.

"Troy, suck it up. It's only until 2pm."Jack Bolton said from the black ford pick-up.

"Yeah, but I'm stuck here for 7 hours. 7 FREAKING HOURS!"he exclaimed.

"Troy, don't start. It was your own fault."he replied.

"Yeah, whatever. See you at 2."Troy said slamming the car door and jogging inside. It had begun to rain hard. He was going to have a bad day.

Troy reached the Library, opened the double doors and walked in to see, his girlfriend Sharpay and her brother Ryan arguing about something pink. He laughed nervously. He was not really into his relationship with Sharpay, but he liked her in a way. She had a soft side. They hadn't gone all they way, which was good for him. He really didn't intend on having sex with her. He then glanced over to see his Best Friend of 18 years annoying Taylor McKessie and Kelsi Neilson.

"Dude!Chad!Their stubborn!"he yelled. Chad turned as well as everyone else and he laughed and walked closer to the 5 people already in the library. Sharpay shrieked and ran towards her boyfriend and gave him a simple kiss and then walked back to Ryan.

"Come on McKessie!One date!"he pleaded.

"No."she replied once more. He had asked her at least 69 million times.

"One date."he said once more.

"For the 70 million time!NO!"she shouted and walked to Kelsi who was sitting down and writing music.

"Dude, just give up."Troy said.

"Nah, she wants me. I just got to sway her to the idea of one date."Chad said with a chuckle.

Everyone settled for a table. Taylor and Kelsi at one, Sharpay and Troy at another, Ryan at one and Chad with his basketball sleeping at one. Just then the library doors opened and in walked Mr.Matsui.

"Ah, so you've all arrived..."he said looking at his list of the 7 students but noticed one wasn't there." we're missing one. And she's late."

Gabriella Montez got out of her mom and dad's car and they stared at her. She didn't like today. She wasn't feeling good and she didn't want to spend 7 hours in a building doing nothing. She had gotten in trouble for screaming at Darbus and got a detention. Saturday Detention.

"Gabi, sweetie please take it easy, ok?"Kale Montez, Gabriella's father, said.

"I will daddy. I will."she said with an aggravated tone.

"Gabriella, if he's here don't bother him or his whatever blonde. He should be here for you and not with her."Manny Montez, her mother, replied.

"Mom, I know. Ok. We've been through this for the past 6 months."she said annoyed.

"We'll be here at 2, if not you might have to get a ride."Kale said.

"Whatever you say."Gabriella said with a shrug and started making her way in the school. She was soaking wet. She stood in the rain. Her black hair was drenched and her clothes were soaking. Her shoes made squeaking noises as she walked towards the library. She took a breath in and opened the door. She walked in with her head down. She saw that everyone's eyes were on her.

"Nice of you to join us, Gabriella."Dave Matsui said. Gabriella waved him off and went to the very last table in the library next to the window's were she could see the rain pouring down.

"Now that we're all here, I will be back by 1:50. 10 minutes before you leave so I can see you've kept the library clean and not messed up. Behave."he said and then left.

30 minutes pass and Everyone is sitting looking bored. Chad, sleeping cuddling with his basketball, Ryan playing with his hat, Taylor and Kelsi working on homework, Troy listening to Sharpay talk and Gabriella listening to her iPod and rubbing her swollen stomach. Yes Gabriella Montez was indeed pregnant. 6 months about to go on 7. She looked out the window and sighed. She was listening to Jessica Simpson's song, You Don't Have To Let Go. She sang the words, but she thought no would could hear her, but the other 6 people were listening. One listening the most.

I don't need your strength anymore
cause you've made me strong
You may not see the woman in me
That you dreamed of
Holding me in your arms

All the days that you gave
All the moments you've saved me,
Praying for my life
Sacrificed, just to make me who I am on my own
You don't have to let go

By now Chad was awake and listened to Gabriella sing her heart away. Sharpay, Ryan, Taylor, Kelsi and Troy all listened and thought she was singing very good for this song. Gabriella remained looking out the window watching the rain, poor down, While she rubbed her stomach.

You don't say it
But it's in your eyes
All the fears of good-bye
But I can promise
You'll always have a place, and a way to my heart

All the days that you gave
All the moments you've saved me,
Praying for my life
Sacrificed, just to make me who I am on my own
You don't have to let go

Taylor and Kelsi smiled at her voice. Both girls thought she was a good singer. They felt bad for her. No one knew who the father of her baby was. She did...but wasn't talking. Some say it's pregnancy by rape. But both girls didn't believe that story. Her parents and the father's parents knew about the truth.

I can live
Cause you lived for me
And I can love
Because you loved me.

All the days that you gave
All the moments you've saved me,
Praying for my life
Sacrificed, just to make me who I am on my own
You don't have to let go

(Ooh ooh ooh)
You don't have to let go

Gabriella finished the song and then heard clapping. She looked up and saw the others smiling at her. She looked down then back out the window. They frowned when she didn't say anything or do anything back. Troy frowned. He felt the worst for her. After all, he was the father of her baby.

There is more to this. So be patient and the truth behind Gabriella's pregnancy and how and etc, it happen will be revealed in the next few chapter's to this one-shot.

Song: You Don't Have To Let Go
Artist: Jessica Simpson

Please R&R
