The Little Black Shack

A dark cloud covered the darkening sky. Racing shadows swallowed up a rolling field and a semi hidden little black shack. Rain had not yet fell, however it threatened. In the distance, where the clouds hung grimly, and already pelting the ground with rain, a shock of lightning came down upon the ground, sparking the already soaked ground. No fire started, the area was too drenched.

Right when the rain began to pour down, a little figure, still dry, bounded out from the forest right across from the Shack. The creature wasted no time, running as fast as its legs would allow to get away from the rain. But, like everything else, it too got drenched. When it finally got to the shack, the little creature was dripping wet.

It pushed into the shack, the roof was leaking just a tad bit, the window was cracked, letting in the whipping wind. The little creature's dark yellow pelt was once a bright sun yellow. Bright blue eyes flashed in the darkness. Nine tails swished around as it looked around, it saw, as lightning flashed, a quivering creature. A dim grimy red blanket covered its body. It was sick, too sick to get up or even speak. The creature came forward and lowered its nose to the others forehead, feeling it. It was burning hot! The body of the creature lay limply as the other nine tailed creature pulled another blanket over it.

"No worries Kiba… I'll get something for you." The soft voice of the nine tails spoke as its friend shivered in response. The bright blue eyes filled with sorrow as his friends body clenched and the ill creature retched what little had in its stomach.

Sasuke, dressed in a white muscle shirt and black jeans, was looking through a box of medicine. One of his friends, Shino, dressed in a jacket that stopped at his knees and baggy gray pants, walked in with his hands in his pockets.

"Sasuke, your father asked if you had found it yet." Shino said. Sasuke looked over his shoulder and scold.

"No… But I know it's here." Sasuke said with a snap. Shino stared, his glasses reflected Sasuke hovering over the box. Sasuke stared at himself though those glasses up until he began to feel uneasy. He turned and snorted, "Tell him that I'll be down in a minute." Shino sighed and walked out of the room. Sasuke stayed looking over the bottles, he listened to the sound of Shino's army boots clunk down the stairs before he went back to work.

Shino stood next to Neji's cousin, Hinata. The shy awkward girl he once knew since he w as 3 years old was now a brave kind hearted swan. Her stutter had dwindled down to barely anything. Her short hair had grown out, swaying around her hips. Her body was now curvy. Hinata had hit her time to blossom and when she blossomed she REALLY blossomed.

Shino sighed and watched as Hinata started to stroke a stray cat that she had found. He was brown in color, deep, wide brown eyes looked dim, like the cat had lost something. She tried several times to make the poor thing purr and comfortable. However, the deep bleeding wound on his nose was once old but reopened when he was attacked by a white striped black monkey. Hinata knew that this cat had somewhere to go, but he was too damaged to go anywhere let alone walk by himself. At night the cat would wail in pain and sorrow and keep both Hinata and her parents. Even when her father had threatened to throw her out unless she got rid of the cat, Hinata held strong. So now Hinata was living with Shino for a while. Until the tom was well. Hinata kissed the cat on the top of his head and sat down, placing him carefully on her lap. Shino watched silently. As their attention was on the cat, Sasuke came down the stare with a white vile in his right hand. Sasuke stopped at the bottom and stared at the cat.

"Hinata, my parents have dogs… I don't think they will like that fact you have brought a cat in their territory." Hinata looked up with sad pale purple eyes.

"Oh.. I-I know… But… He-he's still too weak to be alone…" she said stroking the cat's furry head. Sasuke sighed.

"Kakashi will not like this…" he grunted as he pulled a jacket off a chair and through it over his shoulder. "Let's go… " Sasuke said while opening the door. Shino offered his hand to Hinata who smiled and grasped it. Shino pulled Hinata to her feet and followed Sasuke. Hinata shifted the cat so that he was pressing up against her chest comfortably.

"Alright my sweet dolphin it's time to go." She cooed softly to the cat. The cat just stared sadly at her. His eyes large and worried. Hinata forward her eyebrows as a pang of pain went through her chest.

"Hinata…" Hinata jumped, her name being called startled her. She looked up and saw an annoyed Sasuke at the front door. "My father doesn't take kindly when someone is late. And we are already 30 minutes late." Hinata blinked, looking down at her poor dolphin before looking back at Sasuke and nodding.

"Sorry Sasuke…" she muttered. The storm that had hit the field finally had hit the town.

The fox and the hound lay side by side listening to the sound of the storm. The heavy labored breathing coming from the hound troubled the fox greatly. He himself was shivering and shaking from being wet for so many hours. The only blanket that was available was the one on the hound and the fox refused to take it off for them to share. The hound needed it more. The fox shifted and lowered his head slowly on the side of the hound. However, he swiftly removed is head when the hound gave a wheezing hacking cough. The fox got to his paws quickly and watched helplessly as his friends body twitched, heaved and squirmed. Blood oozed from the hounds mouth and nostrils. The fox crouched down and licked the hound's cheek.

"Oh Kiba… If only Iruka was here… He would know what to do." Muttered the fox to Kiba. The fox twitched his ears as a sound, of humans came into his attention. The storm had somewhat drowned the sound out but now he could hear it clearly. The fox panicked the voices were coming right for the shack! Swiftly turning, he grabbed a hold of the bottom blanket and e pulled it into a corner. He yanked the top blanket over Kiba and stood in front of it. Quivering as he saw the flash of lighting and the shadows of the humans right at the swollen shack door.


"Sheeeeee." Hissed Naruto. Naruto's eyes glowed as the door opened.

"Hinata, I told you that Kakashi wouldn't like the cat." Growled Sasuke.

"I don't care!" wailed Hinata, Naruto could hear the tears slipping from her cheeks. Even though they were already soaking wet. "You, could have stopped him!" Hinata sobbed. Sasuke stopped mid way as he was going to open the door. He looked back at her with a glare.

"I did." Hinata glared at Sasuke.

"No… No you didn't. You allowed him to attack my dolphin!" she squeaked angerly. Naruto gasped,

'D-dolphin?!... Does this human being know where Iruka is!?' Naruto stepped back as the two humans, joined by Shino came into the shack.

"Hinata, he couldn't have gotten far, he probably is hiding in this shack somewhere." Sasuke said as he turned to scan the area.

"He better be." Pouted Hinata as Shino pushed passed her. As Sasuke was about to take another step. A plash of lightning lit the shack up. Giving the three humans a good view of Naruto. Hinata gasped and stumbled back. "It's-it's a nine tailed fox!" she said half excited half terrified.

"What the hell!" wailed Sasuke, startling Naruto more. Bristling, Naruto hissed and growled as best as he could. He was still a kit after all. He backed up, back arched his nine tails flaring. His eyes glowed purple. "What is wrong with that thing!?" Hinata went forward and watched the fox as he lowered his body into position to pounce.

"He looks like he is protecting something." Hinata put her finger to her lips. Shino scanned the area again and noticed something moving in the corner. He didn't speak of it though. Sasuke glared.

"He probably has harmed 'your dolphin' Hinata." Hinata stared at Sasuke. She couldn't believe him. Sasuke came forward to grab at the fox however the fox easily dodged the hands and scratched at them and snapped at them. Sasuke yanked back and howled as the fox dug his razor sharp fangs into Sasuke's arm. "Why you-"

"Stop it!" wailed Hinata as Sasuke successfully grasped the fox around the waist. Naruto cried out. Sasuke squeezed and suddenly stopped as the fox's voice became weak. He felt every bone in the fox's body. He dropped Naruto and stepped back. The fox, weak pushed himself up. His legs trembling. "Sasuke! What on earth were you thinking!?" cried Hinata shocked at what Sasuke had done. Shino stared at Sasuke with a glare.

"That wasn't cool Sasuke." He growled. Sasuke looked back at his friends. While the human's attention was turned, Naruto turned and ran for a hole in the side of the Shack. The only thing he could think about was Kiba who was still laying limp in the corner. Hinata screeched

"He's getting away! Sasuke catch him. He might be hurt too!" Before Sasuke or Shino could do anything Hinata was already rushing out. Sasuke growled and fallowed. Shino took one more glance at the pile of 'rags'. They shifted, and while Shino had been watching them, his glasses had slid down. Pushing them back up, he turned and made a mental note where this place was before leaving the small shack and followed the two friends.

Iruka slid out from the hole in the trunk in the Uchiha's garden. He had hid there when Kakashi, the powerful white wolf mix had attacked him and chased him out of the house. Hinata had tried to get to Iruka before Kakashi did, but she was to slow and the wolf mix was faster than her.

"Damn." He hissed as he felt the wound in his side throb. He crouched briskly, body shaking in pain. As he let the pain fade the scent of a dog came to his attention. Sighing Iruka rolled his eyes and spoke up, "Hello Kakashi." A snort from below conformed his suspicions.

"Ello Iruka. Where oh where were you heading off too?" The wolf mix plopped himself down just below where Iruka's perched. Iruka glared at the small branch in front of his face.

"Why would you want to know?" Iruka looked down just to see Kakashi looking up at him. The patch covering his right(?) eye seemed to make Iruka uneasy.

"Oh because you are in my territory… and I need to know what is happening 24/7." Kakashi said snidely. Iruka shook himself, winced when the pain in his side acted up, his fur fluffed making him feel like a plushy doll. Iruka looked down at Kakashi and glared. Kakashi snickered. "Here kitty kitty kitty." He taunted. Iruak hissed, fur bristled. Kakashi got to his paws and stared eerily at Iruka. In one swift movement Iruka was on the ground. Kakashi was still looking up but when Iruka hit the ground Kakashi slowly lowered his head. His only good eye stared and stared. They both stared at each other. Up until Kakashi stepped forward.

Iruak bristled again and tensed. Kakashi snarled and flung forward. "You don't belong in my territory pussy cat!" howled Kakashi as he barely missed Iruak as he flung himself out of the dogs way.

"Really? I'm sorry for Hinata worrying about me. It's more then what you get!" Snapped Iruka. He must have hit a soft spot because Kakashi spun around and launched himself at Iruka again. But this time as Iruka dodged, Kakashi twisted around, unlike any dog that Iruka had seen before do and grabbed his hind leg. Iruka wailed in pain as Kakashi flung him against the tree.
"Oh yea? Why would a human really take home a feral cat like you?! She was planning on letting you go after you were better!" He snapped. Iruka pulled himself up slowly. However before he could get to his paws Kakashi was over him and grabbing a hold of his back. Kakashi flung him into the air. Iruka screeched as he fell into Kakashi's jaws. Kakashi shook him, Iruka was being shaken to much to make a noise. Wounds from previous attacks and new ones from Kakashi bled all over Kakashi's snow white fur. Iruka was dropped, Kakashi stepped back to admire his work. The second that he stood back though Iruka got to his paws and suddenly without working, in a poof of smoke turned into a human. Stark naked, Iruka glared at the stunned dog.

"Yo-You know how to-" Iruak hissed and suddenly did a spin kick to Kakashi's chest. Tossing him into the wall of the house. Iruka watched Kakashi fall to the ground motionless. He stood, in all his tan glory. His hair hung around his face. Without answering Kakashi's question he turned and walked away. But as he drew nearer to the tree, his body violently clenched and he fell to the ground on one knee. His arms around his stomach, his head hung and eyes clenched shut as pain wrapped around him. 'da-damn!' he gritted. He lifted his arm to see blood dripping down his arm. 'My-my wounds are…' forcing himself onto his feet he walked slowly up to the tree and as he grasped it with his clawed hand, his body started to shift back into his cat form. 'I…I better…' he clenched his claws into the tree as another pain wave racked his body. He pulled himself up the tree and climbed onto the fence where he walked away with shaky steps.

While Iruka was struggling to get up and leave, Kakashi's eye patched had come off, and the hidden eye was exposed. The golden red eye with the pupil that was in the shape of an 'X' was moving around by itself. It was memorizing Iruka's body, his movements his everything. The eye seemed to quiver as though it was in thought.

'Kakashi…' something in Kakashi's mind spoke to him. Kakashi smirked.

"I know…"