Disclaimer: I don't own Land Before Time, just Torik

The kids were playing toss the seed when Littlefoot noticed someone watching.

"Hey, I'm Littlefoot." He greeted the young dinosaur who was about their age

"Torik." She answered "Your friend is a, uh," She looked nervously back and forth between Littlefoot and Chomper

"Oh, don't worry. Chomper is a friendly sharp tooth. He is, he is!" Ducky insisted

Torik loosened up after hearing that and they invited her to play with them.

When the game was done and it was time for everyone to go home Torik asked Littlefoot to wait a minute.

"I'm glad there's a sharp tooth like Chomper. He's a nice, cute kid." It was obvious by the way she smiled and the sound of her voice that Torik meant every word

"Yeah." Littlefoot nodded, happy that Torik was fond of Chomper, "Isn't it great?"

"No. It's terrible." The bitterness was obvious in Torik's voice

and Littlefoot was thrown aback for a second before he became upset.

"What's so terrible about it?" His voice was on a normal key, yet there was a note of challenge in it

"I guess a better word would be unfortunate. It's unfortunate that you're so attached to a sharp tooth. It won't last."

Torik's word's only fueled Littefoot's anger

"Sharp tooth or not Chomper is my friend. And he always will be." Littlefoot insisted forcefully

"Oh please. You really think crawlers and buzzers will be enough for him forever?"


"Don't be so stupid." Torik rolled her eyes at Littlefoot as though she thought he was being ridiculous

This didn't help

"Look, Torik, Chomper would never hurt any of us! He's different from other sharp teeth."

"No, no, I'm not explaining clearly." Torik shook her head in frustration and sighed "Okay, think about how much you eat. Now compare that with how much a grown up would eat. As Chomper gets older he'll have two options. One, eat dinosaurs, not necessarily you, but like you. But assuming he doesn't give into his lust to do that, and it is part of his instinct to have that lust which is only going to get stronger, he'll have option two. Slowly starve to death."

Littlefoot felt himself growing more and more horrified as she went on and tried desperately to find some sort of argument against her, only to find none and ended up feeling worse.

"One way or another, you're going to loose him. That is absolute and unchangeable."

By the time Torik had stopped talking Littlefoot had gone completely numb.