Tittle: Sweetest Sin 1/?
Author: SeulWolfe/Calanor and Morganlefay1958
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Harry/Severus, Draco/Hermione.. and others as we go...
Fandom: Harry Potter, Queer As Folk.
Summary: Ginny Weasley's obsession has far reaching circumstances.. as the pending bonding of Harry and Draco is interrupted by an ancient marriage contract... Life for Harry is never easy...
A/N: This bunny.. plot has been bothering me for awhile.. especially since I got to watch my first QAF epi and all the fan vids.. and of course the fiction.. so here she is.. I'll update when I get a chapter done.. anything after Order of the Phoenix is very AU! And this is slash folks.. flames will be used as fodder of the fire to roast my marshmallows..
Sweetest Sin
Ginny Weasley.
It all boiled down to her and her obsession with him. Something, Harry Potter had thought they had worked out long ago. But now more than ever, he realized it wasn't. When he looked back over the years...he could see the tell tale signs that she still carried a torch or more like a large raging bond fire, Lucius Malfoy had said on more than one occasion these past few weeks.
But the look in her eyes, it was more like a madness.
They had tried everything to avoid what was taking place; to bring a stop to this travesty.
Only weddings were not supposed to be a travesty. They were supposed to be the happiest day of your life. Not this sham where the bride and groom were forced into a situation either wanted.
What may you ask has happened?
Four weeks ago, a scroll appeared at Malfoy manor while Harry and Draco were discussing the last few details of their bonding. Molly Weasley was standing in as Harry's Mother, a position she took too with pride. The Weasley matriarch and Lady Malfoy were as different as night and day, but they had one common goal…
…Harry and Draco's bonding.
That was until the Scroll tied in a pretty green ribbon appeared on Lucius' desk. It looked innocent enough; until it was read. Harry should have known it was bad news when it had the seal from the Ministry of Magic.
Nothing good ever came from them.
Lucius broke the seal and began reading the parchment. His face went from blank to angry in a matter of seconds. What it boiled down to was a marriage contract signed over five hundred years ago by the Malfoy and Darveau family Lords at the time.
Draco was betrothed to the heir of Darveau family.
Harry was in a daze until things started moving fast and furious. A very upset Hermione Granger came through the floo with her parents and an Elderly man following close behind. Lord Darveau himself with a matching piece of parchment in his own hand.
Hermione was the unknown heir Draco was betrothed to. She came running into his arms, a woman who's own world was also falling apart around her. Harry was numb. What words of hope could he say to his best friend? There was nothing he could say because his own world was falling apart.
How could something so beautiful as their love go wrong so fast?
It seemed fate had it out for him once again.
Didn't he deserve to be happy?
There was shouting, hexes and curses, but nothing could stop it from happening. Draco would not be making promises to Harry. Hermione's own wedding destroyed to Ron Weasley was nothing but a broken dream.
"Why didn't this contract show up when Draco and I applied for our license last week?"
No one had an answer.
But when the dust settled, Ginny Weasley stepped forward with a smile on her face and confessed that she was the one who found the old contract in her search to bring a stop to the bonding. To open Harry's eyes that he wasn't gay. That he was still in love with her. That they could have the family they had talked about all those years ago when they was young and carefree. Before Draco came and stole Harry away from her.
It was stunned disbelief from all around that someone would go as far as she did. Destroying lives to get to what she wanted.
Harry only knew one thing. Ron hated him. It was his fault for falling for the Ferret and not Ginny. Hermione was lost to him and nothing would change that fact.
Four weeks later, Harry found himself standing beside Hermione as she and Draco made vows fulfilling the contract. Magically bound they had to. Hermione came up with a solution to everyone's problem that even Lucius thought might work.
A soulmate binding.
If it didn't work, the contract would be voided. Harry and Draco would be married… along with Ron and Hermione, just as was planned.
Harry stood next to Hermione because of the fiasco; friends and family turned their backs on the both of them. The young woman actually had no one left except Harry, as he was abandoned by the Weasley's for sticking by his long time friend.
They only had each other and had to be strong for the other. Harry had held her through the night as she cried herself into exhaustion. Only a vial slipped to him moments before walking down the aisle from Severus Snape drove away the effects of the tears.
Only it didn't happen that way.
As Harry watched the ancient wizard chant, light candles and wrap ribbons around Hermione and Draco's wrists, his future turned bleak and dark. Green eyes met onyx ones; eyes that showed pity and sadness.
Hermione and Draco were soulmates. Destined to live and love forever. Harry closed his eyes as the bright light engulfed the pair, knowing that all the promises made during the nighttime hours would be in vain.
Promises to still love one another; to be with the other. It was nothing new to have lovers on the side when the marriage is arranged. He couldn't do that Hermione. She deserved, as did Draco to give the marriage a chance.
Promises he would not keep.
Severus Snape watched the green eyed beauty throughout the night. The sadness and growing despair, as Harry stood strong beside his now former lover and long time friend during the ceremony, and now the festivities; the meal, toasting of the couple and the first dance as a couple.
Severus had stood for Draco, his godson for his marriage to Hermione. What should have been a joyful occasion was more like a funeral. Tears of happiness were tears of misery.
He ached for the young man who's whole life was destroyed by a obsessive chit. He lost more than his lover, he lost who he called family cause they couldn't see past their own pain and betrayal to see it was one of their own who was the root of it all.
There was a time when Severus would have welcomed this event. Stealing Harry away from Draco for his own selfish desires. He had long admired the beauty of Harry Potter; his quiet strength, ability to lead and teach; a battered warrior who walked the fine line between light and darkness.
Severus relinquished hope when he found out that Harry and Draco were lovers, while he and Lupin trained the young man to fight Voldemort after he graduated Hogwarts.
He took all his feelings and buried them. Kept them locked away to never see the light of day.
But watching him across the dance floor, another glass of red wine in his hand, the ribbon that tied his feelings away came untied.
Maybe he could take all the despair in his heart and replace it with hope that all is not lost.
That he could love again.
That he could have faith again in himself, again.
He would wait. Harry needed time to heal from his broken heart and pain.
Severus would be waiting.
Ginny was furious. Only days after the wedding, Harry had disappeared without a word to anyone. Number twelve Grimmauld Place was locked down. She had plans for that place. It needed a woman's touch. Especially if she planned on being the lady of the manor, she needed to get rid of Draco's influence in Harry's life and homes.
She thought they should travel, as friends of course. Then as they moved along, she could make overtures to him. Remind him that he'd liked women at one time in his life. Seducing Harry wouldn't be a trial at all.
Harry Potter had the sexy-shag-me look about him, with his boyish grin and messy just-out-of-bed hair. Ginny would make it her personal mission to cure Harry of his feelings for Draco Malfoy and the unnatural leanings that had stemmed from it.
Only Ginny Weasley would not find Harry Potter that day. After the door, of Malfoy House, in London had been slammed in her face, by her onetime friend Hermione Granger-Malfoy, she'd finally gone to Albus Dumbledore. Really. The woman should be happy. If it hadn't been for her interference, she wouldn't be with her soulmate.
She would be stuck with her useless brother who had yet to do anything with his life; a sorry excuse of a man with the temperament and mindset of a teenage boy.
Albus Dumbledore sat before her in his office at Hogwarts, his eyes hard and untwinkling. There had been no offer of the trademark tea and lemon drops.
"What can I do for you, Miss Weasley?"
"I'm looking for Harry. He really shouldn't be alone at time like this. He might blame himself."
"Ah... well from what I heard from your brother, Ronald, it was all Harry's fault because he was in love with 'Ferret boy' and not you."
"Well my brother has a short temper and doesn't see the whole picture."
"And what would that be?" Albus sat back in his chair, "Or would you like to know what I see?"
"What is that?"
"I see a conniving vicious woman who not only got what she wanted, but didn't give a damn who she hurt along the way. Like your brother, your family, Mr. Malfoy and Miss Granger. Your only goal was Harry. I'm sorry to say, Harry does not, nor ever will, see it your way. "
"Well, you are entitled to your opinion. Do you know where Harry is?" she asked again.
"And will you tell me where I might find him?" Ginny was loosing her patience. Didn't they know that Harry needed her?
Albus smiled and it wasn't friendly. "No. You may leave now." He watched the young woman calmly, but angrily, get up in a huff, but before she could step out of the office, "And Miss Weasley?"
Angry eyes turned back.
"You won't find anyone here, or just about anywhere, who will help you. You broke Harry's heart for no other reason than your jealousy, hunger for power and prestige, and selfishness. If you do not change, someday you will die a lonely, bitter, old spinster witch."
The ancient door shut behind her with an explosive sound. As Ginny made it out the front doors of the castle and down the old stone steps, she jumped when the large doors slammed closed behind her. Hogwarts wasn't happy with her either.
Harry was a favorite of Hogwarts—her precious one.
Ginny, feeling suddenly very unwelcome, quickly made her way down the path to the gates and apparated away.