Sorry for such a long wait, I was without internet for a couple days but the chapter was done. I am going to try and get updates out at least once a week but I am going to be moving soon so there might be delays.

I hope you enjoy!


After everything she had helped me with, I couldn't face her. My brain just shut down. All my heart wanted was to let her in, but my brain just wouldn't let me. I didn't want to risk my heart.

I did everything in my power to keep moving through the days, spending time with my baby girl and trying to make Bella happy but I knew what I was doing was hurting her; we had barely talked since getting back, just small talk. The first night we were at Bella's Emmett and Rose stopped by to see if there was anything we needed; Bella was in her room as she had tried to help me but I just needed space to get Addison settled. I asked them to bring me some clothes and pick up some books, as well as my laptop and check my mail. The rest of the time I have been getting my assistant to deal with everything.

It had been 2 weeks and I hadn't left Bella's house; I needed to figure myself out so I could let her in.


Following a very long day at work I came home, hoping to see a change, even something as insignificant as a sock on the living room floor, or the dishes not washed in the sink, but everything looked the same, it was immaculate.

Grabbing a bottle of red, and a glass, I climbed the stairs, assuming Edward was asleep in the bed in the nursery like every other night, I continued past to the master suite, and heading straight to the en suite. I had decided that a bath was the best I could do, and I was making the best out of it. The actions of turning the tub on, lighting vanilla scented candles, pouring the lavender bubble bath in the tub all began to just relax my body. Once the tub was full I slowly sunk into the warmth and just stopped thinking, but that only lasted seconds; my brain automatically reverted to Edward.

I could see his face, the smile that made me melt, the crinkles around his eyes when he smiled and only got bigger when he laughed, the look in his eye when he was determined to do something or have something done, every little thing that I hadn't seen since all the chaos surrounding his life right now. I knew that I couldn't do anything to make it easier or better for him, he needed to find his own way, but I hoped and prayed that he would get through it soon. I just needed to keep it together for him.

Forty five minutes later the bath water had cooled down so much that it was beginning to feel icy, I hoped out of the bath, quickly rinsing off in the shower, before toweling off. I went into my room and grabbed a pair of yoga pants and a camisole hoping to be comfortable. Curling up in my bed I reached over to my night stand only to realize I had left my book in the kitchen.

I rolled out of bed and began the descent to the kitchen, as I reached the second floor I could hear rummaging around in the living room and then noises from the television come on, I then heard the tiniest whimper come from the nursery, I peeked my head inside and was met by a beautiful face staring at the door. I slipped inside the doorway and walked across the room. She was beautiful, so much Edward in her. She reached up for me; I picked her up, wrapped in her spell and sat down on the bed with her cradled in my arms. She felt like feathers, so light and fragile.

I hadn't realized how long I had been holding her; how long it had been since she drifted back to sleep and that I had been singing lullabies until I heard the sniffle from the doorway. My head shot up and there was Edward, with the crinkles around his eyes.

Edward walked towards the bed and sat down beside me, our shoulders barely touching but I could feel the magnetism, this is what I had missed most, the connection. We needed no words, our eyes connected and everything was understood. After looking into his eyes for who knew how long Addison began to stir, she wiggled and stretched in my arms before her eyes opened wide and curious. Looking at me for a second then searching, her eyes found Edward's, a smile erupted from her face and a matching one spread across Edward's. Her arms began to reach up for Edward and I handed him over easily.

I continued to sit on the side of the bed as he got up from the bed and headed towards the door, must be dinner time for Addison. He got to the door and stopped turning around and taking the few steps to where I sat and reached for my hand.

"Bella, I think it's time you fed her," was all he said as we began the descent down the stairs toward the kitchen.

When we got to the kitchen Edward handed me Addison to hold, "I'm gunna make up a bottle some cereal and vegetables for her, you get to keep her occupied," he stated with a wink.

Holding Addison and sitting in the kitchen I could feel some of the stress I felt over the situation starting to lift just a little, but if things were going to get better we needed to actually talk about everything.

Addison started chewing on my finger that she was holding I could feel roughness under her gums; I looked into her mouth and noticed that her bottom gums were swollen and a bit red. "Edward, she seems to be teething or something her gums feel really rough" I pointed out.

Edward turned and looked at me, with the smile still on his face; "that would explain her fever last night, and why she has been so fussy the last couple of days, I think there is a ring in the fridge if you want to see if she wants that if not she likes wet wash cloths typically, or you can just rub her gums."

I went with the teething ring first hoping that would work, repositioning her so she was resting on my arm rather than in the sitting position on my lap, I got up and headed to the fridge, I quickly found the ring and gave it to her. She gnawed at it for a few minutes but after I sat down, Addison decided she was no longer interested in the ring and the next thing I knew it was being smacked against my face and dropped the ring. Moments after, I unexpectedly had three little fingers in my mouth trying to pull at my teeth, I couldn't contain my laughter.

Edward turned around and chuckled. "Everything is ready, can you put her in her chair?" he asked. I did so.

After feeding Addison her vegetables and cereal, which ended up pretty much everywhere but her face, Edward gave her a piece of frozen fruit puree in a mess bag to suck on, she had that all over her face in a matter of seconds as well. She was just so adorable.

Edward began cleaning up the table around her that was covered in food, picking up the dishes, putting the frozen vegetable cubes back in the freezer and returning the cereal mix to a cupboard, it seemed like he was distancing himself again, and I just couldn't handle that. So I went to go into the office and check on my email when I felt my body being pulled back into the kitchen by my waist.

"Bella, what are you doing?" he asked, confusion lingering in his voice. "I was hoping you could help me put her to bed?"

"I…I…I didn't think you wanted me to stay longer, I was just gunna check my email, but are you sure you want me around? I know things have been tough so I'm alright with giving you your space if you need it?" I replied, full of hope that he would let me help but also full of trepidation knowing he would change his mind.

"Bella, if I didn't want you to stay I wouldn't have asked" he stated matter-o-factly. "I just need to get her bottle together for after her bath, could you go start the tub?"

I just nodded, it almost seemed like he was telling whatever it was that kept him distanced from me over the last two weeks to screw off.

I swiftly went up the stairs, and headed into the bathroom next to the nursery. Everything that we would need for the bath was there, toys, towels, face cloths, baby shampoo and baby body wash. I filled the tub just enough for a bath, and called down to Edward to let him know it was ready.

He came up the stairs about 5 minutes later with a giggling Addison in one arm and a bottle and my book in the other hand. He handed me the bottle and the book before heading into the bathroom. I tossed the book on the stairs, put the bottle on bedside table in the nursery and returned to the bathroom

Within the minute it had taken me to do those tiny things, he had Addy undressed, a few toys in the tub, lids on the shampoo and body wash container lids popped open and on the tub ledge at the ready, three wash cloths ready to go on the side of the tub, had tested the water temperature (I could see his elbow dripping) and was about to put her in the water, when I noticed her arms; this was gunna be a splashy bath.

I got down on my knees next to Edward and started to occupy Addison with a floating frog while he got her back wet and ready for soaping up. But as soon as he went to wet her hair Addison did it for herself, soaking Edward, myself and probably the entire bathroom as well in one go. Laughing and looking at Edward and the walls around us I was surprised there was any water left in the tub. Bath time was unquestionably, splash time.

Getting the task done was quite simple though once Edward handed off one of the wash cloths to Addison, she chewed on it while he made quick work of washing her hair and body, "Bella, can you grab the yellow hooded towel" he asked as he swiftly lifted a very clean Addison out of the water. Wrapping her in the towel, and making sure no spots were missed, Edward handed her to me while swiftly drying the walls and floor with a towel and draining the tub.

I went ahead to the nursery to get Addison ready for bed, lying her down on the change table, I dried her off, keeping her as warm as I could at the same time, I held her in place as I got a diaper off the side table and got it on her. At that moment Edward returned, dripping and grabbed a pair of pajamas from the bag on the floor; they were green with stars all over them. We put them on Addison, and I noticed that they were a little on the small side.

"Does she have any other's that are bigger? These look small." I pointed out to Edward.

He shook his head, "everything is getting a little small on her, I was gunna ask Rose to go pick up a few things tomorrow if she has time, but then when she and Emmett swung by this morning I completely forgot to ask, too many things going on. I'll just go out tomorrow some time and get something," he responded, looking unsure. He quickly switched the topic away from it though before I could respond. "Did Emmett or Rose mention that they were picked by an expecting mom?" He asked.

Shocked by the news, but that did explain a lot about my crazy day, "I had no idea, I'm happy that they got picked though! Emmett was out of the office all afternoon." I replied happily, but I still wanted him to include me in more, especially after how the last couple hours had gone. "And don't try to distract me from the obvious. I know you are anxious about going shopping tomorrow, but we will discuss this after Addy is asleep." I stated.

I turned back to Addison, and a big yawn erupted from her. I picked her up and cuddling her into my shoulder I headed towards the large bed and sat down pushing myself up the bed until I was resting my back against the headboard. I looked up briefly to see where Edward was and he had just finished cleaning up the change table and was looking at me holding Addison. He then started for the bed and climbed in on the other side of me. Wrapping his arms around me, his head leaning on my shoulder he was looking down at Addison. He handed me the bottle and she drank nearly the whole thing.

After she had finished with the bottle she dropped it on her stomach, shut her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep with her head nestled over my heart. I began to move to put her in her crib when I felt Edward's strong hands reach under her lifting her from within my embrace and cuddling her to his chest. After placing a kiss on her forehead he placed her in her crib.

He began to return to the bed and started to whisper about our discussion earlier, but he wasn't able to get more than two words in before I was off the bed with my fingers on his lips pushing him out the door. We needed to talk but we needed to be able to actually voice our opinions, this conversion was not just about going shopping tomorrow and I did not want to risk waking Addison up if I got a little loader than expected.


I had decided today that I was going to push myself to let Bella in, I was scared but I knew that it was the only way to stop moping around. But it wasn't until I saw Bella holding Addy did I realize how much I wanted to stop using my brain and let my heart take the lead. She had supported me with everything up to this point, I was sure she was going to run screaming when the whole Tania drama transpired but she didn't, she just waited patiently for me to get my act together. She cared enough to give me my space until I was ready to talk. I really did want to make things work.

After watching Bella this evening, I had realized that I had pushed away maybe the one person who wanted to help and be there for both Addy and me. I just needed to make this work.

Bella just shoved me out of the room by my face. I know why, but I was still shocked at how quickly maternal instincts had kicked in. I hadn't even thought when I turned around and began whispering to her, all I wanted to do was talk but my brain hadn't thought about noise.

The frustration on Bella's face was startling but also extremely sexy.

Bella stepped back from me and looked up into my eyes; "Edward, we need to talk there is so much we need to discuss, but can we please go somewhere in the house that we won't wake up Addy?" She questioned.

I just looked at her, I was just so overwhelmed with how much she cared even after my behaviour recently; she was such an enigma, normally I was great at reading people, but not my Bella.

I took a step forward and my lips descended on hers, my hand found purchase on her cheek while my left arm wrapped around her waist pulling her tight to me. She moaned stepping into my embrace and held me as tight as I was holding her. This is where I needed to be right now, we could talk later.

I hope that you enjoyed the chapter. Please Review and let me know what you think!