What the Hell?!

A/N: No idea where this came from. 11:30 at night does things to you, I guess, especially when on Sudafed. Yeah, colds are the evil of the world. Plus, this takes place after Rent. Angel is alive because we said so. We beg creative license.

Disclaimer: We don't own Rent.

Angel's POV

Chapter 1

"Uggh." Angel groaned tiredly one morning. "Collins, you awake honey?"

"It's only 11:30 in the morning," Collins said laughing as he walked into the bedroom, "Jeez, you've never slept this late before."

"Mmmm," Angel sighed groggily, "Just tired I guess."

She brushed her hand with her head and said to herself, "Hmm. That's odd. I guess I fell asleep with my wig on last night," she said pulling at her wig when she realized it wouldn't come off. She then proceeded in yanking on it even harder. When that just made her head hurt, she walked into the living room. "Collins, honey, can you help me get my wig off? I must've fallen asleep with it on last night and it won't come off."

"Sure, baby," he said, "Huh, that's weird,"

"What's weird?" she said, getting worried.

"I'm no wig expert," he said casually, "but I don't think wigs are supposed to implant themselves to the roots of your scalp."

"What?!" she screamed, running into the bathroom to check. She pushed back her hair, and, lo and behold, her wig was now, somehow her natural hair. "Ok, creepy how I grew a full head of hair overnight."

"COLLINS!" she yelled.

"What?" he said.

"You're smart, right?" she asked, flustered.

"Yes, I like to think of myself that way," he said confused.

"Is it possible for someone to grow a full head of hair overnight?" she asked.

"I don't think so," he replied.

"Ok, then, one of two things could have possibly happened to me overnight. Either one, I have extremely fast growing hair, or two, I've turned into a girl," she said, her voice shaking.

Collins, being the sympathetic person he is, said, "Well, did you check?"

"What do you mean?" Angel asked.

"Well," he replied, "there is a very simple answer to this dilemma. All you need to do is, you know, check."

"Oh my God! You perv!" she stammered.

"Well, it's the truth!" he retorted.

"Fine," she huffed. She then ran off to, you know, check.

All Collins heard next was a loud scream.

A/N: Yeah, we know, the end was a little wrong. But, hey, this is what we think would have happened. And again, we stress, 11:30 at night and medication! The most deadly of combos. Now, all you need to do is press the review button. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO! DO IT! DOOOO IT!