Hiya everyone! Well it appears that I've finally got a bit of inspiration to start a new story…this will be my first Jonas Brothers fanfic. I don't know how long updates will take considering I'm fairly new at this, and I tend to get lazy lol. But I will try my best. Anyways hope you all like it. Comments are appreciated :)

Oh and this first chapter will be starting off slow…it's just to lead up to the action, so hang in there!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Jonas Brothers. I only own their CD's and posters. Also, I do own Tom Haines who is going to be like the equipment manager of the Jonas Brothers. He's just a fictional character I came up with at the last moment lol. He'll only have a minor part. I Needed him to fill in some "empty space" lol.

The excited screams and girlish squeals of the fans filled the inside of the concert venue as the Jonas Brothers finished up their performance. The three brothers grinned at each other and thanked the crowd for being such an amazing audience. Another successful concert was over. The crowd started chanting, encore! encore! The boys smiled. They couldn't disappoint their fans. Just before they began to play, the lights rapidly flickered, and the next thing everyone knew they were surrounded in darkness.

"Aw man it's a power outage," Joe whined with a frown on his face. He began to pout like a 2 year old at their sudden bad luck, and even stomped his feet a bit.

"Calm down Joe I'm sure the power will be back on in a couple minutes," Nick replied to his 18 year old brother. Sometimes Nick wondered how himself, at 15, was more mature than Joe.

"Yeah Joe stop acting like a kid," the oldest brother, Kevin, sighed. Only 20 years old and he already feels like a parent when Joe's around.

"Pshh…always ganging up on me. Fine, but you guys better hope you're right or else…you have to buy me Pinkberry! Joe announced dramatically. He nodded his head in satisfaction at what he thought was a "brilliant" idea.

Kevin laughed. That's what he loved about Joe. He always said the most random things that would amuse anyone. He replied, "Ok, but it's not going to happen because we are right," he playfully smirked. Just then, the lights flickered once again, and everything became fully lit up.

Joe put on puppy eyes as he looked at Kevin. "Does this mean I don't get Pinkberry?"

Nick watched as Kevin told Joe he would still buy him the frozen yogurt anyways. Nick laughed to himself as he saw Joe's face glow with happiness. Kevin was now talking to the audience and apologizing for the inconvenience. Nicked sighed. Something at the back of his mind was nagging him. During the blackout, he was almost certain he felt another presence on stage other than his brothers and the band members behind them. He had gotten these sudden chills up and down his spine. He finally convinced himself that it had been his imagination. Yeah that was it, but then how was it that something still didn't feel right? Nick was still lost in thought when he felt an annoyingly sharp poke on the side of his stomach.

"Hey Frobro you alive?"

Nick glared at his brother. "Yes Joseph I am alive. I was just thinking. Next time don't poke so hard." Nick rolled his eyes as Joe stuck his tongue out at him. Nick picked up his guitar, which he had set on the floor during the power outage, and turned to the microphone. "Sorry about the delay there guys, lets go ahead and do this encore!"

"That's just the way we roll!" Joe bounced off stage singing and attempted a roll, mid air, thus landing flat on his face. He managed to mutter an, "Ow…where did this floor come from?" before a laughing Kevin helped him up.

"Joseph, Joseph, what are we going to do with you?" Kevin tsked at him. (A/N – I don't know if tsked is even a word lol ' )

"Boys!" All three brothers turned to the direction of their father's voice.

"Dad? What's the matter? You look a little frustrated," Joe questioned.

"I can't tell you here. We need to get back to the bus. Now." The tone of the father's voice scared the brothers. What was going on?

"But we have a meet and gr-" Joe was cut off by his father.

"No. It's already been cancelled. As well as the private meet and greet. Now lets go." Paul started pushing the three boys outside towards the bus.

"So I guess this means I really don't get my Pinkberry huh?" (A/N I think it's obvious who said that xD)

Kevin and Nick went to smack Joe so that both his arms got hit.

"Ow! Geez you guys are mean…and you call yourselves my brothers!" Joe jokingly gasped as they reached the tour bus.

Nick, Joe and Kevin sat on the couch while their father paced back and forth in front of them. He sighed deeply.

"Boys…that power outage was not an accident. Tom reported that the power system had been purposely tampered with. He didn't see who, but I've got a darn good idea as to who it was. You remember our one and only mystery stalker right? He's left his mark again…" Paul held up a piece of paper with and intricate drawing of a dagger on fire. (A/N I couldn't come up with anything better)

Nick was shocked. So those chills he had gotten were real. There really had been an unwanted presence on stage. Knowing it was the stalker made it even worse.

"Wha-but how…whe-when did he? And how?" Joe stuttered. He was quite confused. This stalker had been on their tails for about a year now. He had first "let himself known" one day at an outdoor concert in New Jersey.

Nick was walking backstage to the dressing room after their performance. He was seeking out another bottle of water since he emptied his other one on stage. Upon entering the room his eyes widened. Everything was completely trashed. Nothing appeared to be stolen though…why would someone destroy their room if they weren't after something? Revenge was the single word that popped into Nick's head, but who would want revenge on the Jonas Brothers? They hadn't done anything wrong to anyone…had they?

"Nick what's tak-oh my gosh what happened!?" Kevin shouted in worry.

"I don't know…but Kev look at this." Nick held up a written note he had found on the floor.

Kev? Nick only ever calls him that when he's scared…Kevin quickly took the note and began to read out loud just as Joe was joining them, confusion spread all over his face.

"Dear Jonas Brothers,

You are all a pathetic bunch of wannabe pop losers. I will never forgive you for what you've done…and I'll make sure you regret it everyday of your stupid lives. I will make you suffer until the day when I can finally kill you…I'll be watching…remember this symbol."

At the bottom of the paper was an intricate drawing of a dagger on fire.

Kevin barely managed to choke out the last words before embracing his brothers in a group hug. "Don't worry guys no one is going to hurt us ok? It's probably just some sort of sick prank."

But it wasn't just a prank. More threats flowed in throughout the year. All just as intimidating as the last. The security had been majorly increased to the point where the boys couldn't even go to the washroom alone. There always had to be someone standing outside the door. The stalker hadn't physical hurt them ever. Only threats, but it looked as if that might be changing.

"I don't get it!" Joe yelled frustrated. "How is it that he always manages to get passed security?" He started running his fingers through his hair. Kevin put his arm around Joe to try and calm him down as their father began to speak again.

"There doesn't appear to be any type of damage, nor is there anything missing, so I think we can assume that this is just another empty threat. Just take the regular precautions and stick together. Now you boys need to get some sleep."

All three boys sighed simultaneously as they headed to the back of the bus. Nick grabbed his guitar along the way. He sat down on his bunk, and started strumming quietly.

"Hey Nick, how did you do that?" Joe curiously asked.

"Do what?" Nick replied.

"That beeping…when you strummed, you made your guitar beep."

Nick concluded that Joe had finally cracked. Seriously, guitars don't beep. Yup Joe had gone insane. He shook his head and laughed. He was about to tell Joe his thoughts when he heard a noise. Nick grew confused as he listened silently. There was a definite beeping sound. He looked up to see Kevin sprinting towards him and Joe.

"Guys…guys get that out of the bus!" Kevin panicked.

"What, why?" They both questioned.

"It's bomb that's about to explode!" Kevin yanked the guitar from Nick's hands who let out a yelp of protest. Kevin booked it like no tomorrow outside of the bus. He threw the guitar into the nearby fountain before darting back and tackling his two younger brothers to the ground. At that moment an enormous tremor passed over them followed by a wave of searing heat. They had gotten away just in time.

"My guitar!" Nick cried.

"Oh my Jonas! We were like two seconds away from being fried marshmallows!" Joe blurted out.

"Fried marshmallows?" Nick furrowed his eyebrows in puzzlement.

"Uh…well…you know what I mean! It was the first thing that popped into my mind…and um also…I'm really hungry," Joe stated.

Kevin and Nick just stared blankly. Sometimes they really did think Joe was off his rocker.

"Is everyone ok!?" The three boys saw their father running towards them. He engulfed them all in a hug before dragging them back onto the bus. He went to make a call to the police and also their mother who of course needed to know about this.

"Ok so…this means that Nick's guitar had a bomb planted on it?" Joe questioned.

Kevin spoke. "Yes. I bet that was the whole plan of the power outage. The stalker snuck on stage while we were distracted and must of planted the bomb. Nick you didn't notice anything? It was your guitar."

"Well I had set my guitar on the floor once the lights were out. I did get a "feeling" that didn't seem right, but I thought I was imagining."

All three of them sat for a couple minutes in deep thought.

"Kev, Joey," Nick whispered. The two brothers looked at the younger brother as he spoke again. "I guess this time the stalker really means business…he's really going to hurt us isn't he?" Nick paused. "Guys, I'm scared." Tears began running down his cheeks. He shivered in fear.

Joe was immediately by his younger brother's side. "Nicky don't worry. Everything's going to be fine. You've got Kevin and I here. We're your big brothers, and we're here to protect you." Joe pulled Nick into a reassuring hug while gesturing to Kevin to join them.

In a moments time they had all fallen into a comfortable sleep knowing they would always have each other. Nothing would take them away from one another.

Or so they thought…

OMJ! Yes I have finally completely the very first chapter of my first Jo Bros fanfic! I don't know about you, but I wanna dance around the room lol. Man this actually took way longer to write than I originally thought…but it was totally worth it! Oh and I need some help from all you readers! I need a name for the stalker…it's quite annoying just calling him "stalker" all the time haha. It needs to be a undercover name though since the Jonas Brothers don't know who he really is. Something mysterious would be cool. So please give me some ideas, and also I still need a reason as to why this stalker is after the Jonas Brothers…I might figure it out myself, but any help would be awesome! Thanks so much! Ciao :)