-1It had been a rather boring couple of days since Ulquiorra's return from the real world with the healing woman. Sure, things were starting to gear up for the inevitable, but most likely pitiful, invasion and the war that was to follow but, for the time being, things had been unnervingly quiet. Usually, he preferred the quiet but, in the recent days, he'd come to find that appreciation really only came when things were buzzing with activity. Now that he'd had quiet for a couple of days, he was beginning to grow bored, a state he was unaccustomed to. This had him wandering the halls of Heuco Mundo in search of some sort of entertainment which he found in a most unexpected place. Grimmjaw's quarters.

He'd passed the other arancar's room countless times in the past but this time something caught his attention. The halls were quiet enough that he could hear a strange sound coming from the teal-haired espada's room. He took a quick look around, to make sure he wasn't being watched, and, finding that he wasn't, he pressed his ear to the large, heavy door. It wasn't the easiest thing to hear through but, with that, the sound became loud enough for him to conclude that it was, in fact, coming from inside the room. It was a strange sort of sound, something that he'd heard before, but he couldn't quite place it.

Carefully, he gave a small, barely audible knock on the door. From inside, he could hear the sound stop for a moment while the larger arancar grumbled and shifted around before the sound started again. He thought that was most curious. It sounded as though Grimmjaw was asleep. Knowing from experience that the sixth was a rather sound sleeper, especially when he thought there was really nothing to worry about, Ulquiorra slowly, carefully, almost silently turned the knob and opened the door a crack.

Just as he expected, Grimmjaw lay sprawled out on his bed, sound asleep and apparently undisturbed by the intrusion. Ulquiorra froze for a moment to listen once again, attempting to find the source of the sound. What he found rather surprised him. The sound was coming from Grimmjaw's sleeping form. Intrigued, he carefully slipped inside before closing the door behind. Taking a few steps toward the large bed to get a better look at the sixth, he noticed that Grimmjaw was barely clothed and apparently he was dreaming. Occasionally, his expression would change; relaxed, to tensed, to something that resembled pouting. As he continued his observations, he couldn't help noticing the tent that was formed in the sheets that pooled in the teal-haired mans lap. Apparently, it was a good dream. All this, combined with the strange, fluttery sound that he was making had Ulquiorra's curiosity peaked.

Normally, he wouldn't dream of touching the other arancar but that sound…he needed to know where it was coming from. Well, it was obvious now that Grimmjaw was making it, but how and why? He reached a cautious hand out to the sleeping form and lightly rested his fingertips on Grimmjaw's scared chest. The sound seemed to be a rumbling that emanated from somewhere in there but he couldn't quite place it. When the sixth didn't react to the slight touches, he allowed his fingers to carefully search the larger man's torso. This did cause a reaction, but not one that Ulquiorra expected. The sound became richer, more a rumble than the flutter he heard when he'd entered. There was also another reaction. Grimmjaw's nipples grew hard when the fourth brushed his fingers past them, never actually touching them, not really wanting to until after they poked out at him. Ulquiorra shook his head in an attempt to keep himself from tweaking one of the erect nubs of flesh that now stood up for him. That would be too much and probably wake the easily disgruntled arancar. He didn't really feel like explaining himself to Grimmjaw if he was going to be his usual, short-tempered, reckless self.

Before long, he expanded his search to include the other's throat. This was a risky move and he knew it but the draw of the sound made him. He started with the side of his neck and was surprised when Grimmjaw tilted his head back, bearing even more flesh for him to examine. No one in Los Noches willingly bared their throat to another, this must have been some dream. As his fingers ran along the taut skin barely covering his jugular, the sound became deeper still, richer somehow, and seemed to egg Ulquiorra on. Before long, his fingers move to the base of Grimmjaw's throat, where the fourth's hollow hole happened to be. At that, however, the spell was broken and Grimmjaw began to stir. He silently swore to himself that he knew better but it was a little late for that.

Surprisingly, the shirtless, teal-haired man simply grabbed Ulquiorra's wrist and jerked it away, causing Ulquiorra to lean on the bed or risk falling over.

Teal eyes barely opening to see who had been touching him. "Ulquiorra?" he asked sleepily, not really letting go of the wrist in his hand.

The fourth froze. At that point, he wanted to just walk away without a word but the grip on his wrist and the non-aggressively sleepy way Grimmjaw was behaving made him stay.

"What the fuck are you doin' here?" the larger man whined and lazily rolled onto his side, finally letting go of the offending wrist. "Am I late for a meeting or something?"

"No, I heard a strange sound coming from your quarters," he carefully explained. Perhaps Grimmjaw didn't realize how intimately Ulquiorra had been touching him just moments ago.

Grimmjaw, his eyes still mostly lidded, cocked an eyebrow and listened. "I don't hear anything." He tried to sound irritated but was just too tired.

Ulquiorra paused, unsure how to continue. "You were making it in your sleep."

Grimmjaw stretched, revealing even more of his toned form, and yawned, showing off his perfect fangs before replying to that. "Is that why you were touching me?" He narrowed his eyes at the smaller arancar as he spoke, trying to get a read on just what the little bastard was up to. "Or was that just for fun?" he couldn't help throwing that out, trying to get a reaction from the normally emotionless man standing next to his bed.

"Were you dreaming?" Ulquiorra ignored the questions, figuring that it was pretty obvious that's why he would touch Grimmjaw.

Grimmjaw rolled onto his back again. This time no more flesh was uncovered but Ulquiorra was once again faced with trying not to stare at the other man's obvious erection. His face scrunched up, his eyes especially, as some of the images and feelings from his dream emerged. As he remembered, he realized that he was actually quite aroused and felt his cock twitch at some of the memories. He sighed in resignation. He had the distinct impression that Ulquiorra wasn't going to let this go and he wasn't in the mood or the shape to physically throw him out. "Yeah, I guess I was. Look, is there a point to this?" he finally snapped.

Ulquiorra chuckled. "Apparently, it was a good dream."

Wait, was Ulquiorra actually teasing him, giving him a rough time instead of just putting him down his usual condescending fashion? "Until you woke me up," he complained.

"Is that why you were making that sound?"

"I don't even know what you're talking about, damn it!" Grimmjaw's patience was running out as the fog of sleep faded.

Ulquiorra thought for a moment, this time attempting to remember exactly where he'd heard the sound before. It had been in the real world. There was a young woman sitting on her porch with a cat. The cat had been making the sound and the woman called it purring. "You were purring," he told his comrade as he figured it out.

Grimmjaw felt his face redden. "I don't know what you're talking about," he quickly denied and looked away from his questioner.

"Really?" If he'd just said it, Ulquiorra would have believed him but because of the way he was acting, there was significant doubt.

"Yes, really. Now, if you don't need anything, get the hell out of here and let me rest," he demanded as he rolled onto his side, leaving his back facing his comrade.

Ulquiorra didn't like that response, so much so that he decided that the time for talking to Grimmjaw was over. Either he needed to leave or he needed to act. Normally, he would have left. Well, normally, he wouldn't have been there at all unless it was an order. There was something inexplicable about that sound that drew him in. He needed to figure out why. He stood there for a long moment, eyeing the back of the larger espada, before acting and when he did finally act, there was no hesitation in his movements.

Suddenly, after a long silence, Grimmjaw felt the fourth's hand on his hip. It gripped hard and pulled him onto his back once again. Before he could say, "What the fuck?" he found Ulquiorra straddling his thighs and his sword stuck in the center of the hole in his stomach.

The green-eye espada kept one hand on the hilt of his sword as he looked down, pleased by the surprised and incredulous look on Grimmjaw's face. It was absolutely priceless. If he didn't figure out that sound, the expression the sixth was wearing would have nearly made up for that…nearly.

Grimmjaw growled beneath him, his hair visibly standing on end. The larger espada wanted to sit up but the fear of getting cut in such a sensitive area kept him fairly still. The only thing he could reach was Ulquiorra's knees and only with the tips of his fingers. "What the hell are you doing?" he finally demanded.

"I intend to find out why you were making that sound and if you're not going to cooperate willingly, I will use force. Now that I think about it, I really shouldn't have tried to talk to you about it in the first place. I should have skipped to this since we both know you respond better to force than diplomacy anyway. What were you dreaming about?" When Grimmjaw didn't answer him immediately, he tilted his blade to one side so that the edge was dangerously close to flesh. "Answer me!"

"I don't see what the big deal is! It was just a stupid sex dream!" Grimmjaw attempted to dismiss.

"Good start. But, you're going to have to be more specific than that if you want me to leave without scarring you.

"I don't really know. I don't remember that much of it. I don't even remember what she looked like!" It was true. He'd been so distracted by Ulquiorra's unusual intrusion that he'd forgotten what he'd been dreaming about.

"Then I'll just have to find out myself," he let the fingers of his free hand to trace delicate, almost tickling patterns along Grimmjaw's side.

Grimmjaw flinched but tried not to move too much. Ulquiorra was behaving very strangely, freakishly in fact and, though he would never admit it, it was starting to frighten him. His eyes grew wide in horror as the hand on his side trailed up to his chest and dangerously close to his already erect nipple. "Knock it off! What the hell do you think you're doing? Stop acting like such a freak!"

Ulquiorra couldn't suppress a chuckle at the sight of Grimmjaw wanting to thrash about and throw him off. "Tell me how you do it, then"

He appeared to think about it for a long moment but was distracted by the way Ulquiorra was looking down at him, touching him.

"You do know what I'm talking about," the fourth accused as he allowed his fingers to brush across the standing nub of flesh.

"I-I don't know," Grimmjaw managed through gritted teeth, unwilling to admit to how good the fourth's slight touches felt.

Ulquiorra appeared skeptical. "You don't know," he dryly repeated as he continued to tease.

"I don't. It just happens…sometimes…not a lot."

"You can't control it?" Ulquiorra sounded even more intrigued than before.

Grimmjaw looked away, the slight blush decorating his cheeks once again as he tried to ignore the intimate touches.

"When does it usually happen? When you're asleep? When you're aroused? It appears you are still aroused but you've stopped purring, is there something stopping you?"

"It doesn't usually happen when there's a sword through my body," Grimmjaw spat indignantly.

"I see," Ulquiorra appeared pensive. He wanted, needed to hear that sound again but the only way he'd been able to get Grimmjaw to cooperate was with that incapacitating show of force. "If I withdraw, will you allow me to continue my investigation?"

Grimmjaw gave him an incredulous look. "Why do you want to hear it so bad?"

"I just do," the darker-haired man replied, unwilling to admit the draw of the sound, the way it stirred something inside him that he was rather unfamiliar with.

"Well, you're shit out of luck then!" Grimmjaw finally felt a bit of triumph. Perhaps Ulquiorra would leave now. "It only happens when I'm relaxed…contented. There's no way I could be those things with you around."

Ulquiorra gave him a petulant look. "We'll just have to see about that." He finally gave up on talking to Grimmjaw once and for all and focused all his attention on the body beneath him. This time he did what he'd wanted to the first time his fingers came close to Grimmjaw's warm skin, they tweaked the nipple they'd been toying with. This was rewarded with a sharp gasp.

"It's not gunna happen. You freak me the fuck out too much," Grimmjaw batted the offending hand away but it quickly returned.

"Really." He didn't sound convinced. "But I don't freak you out enough to lose this," he finally took his other hand off the hilt of his sword to palm at the erection that had been taunting him.

Grimmjaw's mind raced. Why was Ulquiorra behaving so strangely…strangely even for him? Was this really about that weird rumbling that he sometimes made? Even if it was, why would the fourth care? If anything, he would have expected to be chastised for it being out of his control. This went double for Ulquiorra who looked down on any lack of self discipline. He wanted to fight back but the inventive way Ulquiorra used to pin him left him with little to no movement that wouldn't cause a serious injury.

As the minutes passed with him laying prone, being molested by someone he didn't particularly care for, it started to feel good. He wasn't sure he liked that idea but he didn't seem to have much choice. The strange thing was how gentle Ulquiorra was being. No one would classify Grimmjaw as the tender type but it appeared he had a soft spot for soft touches. Usually, he would have scoffed at such a notion, much preferring the rougher, dirtier side of sex, but this was a nice change of pace. Before he knew it, he was actually starting to relax…and starting to get worked up again.

"Why do you care so much about a stupid sound I can make?" Grimmjaw attempted to distract himself from the teasing touches.

"Does it really matter?" Ulquiorra's tone was impatient, a stark contrast to the way his hands were behaving.

The hand on his chest was again tracing random patters all along his torso while the other applied gentle pressure to the hard organ sticking up in the blanket. "I might feel a bit better about this if you'd tell me since you don't seem to be planning to stop," Grimmjaw shot back, also impatient but for different reasons.

"I liked it," he replied simply and so quietly that the teal-haired man beneath him could barely hear it.

"What?" He couldn't believe his ears.

"I like it. I want to hear it again," Ulquiorra repeated, this time louder, as he looked up into Grimmjaw's eyes to see his reaction.

Grimmjaw laughed harshly. "You're weird and like I said, it ain't gunna happen!"

"You talk too much when you should be quiet and too quiet when you should be talking," Ulquiorra observed.

Grimmjaw didn't have a reply for that and sat in near-silent thought as the smaller espada continued to molest him for the strangest reason ever given to him. However strange, it was becoming apparent that Ulquiorra was being genuine. This intrigued him and aroused him further. For several long moments, he just watched as the fourth carefully touched his body, searching for any weak spots, which he was quite adept at finding. Ulquiorra discovered quickly how sensitive the larger man's ribs were, almost tickling but not quite.

Finally, Grimmjaw sighed in resignation and folded his hands behind his head. You're gunna have to do more than that if you want to get anything outta me," he challenged. If Ulquiorra was really willing to do whatever it took to hear that stupid purring sound again, he was going to let him since it only ever meant good things for him.

Ulquiorra paused, cocked his head for a moment, and smirked. Wordlessly, he withdrew his sword and laid it next to them before starting his assault in earnest. He leaned over Grimmjaw, carefully messaging the larger man's muscles starting with his hips and moving up to his chest and eventually shoulders.

As much as he hated to admit it, it felt good to have a pair of strong hands kneading at his worn body. Perhaps purring wasn't such a bad thing, if it got him this sort of attention. Due to their height difference and where Ulquiorra was sitting on him, the green-eyed espada had to lean very far forward to reach his shoulders. So far forward that he could feel the smaller man's breath tickling his skin. He didn't know if Ulquiorra was doing it on purpose but he did know that it felt very good. He could feel his body wanting to arch up and increase the physical contact between them but his pride…and the sake of Ulquiorra's experiment, stopped him.

The second reason, when he realized it, was a bit of a surprise. That is, before he thought about it. The sound had been something of a secret of his for sometime now, something he didn't advertise. However, Ulquiorra seemed genuinely interested in finding out more about it without verbally berating him and that would be very helpful in controlling it.

Though Ulquiorra's movements were largely exploratory and lacked any sort of real emotion outside of curiosity, Grimmjaw found them quite sensual and was surprised that he could be so easily aroused by his smaller comrade, well, so easily maintain his arousal while in the company of his smaller comrade. But it was more than that, he actually felt himself getting harder as Ulquiorra began to move back down from his shoulders, over his chest, brushing each of his fingers over his nipples, and down, down, down. Grimmjaw found himself nearly holding his breath while he waited to see if Ulquiorra planned to touch him there again.

Ulquiorra tried not to marvel at the way Grimmjaw was reacting to him. He was surprised by how easily the larger arancar accepted his advances. It didn't take along before he felt he was close to reaching his goal. The question seemed to become, how far would he be willing to go to get this out of Grimmjaw? Rather than, how far would Grimmjaw let him go? One of his hands stopped to toy with the sensitive inner flesh of Grimmjaw's soul chain hole while the other continued until it reached his erection, now soaking precum through the sheet that cover it.

The feeling of Ulquiorra exploiting his most sensitive areas was too much for Grimmjaw to keep himself from reacting any longer. His eyes rolled and his back arched as he groaned in satisfaction. The groan faded into the deep rumbling that the green-eyed espada heard when he passed by. When he was sure it was going to last, he leaned down place his ear on Grimmjaw's chest, all the while continuing the attention that had gotten him this far. From there, he moved upward toward the throat he'd been touching earlier, but had yet to possess the confidence to return to.

When he felt Ulquiorra's breath on his collar bone, Grimmjaw placed his hands on the dark-haired man's shoulders and held him there. It was only when Ulquiorra stopped pushing upward that Grimmjaw noticed his comrade was partially erect now. Grimmjaw chuckled, "You do like that sound, don't you?" he ground his hips upward, feeling the smaller arancar grow harder under the rude pressure.

"Grimmjaw," Ulquiorra tried to push himself up toward Grimmjaw's throat again, "let me continue." His voice was unusually husky and he turned so that when he spoke, his lips brushed against the other man's skin. He felt Grimmjaw hesitate and for a moment, he thought he'd pushed a little too far and was going to lose his progress. Keeping his ear near the other man's body, he flicked out his tongue, tasting the salty flesh that was bared to him. At that, he felt Grimmjaw sigh and loosen his grip, continuing to yield to him. The fourth was only slightly disgusted with himself when he realized that he liked the way that scarred flesh tasted…almost as he liked the vibration of the sound that it earned him. He wasn't sure if he should let things get any heavier. He needed to figure out that sound and get the hell out of there before he allowed himself to succumb to more primal urges.

Grimmjaw was nearly past that point. The only thing that kept his senses with him was how close Ulquiorra had gotten to his windpipe. What disturbed him more than the fact that he allowed himself to fall into such a vulnerable position was how good it felt and how he knew he had to have more. After a long moment of enjoying the minimal, but intense, attention, he grabbed Ulquiorra's shoulders again and pulled them so that they were face to face. When the smaller man parted his lips to speak, Grimmjaw took the opportunity to capture his lips and initiate a deep kiss. When he felt the mouth he was exploring begin to kiss back, he loosened his grip on Ulquiorra's shoulders in favor of kneading at them.

Because he continued to purr, Ulquiorra allowed his advances and enjoyed the feeling of the larger man pulling and clawing at his body, moving down to his chest and sides. Sometime during that, their bodies began to move to the rhythm Grimmjaw was making and they were picking up speed. In spite of how badly his body wanted to continue on the route that Grimmjaw was on, his mind was still plagued by the mystery of the sound and his examinations were coming up with very little in the way of an explanation. Almost regrettably, he pulled away, sitting up once again. He gave Grimmjaw a disappointed look though he was panting lightly and his skin was flushed.

"What?" The teal-haired arancar gave him an expecting look.

"This isn't getting me anywhere. I think I'd have to have Szayel dissect you to figure it out."

Grimmjaw's stern features turned suddenly to intense worry as the sound suddenly stopped.

"Don't worry. Since it doesn't seem to be particularly useful, I don't plan to do that until after you're already dead. You're so reckless that I shouldn't have to wait too long." He slowly gathered his sword, sheathed it, and dismounted.

"Are you kidding? You're just gonna leave after all that?" Grimmjaw's demeanor changed once again.

Ulquiorra threw him with an odd look over his shoulder. "I didn't come here to satisfy you."