You know how to read. Hope you like it. Edward/Bella & Jacob/Bella

Chapter 1

"I will miss you a whole lot while im hunting. Are you sure you will be okay by yourself?" Edward asked me worriedly. "I'll be fine! Maybe I can go visit Jake for a while!" I replied. "BE CAREFUL! I don't want that mutt doing anything to you!" He said growling at that one word. "I will be just fine, now go!" I said to him pushing him out of his own house. He turned around and kissed me passionately and then left with his entire family. I got on my motorcycle that I left at Edward's and rode down to la push.

Jacob Black. My best friend in the entire world, heard me and came running out. I barely had time to get off of my bike and then he was there. He gave me a huge bear hug. "May I breath?" I asked almost breathless. He put me down. "Sorry. Hard to get used to this!" he said with his face in an apologetic pout. We went into his house and Billy wasn't setting where he usually is. "Where's Billy?" I asked worried that Jake might try something without him here with us. "He's with Charlie! Did he not tell you?" he asked with a laugh playing around the corners of his mouth.

We went to his bedroom. He sat on his bed and patted the side of it trying to get me to set down next to him. But, I did and tripped on the way. I was expecting to hit the floor face first but Jake caught me in an instant. He picked me up and sat me in his lap. Then he started caressing my hand. I didn't know what I was thinking but I kissed him with as much power as I could. He did the same back. He stood as up and set me down in front of him.

He then started heading to the bed backwards. His knees hit the bed and I pushed him down on top of it. I climbed on him and started kissing again. I could feel him through his jeans. He was getting hard and it was me doing it. He turned us over where he was on top of me and then he started taking off my shirt. When he got it off, I stopped him before it went farther. We were breathing hard."What are we doing?" I asked him, my breathing becoming more calm. "We are doing what we want to do!" he replied back worrying that I might pull away I assume.

But I didn't. It was true. I wanted to do this because Edward would not. I was craving it more than anything right now. I should have stopped. But I couldn't.. I didn't want to. "Bella? Are you wanting to do this or not?" Jake asked me worriedly. I kissed him as hard as possible pushing my tongue past his lips. He did the same thing. His tongue set my mouth on fire. His body was shooting off so much heat and I could swear I was getting hotter and hotter by the second.

I loved him and he loved me. What would I tell Edward after this? Right now I didn't care! Jacob pulled away from me sliding his hot hands behind me. I felt him unhook my bra and he pulled it off. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head. I kissed him again and then he moved his lips kissing me down my jaw to my neck. He sucked on it lightly and then he bit me but not enough to pierce my skin. I whimpered urging him to go on. He did. He nibbled a little bit longer and then went farther down to the center of my chest just above my breasts.

He had no clue what he was doing to me. He was making me crave more and more and I knew he was teasing me! I was thinking of ways to get him back for it but it was hard because he was keeping me distracted enough by teasing me. He moved his head to my left breast licking my nipple making it hard. He grasped my right tightly. I was breathing so loudly that it was embarrassing. I still didn't care. He repeated the same thing on my right nipple making it hard. He licked me from there all the way down my stomach. He glided his hands across the top of my jeans.

He then raised my bottom half up and pulled them off slowly. He didn't take his eyes away from mine for even a second. He removed my panties with them. He put his hands between my legs right at my knees pulling them apart so he could get to me. I put one finger in me back and fourth and went slow but hard and then he would switch to fast but light. He slid his other 2 fingers in me. "Ahhhh. Jake. I'm gonna." Then Jacob stopped and removed them and replaced them with his tongue sliding his tongue in me. I climaxed and then he was back on top of me kissing me. Then, He slid himself into me and started out slow. It was painful for the first few seconds but then it turned into a surge of pleasure. We kept going for about an hour and we both had to at least have have cummed 6 times each. We made such a mess. We cleaned each other up. "Crap. I forgot to get you back for teasing me the way you did!" I yelled.

"Looks like distracting you worked rather well!" he exclaimed. "Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it. I know you did so don't lie at all!" he yelled at me. "I am glad we did it but im still wondering what I'm supposed to tell Edward when he comes home tomorrow." I said back. "Tell him the truth. He will forgive you knowing him!" He said. "SHUT UP! I know he probably will, too but...what should I do. If I go home...I can take a shower and get your smell off of me and he will never know!" I said to Jacob. He glared at me. "WHAT?!" I yelled.

"You should tell him the truth." he said. I stuck my tongue out at him like I was a child. "I have to go. It's almost 8:00. I'm gonna take the motorcycle so I'll have my own transportation to get to you when I want to or need to at all!" I said to him. Before I walked out of his room he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me to him in a hug that was more easier. He pushed me from him and smiled my smile, not sam's! I kissed him with everything I had.. "Bye. I'll come back as soon as possible. Okay?"I asked hoping he wouldn't pout. He didn't at all.

He kissed me one more time and nodded his head in confirmation. I got outside and got on my motorcycle and saw him waving good bye to me before me kicking off. I waved back and then left. I got to the Cullens and pulled my cycle in next to Alice's bright yellow Porsche. I went up ti Edward's room and went straight to his bathroom. I turned on the hot water and stripped all my clothes and got in. I scrubbed my entire body for 30 minutes of my time in. I didn't want Edward to smell him at all. I got out and it was already 9:00. I was sleepy. I laid down in the bed Edward bought for me and drifted to sleep.

I woke up and felt his arms around me. I felt Edward's arms around me. Then, it hit me. I had tears rolling down my cheeks in an instant. I felt too guilty to keep it from him. I turned to face him so he could see my face. "BELLA?! What's wrong? Why are you crying. You're okay, right? Did he do something to you?" I stopped him before he could say anything else. "Edward. I'm so sorry. Don't kill him. Don't hurt him. It's my fault. I pushed him into it!" I kept going on and on but he stopped me. "What happened? What did you do that you're apologizing for?" He asked me with the most worried look on his face. I couldn't look ant him. "I forced him to sleep with me. I seduced him. I'm so sorry." I whispered knowing he heard me. He jumped up and I was scared to move. "Bella how could you? I trusted you. What did you do with him? No, no, no, no, this is all my fault!" He yelled hitting his knees to the floor.

Ok, I was gonna do this all in one with no chapters but I changed my mind! Hope you liked it and you should already know what to do. Review...