I Do Not Own Naruto – Ha can sue me now bitches

"Goukakyuu no Jutsu" – jutsus being announced

"Brat" – demon/god speech

'What an idiot' – thoughts

"Dobe" – speech

Next Day in the Morning

The group of Bijuu was now continuing their journey knowing that they were being followed by hidden Nins from different villages and quite frankly it annoyed them to no end.

"I really want to rip these stupid monkeys apart" whispered Yubi

"Even though I have no problems with humans for the most they really are starting to annoy me as well" said Jui

"We can always just start to spar and 'accidentally' hit them" said Yonbi

"Nah it's too much work just for some stupid humans" said Sanbi

"Hey they may be humans but they toke down even you guys. You all or most of you were sealed up BY humans so don't underestimate them" said Naru

"But overestimate them. They may have some brains and fancy techniques but nothing could hold a Bijuu for long. You and Naruto's seal containing me would have broken in another year or 2. But if I wanted to I could have broken out 3 years of your birth but that wouldn't be really fair since you just came into this world and I got to know Naru" said Kyuubi

"What do you mean got to know Naru?" asked Naru

"Well she was sealed in you in the same spot as me so we had some friendly chats over are stay"

"But how come I never saw her when I would be at the seal"

"Well because if you saw me you would have found out early about me and tried everything in your power to release me which may have gotten all 3 of us killed" said Naru

"I guess that makes sense" muttered Naruto

"So where are we going?" asked Yugito

"Yeah I have been wondering that too" asked Shukaku

"Well we are just going to keep moving around until we can find a secure place or until Kami sends us a message" said Kyuubi

"Why do we have to wait on Kami" asked Naruto

"Well because it's kind of her fault that we are in this mess so I am sure she is going to make up for it in some way" replied Kyuubi

"Hey can there be a ramen god or the best ramen chief of all time in heaven" asked a happy Naruto

"Uhh again with the ramen" muttered an annoyed Bui

"You know what Nii-san how about this. If you don't shut up about ramen I will let Yubi have his way with you and make sure Kyuubi won't help" warned Naru

"What" yelled Naruto

"Yes thank Kami" yelled Yubi

"You wouldn't dare do that to your dear Nii-san would you" said Naruto with puppy eyes.

"O pplleeaassee do. If there was anything I could now it would be strangling the brat" said a praying Yubi

Naru looked right into his puppy dog eyes and smirked. "Try me"

Those 2 words shocked Naruto to the core. No one could resist the puppy eyes but it was as if she laugh right in front of them.

"It doesn't really matter anyway because everyone knows Dango is better" said Shukaku

"No Sushi!" yelled Sanbi

"NO, your both wrong RAMEN is" yelled Naruto

"Shut up all of you and pocky is the best" said Bui





"And I just got him to shut up. Damn you Shukaku" snarled a angry Naru


"Damn you have to teach me how you do that" said Yugito

The next half an hour was spent in silence until they came across a sea that was massive with 2 human size figures standing there.

With The 2 figures

One of the figures was a male wearing a white cape with red flames at the bottom, inside was green vest with a long sleeve blue shirt, regular navy blue pants with wrappings at the bottom and blue sandals. He had blonde hair with blue eyes with whisker marks on his cheek, tan skin, and 2 fox ears that was yellow with blue tips. What was barely noticeable was the 11 fox like tails that was yellow with blue tips. He was fidgeting like crazy.

The other figure was a female wearing a red long sleeve shirt with black pants and black sandals. She had tan skin with long red hair that went to her waist with two stands of hair coming down in front, sky blue eyes, whisker marks on her cheeks, two black with red tips, and 10 black tails with red tips.

"Minato clam down everything is going to be alright" said the red hair

"But Kushina what happen if they hate me. After all I did seal Kyuubi in them then sealed one inside the other in order for her to survive" said Minato sadly

"I'm sure they would understand" said Kushina before they were now in front of a group of Bijuu.

'Well crap! I never thought I would see them this soon. WE JUST GOT HERE!' thought Minato

'CRAP' thought Kushina

"No way" said Kyuubi

"What I was right it is a ramen chief? He does have similar clothes to a chief" said Naruto

"You see even your son is even a ramen lover because of your stupid genes Minato" said Kushina smacking Minato on the head

"Hey ramen is good Kushina. Now we only thing I have to do is convert Naru into the ramen religion" said Minato planning evil things

"What did you say Namikaze Minato" said a evilly grinning Kushina holding her fist in the air promising loads of pain


"O really I thought I heard you say something"

"Must have been the wind"




"You're an idiot" yelled Kushina

"Damn I thought I got away" mumbled Minato

"So back to business hello Kyuubi and other Bijuu. Can Naru and Naruto step forward" said Minato

"Don't hello me. I still have a little hatred for you for sealing me up" said Kyuubi

"O stop whining you are free and stronger now so you can't complain" said Kushina

"She has a point" said Nibi

"So Naru, Naruto" said Minato

As the stepped forward Minato couldn't help but to wonder why they were not in their human forms. Sensing Minato confusion Naruto spoke up.

"We are stuck in are demon forms for the rest of the week" said Naruto

"Is there something you want and how you are alive Yondaime-sama" asked Naru

"Please stop with the Yondaime-sama stuff. It makes me feel old. Call me Minato or in your case Tou-san" said Minato

"To-to Tou-san" said Naru

"You're adopting us!" yelled Naruto

"You really are an idiot" said Kyuubi

"I am NOT! You're just mad you can't get a powerful father" yelled Naruto

"My father could crush all of you in your prime with you being a Bijuu so watch it" said Kyuubi (Wink, Wink Future hint)

"Anyway baka he looks exactly like us so he must be are REAL father and she probably are mother since I do look a little like her but what I don't understand is their fox ears and tails" said Naru

"O well since there is an imbalance with the Bijuu on Earth meaning no 10 and 11 tails we became the new 11 tail and 10 tail demon foxes. We are foxes because well we are your parents and you two are foxes. It would not make sense if a fox had a shark and hawk for a parent" said Kushina

"True she does have a point" said Kyuubi

"We are going to take to a secure mountain so we can protect Naru better and have a place to live" said Minato

"Really will they have ramen there?" asked Naruto

"I regret to say it but yes they have ramen there" said Kushina

"Hell yeah, Ramen here I come "yelled Minato

"NNOooooo, not another ramen lover" cried Yubi