Author's Note: In this story, Ryan is non-existent. Sharpay is an only-child.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story.
I figured there wasn't enough Gabpay in the HSM world, so I wanted to increase the supply. Please review!
Gabriella is broken by her abusive boyfriend, and turns to her friend for support. So what happens when she starts to have feelings for them?(warning: attempted rape, not graphic)
People thought that Gabriella Montez had it all. She was every boy's dream girl at her high school. She had an amazing body, beautiful brown eyes, and smooth dark brown hair. She was as smart as they come, and she had a mind-blowing singing voice. But, the boys at East High would have to keep dreaming, because she belonged to the basketball sensation, known as Troy Bolton. And belonged was the only word to describe their relationship.
You see, even though people thought she had it all, they didn't see what went on 'outside of school'. Troy wasn't the lovable, attractive person that eighty percent of the girls at East High thought he was. Gabriella had the bruises to prove it. She was deceived by his boyish good looks and his impressive charm. Both of those were the things furthest from her mind now when she thinks about him. Luckily for her, she had a friend who she could always turn to if she wanted to take her mind off of things.
Sharpay Evans knew Gabriella more than anyone else, besides her mom. She was a drama fanatic, with enchanting blue eyes and a perfect figure. She had been one of the leaders in the drama club for some time now, and she headlined almost every musical, except the one that they had last winter. She actually didn't mind, since it was Gabby who took her place. Troy took her partner's place.
But, Sharpay didn't know about the abuse that Gabby was receiving on a daily basis. She didn't want to have her friend worrying too much about her. So, she just took the pain, and when he was done, she would sneak out the house to go see Shar. One day, though, Troy went too far, forcing Sharpay to become involved.
Gabby was in lunch with Sharpay, with Troy right next to her. He went to the bathroom, and Gabby let out a sigh of relief.
"So how was Honors Chemistry" Sharpay asked, still looking down at a drawing that she had been working on for a few days.
"It's getting more boring every time I set foot in that class. You would think that it would at least be slightly challenging."
"Well, you have a good amount of knowledge about every subject they teach in this school. I mean, you have a free period after lunch, when everyone in the school has to go to a class. That might be part of the reason" Sharpay added in quickly, earning a laugh from her friend.
Gabriella's smile quickly turned to a look of fear as Troy made his way back from the backroom.
Lunch was almost over, and Gabby had her last class with Sharpay. The bell rang just as Troy reached the table. When she was out of earshot, he walked up next to Gabby. "My house, after school" he snarled at her, then giving her a smile to fool those who could see them.
At the end of the day, Gabby went to see her friend before heading to Troy's. "Hey, I'll probably be by later today."
"No different than any other day" she said with a smirk. Gabby giggled. God I love that laugh, she though.
"Yeah, well you know you love my company" she retorted, determined to have the last word.
You have no idea. "Well, I'll see you later. Have fun!"
"I will" she lied. She walked outside to her car, and got in. After a few deep breaths, she started the car and began on her way to Troy's.
When she got there, she was pulled inside. "Hey Troy" she whispered, looking down.
"I just want to watch a movie, so come on" he slurred. Yup, drunk again. She knew to go along with what he wanted when he was like this. She went with him to his couch, and laid down with him, feeling uncomfortable, as he turned on Armageddon. About thirty minutes into the movie, he started to place sloppy kisses on her neck. She got worried, and went to get up. Troy, however, felt her weight shift, and grabbed her wrist, pulling her back onto the couch. He got up, and straddled her, keeping her from moving.
"Troy, what are you doing" Gabby asked, scared more than ever. He's never been this drunk before.
"I wanted to take our relationship to the next level" he managed to mumble, now reaching for her shirt.
Gabriella's eyes went wide at the realization of what was going on. She started to squirm under him, trying to get out of his control. "Stop! Just stop! I don't want to!" Her eyes were starting to tear up. She took a desperate swing at his forehead. Seeing as he was wasted, he wasn't expecting nor could he block the punch. He fell on the floor, lying there for a minute. Gabriella left with in fifteen seconds of being free from his grip; she had driven off, speeding to Sharpay's.
Sharpay was sitting in the living room, when she heard a knock on her door. "Hey Gab- Oh my god" she said. She saw her best friend in tears, making her want to cry. "What happened to you?"
"H-H-H-He tri-tried to…" was all she managed before she began to break down, collapsing in a fit of tears.
Sharpay helped her friend to the couch, trying to find out who this "he" was and what he tried to do that had her friend like this. "Please, Gabby, look at me. Ok?" She looked down at the brunette, still sobbing violently. She put her palm gently under her friend's chin, trying to lift her head. Gabby flinched when she felt the contact, making Sharpay want to cry even more. "Please, hun, look at me." Gabby looked up, and the blonde immediately saw the hurt in her eyes. "What happened, and who did it."
"T-T…." she couldn't even say his name. Thinking about him made her want to cry harder.
Sharpay gritted her teeth. She had a very bad feeling about this. "Was it Troy?"
Gabriella nodded, and then pointed down slightly below her waist, knowing fully well she wouldn't be able say what he tried to do on the first try.
Sharpay was confused. Why was she pointing down? Well, she pointed right at her…Her eyes went wide with horror. She reached slowly to hug her friend, as to not startle her. As soon as she was close enough, she wrapped her arms around Gabby, hugging her tightly. When she pulled away, Gabby got enough courage to say it. "Yeah… he tried to rape me."
Sharpay cringed as Gabby said this. "That asshole! I can't believe he would do that. He always seemed so nice." The brunette spoke up again at this point. "No," she lifted up her shirt, showing Sharpay the bruises scattered on her back "he isn't a nice person at all." Sharpay ran her hand over the bruises gently. "Why do you let him do this to you" she asked. Gabby just shrugged her shoulders.
"That's it. I really need you to break up with him. I mean, you got lucky this time. What happens when you don't get that lucky?"
Gabriella looked at Sharpay and nodded. "I just want you to be safe, you know" she said. Well, I need to act fast, because I won't let her be treated like this.
"You can stay as long as you like, Gabby. I'll pull out sleeping bags, or you can use my bed. I mean, it could fit three people comfortably, so I don't mind" she said. "Besides, if you're here, then he can't get to you, because he'd have to go through me" she said, flexing in a muscle pose. Gabriella laughed, making Sharpay happy. "That's what I wanted to hear, now get some rest."
Gabriella nodded, and they went upstairs. She got in Sharpay's bed, and got comfortable. Sharpay took the liberty of tucking her friend in, and got a smile as a thank you. "See you in a little while. She then went to her desk, and started to write in her journal.
Dear Journal
Troy tried to rape Gabby. I can't even believe the nerve of that jerk. I guess I only have one way to make sure no one does that to her. I'm going to have to let her know that I like her in a 'more than friend way' tomorrow.