Guess who's back mother fuckers. You ready for this? This is a years worth of bullshit rolled into a single fucking chapter.

The camera opens up to white and slowly zooms out till there is a tiny mound of white powder. "Co-co-co-cocaine" Deidara yells as he dives into the pile. "Don't pussy out" says Itachi's voice off camera. Deidara's snortings sounds die out and he leans up trying to get the rest into his nose.

"Whole pile, mother fucker!"

knock knock

"Shit!" The door opens and Pein walks in. Deidara, Itachi, and Kisame are standing straight up and white powder is swirling in the air around them.

"Are you guys doing cocaine?"

"No" they said.

"We've gone clean and your in here doing coke" Pein says as he slaps his face.

"I love how you just instantly just jump to conclusions without asking us our side of the story" Kisame said.

"Ok fine, what's your story?"


"Shut the fuck up" Pein yelled in Kisame's ear. "We have business."

Itachi rolls his eyes and they head down into the meeting room where everyone is seated.

"Alright now that we're all here" Pein said as he sits down at the end of the table. "As you all know we've been gone for a long time. A long time, like a year right?"

"And the author usually updated something like every week" Itachi chimed in. Everyone nodded.

"But have you ever had life kick you in the face? He had that happen and went insane for awhile."

"LSD is one helluva drug" Kakuzu said.

"Wrong it was work bitch!"

knock knock

"The fuck" Pein said as he went to the door. A delivery guy is at the door. "Package for Itachi."

The Uchiha turns around and his eyes quickly dilate. "Hey! What the fuck is this!"

"You have a delivery" he said. "New camera I think."

"No, no, no, you! Your the author!"

"Yeah... Just dropping off your order you cock."

"Somebody nab him! It's probably a bomb or some shit!"

"No It's a new camera dude. Chill the cuss out."

Pein slaps his face again and takes the package. He signs for it and I wink at Itachi before I leave. (Had to make a small cameo sorry, btw I'm not a delivery guy. I'm far more successful than that.)

Itachi takes his package and slowly opens it. Revealing a brand new 5D Mark III.

"Holy shit" Itachi says.

"Yo there's a note" Sasori said. Itachi pulls it off the box and reads, this is for good behavior you cock.

"Now that the interruption is over" Pein said. "We need to discuss the next plan of action."

"Since we've wasted the last three years chasing Itachi's brother, we've let the Jinchuuriki get too old. Now there's are issue" Tobi said. "And the worst part is, this going clean bullshit is making us all extremely irritable."

"Think of it this way. If we stay clean we can end this soon. You know what happens when we start doing a lot of drugs" said Konan.

"So whats the new plan" asked Hidan.

"Kill some teenagers" suggests Tobi.

"Well some of them" Pein said.

"How about this" Itachi cut in. "Let's just kill a shit ton of people, why ruin a good thing? Just now we'll be more focused and hopefully don't fall into horrific situations."

"Like zombies" said Zetsu.

"You weren't there" yelled Hidan.

"Yeah... The fuck where you" Pein asked.

"The fuck if I know."

"Anyway, so let's make a small short term goal list" Konan said.

"Kill a lot of people."

"Kill some kids."

"Record it all."


"Let's all do some cocaine!"

small update just wanted to get something out tonight. Can't wait for the welcome back.