Disclaimer: Do Not Own Naruto

An eighteen year old roseate kunoichi turned her head at the sound of yelling, what she saw made her walk over to the cause of the commotion.

"Uchiha-san, Kakashi-senpai, is going to be at the training grounds in 15 minutes, I hardly doubt that it would be good for someone with your stature to be later than he." Sakura said as she watched her former teammate turn towards her.

"Hn." Sasuke said as he walked away. Naruto had finally gotten strong enough to defeat him & drag him back home, but he wouldn't agree not to leave again unless they helped him locate his brother, & allow the rest of team Hebi to stay in Konoha to assist him when the time is needed.

Sakura watched as he walked away from the fruit stand, & when she was sure he was out of hearing distance she turned her attention towards the elderly women.

"Gomen nasai, may I inquire what made Uchiha-san yell at you?" Sakura said as she looked at the two women in front of her.

"Sasuke, I hardly think you should have threatened those elderly women, sure they should have not started gossiping in front of you about you family & brother but that still gives you no reason to threaten them." Sakura said as she walked into the training field, she walked in probably after Naruto & he had sparred, seeing how Karin was healing him & Naruto was lying on the floor.

"& I hardly think you should have interrupted me, besides they got what was coming to them, they should know not to talk about my clan, or at that compare me to Itachi." Sasuke said as he looked up at Sakura, the girl in front of him had changed over time she stopped calling him'Sasuke-kun'. Stopped coming around claiming Karin was a fake, sometimes he thought she was just jealous, the only time she did come around was to train & even then that was often, she was always out on missions. Sakura had also started to hang around Sai, she was just probably trying to replace him, & Sai was the closest thing she could get, but from what he had heard from Yamato, the two had a really strong bond more of a sibling bond if anything. She also wore baggy black capris with black heels, & a baggy shirt all black. He wondered what would happen if he asked Karin to be his wife, what she would do. She had become less emotional & more like him, he sort of missed the old Sakura.

"You know what freak you should just mind your own business, Sasuke had every right to threaten those hags, you know what why don't you just fall off a cliff & die nobody wants you here so, stop following Sasuke & die!" Karin said as she stood up from healing buy now everyone was listening to there conversation.

"Gomen nasai, demo I can't just die, it's actually quite hard to, & also Karin-san he was the one following me, he had been since I walked out of my apartment." Sakura stated as she looked at Sasuke who had turned his head away from everyone's eyes.

'How the hell did she find out so fast, I had masked my chakra?' Sasuke thought as he tried to get ride of the shock.

"Sasuke-kun follow you, sorry but I think you've finally become delusional, Sasuke would never follow a freak like you, your just-"

"Jealous, please tell me why was Sasuke late for training today, if I'm not mistaken Naruto is usually first to be here, then Sasuke & so on, besides the reason why those elderly ladies were talking about him is because that part of town where that stand is to far from the Uchiha manor, or at that any shinobi would know that, no shinobi are residents of that part of town, I'm the only one there." Sakura said as she cut Karin off.

"Hey hag lets go get something to eat." Sai said as he pulled Sakura away from Karin knowing that Sakura didn't need even more rumors going around.

"Okay." Sakura stated as they walked away from the training field

"Sakura if you want people to stop spreading rumors about you maybe you should just going around Sasuke, I mean I know that you want to spend time with Naruto-kun, but you should know that he & Sasuke are practically inseparable, so you should just Naruto leave his life without you in it or find some other way to show you still care about him." Sai said as he finished up his tempura, he would only call Sakura by her real name when no one else was around.

"I know, but its not very often I have a mission free day, & I miss his smiling face, but you're right I should just let go of him, just like I did everyone else." Sakura replied, she had fallen out with everyone in the Konoha twelve, but she had gained new friends, Anko, Genma, Yamato, Jiraiya, & Sai. Also because Tsunade found a better apprentice than her, Sakura had been taken under the wing by all her new friends & one more person.

"Sai, I have too go home now I got a meeting with the elders' tomorrow so JA ne." Sakura said as she got up to leave.

'don't worry Sakura they'll all regret leaving you for that slut once they see what she really is, & then you'll have your revenge.' Sai thought as he watched his only friend disappear into the crowd.

Sakura hit another tree & watched as it shattered in millions of pieces, it was already going to be six in the morning. She looked up at the sky, the sun was barely coming up, she started to heal any wounds she had. & picked her shirt up & put it back on she didn't like when people saw her in only netting top & bindings underneath it to cover anything up.

"Haruno Sakura, well this is much unexpected, I always thought of you as someone who would like to sleep in late, but either way this makes it easier than having to track you down." A voice said as Sakura was about to walk out of the clearing, the voice caused her to jump mentally.

'I thought I was alone had he been there this whole time.' Sakura thought as she turned around towards the direction of the voice.

"I do sleep in on my days off but seeing as today is not, I have to be up as early as possible if I wish to train, tell me exactly why you've been tracking me down, & why someone would send a person such as your self who is merely hiding in the shadows of the trees." Sakura replied as she tried to persuade him to come out into the open.

"You could've just asked me to come out, but someone with your reputation probably wont do anything the easier way, & to answer your question I've been getting a lot of complaining about you, & because my men are becoming highly agitating I thought I'd come down here to see what they were complaining about." The voice said as it walked out into the open

What Sakura saw, caused her to gasp, & stop breathing, it wasn't until she realized who she stopped breathing for did she actually exhale the breath she had been holding. The man in front of her was about six feet tall with an Akatsuki cloak covering everything, except his face, He had bright auburn hair, a black Amegakure headband with the signature scratch through it, tanned skin, three piercings going down the bridge of his nose, two beneath his lower lip, but his eyes is what caught her. Perfectly symmetrical shaped eyes with grey steel rings surrounding the pupil. The Akatsuki in front of her was none other than the carrier of the Rinnegan.

'This could only mean that this man is…..'

"Fuuma Nagato, also known as Pein, former third ANBU captain of Amegakure, was considered to be K.I.A. after two years & five months of being promoted, along with two other ANBU colleagues. Trained by the legendary Sannin Jiraiya, present leader of Akatsuki, partner is Konan one of the ANBU who supposedly died with you, holder of the dojutsu the Rinnegan, & lives inside the body of former colleague Yahiko, considers himself to be a god, did I miss anything?" Sakura stated as she put her hip length pink locks in a loose braid.

Pein stood there trying to shake off the shock that the young kunoichi had caused, it seemed to him that the rumors of Jiraiya sensei being brought back to life had to have been true if she knew his real name. He took in the sight in front of him the young kunoichi was exactly what Itachi had said she would be 'unique' it fit her perfectly especially with her hair color, but when she lifter her head again, he got a good look in her at eyes, which were the color of emerald gems, the lifelessness of them, he looked at them deeper & saw something in them dying to be let free. He only wondered what a young kunoichi as the one in front of him had gone through to have such life in them die so easily, from what he knew & read she had a good life.

"Interesting, so the rumors were true, Jiraiya-sensei was brought back to life, I wonder who did it…..Haruno-san tell me why is a young lady as yourself attracting the attention of the Akatsuki, that kind of attention can be the death of you." Pein stated as he looked observed the kunoichi in front of him.

"Tell me Pein-san, why are your men complaining about me, if anyone should be complaining it is me, for the are the ones who started it, I merely ended it, moreover I don't want no do I care for the Akatsukis attention, or anyone else's at that fact." Sakura declared as she looked up at the sky once again.

"Gomen nasai, I must end this conversation. I have a meeting I must attend at six thirty, & I would love to have a shower & eat something before it starts so, sayonara, it's been a pleasure meeting you Pein-san." Sakura said as she walked away waving her hand in the air as a goodbye gesture.

'Interesting, cherry blossom, we will meet again, I must tell Madara about this he'll sure look forward to meeting an interesting, kunoichi as your self.' Pein thought as he did the correct hand seals for the transportation jutsu.