Author note- this is my first ever fanfic so please be nice and review.
Bella's dream
"I won't let you do this!"
Beautiful young woman stands before a form of pure evil. Although her face is covered in shadows you can see her flawless ivory skin and chocolate brown, almost black, hair whipping around her. A blast of pure evil energy is thrown straight towards her. Just when you're about to her face….
End dream
Bella's pov.
"STOP" my eyes started to dart around my room everything was normal my eyes stopped wandering when they reached the rocking chair in the corner. No Edward.
"Of course he's not here he went hunting with Emmet and Jasper. My minds attention went back to the dream I just had. I couldn't put my finger on it but there was something about the girl she looked so familiar. I shut my eyes this was weird I'd been having the same dream ever since yesterday. The day I found out the truth of Charlie and Renee.
I opened the door to find Charlie sitting on the coach next to …MOM! "What's going on" I stumbled with my words unable to get over the surprise of my mom being here. "Bella we have something very important to tell you" Renee forced the words out of her mouth she looked like would start sobbing any second.
"W-what is it" I stuttered my voice cautious almost fearful of what they were going to tell me. "Bella you're" that's all she could get out because she started to sob uncontrollably. She kept muttering to herself "I'm sorry" over and over. "Mom what is it" my voice trembling there was a feeling inside me almost a terror of what they had to say. "Bella" Charlie started "this isn't easy for us to tell you but..." "What dad" my voice shaking. "You're adopted."