Who Knew Snow was an Aphrodisiac?

Summery- Who knew it took an accident on a cold winters day to get feelings out into the open? Howince slash.

Disclaimer- I do not own Mighty Boosh, the wonderful Noel and Julian do :)

Author's Notes- Thank you everyone for all your reviews. I'm actually pleased with how the story is shaping out I also had to look up the symptoms for pneumonia that Vince will have.


Vince woke himself up with an awful coughing fit, leaving him for breath and with a terrible chest pain. When he calmed down, he notised Howard sitting next to him, holding his hand and lying his head on the goth's legs. Vince smiled as he ran his fingers gently through Howard's short brown hair, like wispy smoke. Then he remembered what happened when he kissed the jazz mavarick and dropped his hand, afraid.

He then felt his stomach rolling around, making him cringe and slowly get off the bed and into the bathroom, lucky getting to the scared porclin bowl before everything he ate before came out. Howard heard this and rushed into the bathroom, kneeling next to his friend and holding the raven locks out of the way "You should have told me you were gonna be sick, Vince" He said, worried.

When the goth had finished, Howard helped him back into his main room and back into bed. He was about to sit back down when he heard weakly "I'm sorry..." Vince was looking at him sadly, his eyes large and filling with tears.

"What are you sorry for, little man?" Howard asked, standing next to his friend.

"...That kiss, I shouldn't have done that without asking. I understand if you hate me now..." Vince said, looking away from Howard's stare. He was shocked when his mate lay down next to him and put a arm around his shoulders.

"If I hated you, would I have helped you while you are ill?" Vince shook his head "...No"

"And if I hated you, would I do this, even though you've just thrown up?" Howard said gently, as he pressed his lips to Vince's just as gently. He pulled away and saw the goth's blue eyes wide open in shock "But...how?...I..." Vince just stuttered.

"I love you, Vince Noir. I should have told you my feelings before, but I was afraid about what you'd say to them. Is that why you never told me your feelings?" Howard asked. Vince looked away from his friend and spoke so quietly Howard nearly missed it "...Yes. I love you too, I just couldn't tell you in case..."

The jazz mavarick was surprised to see tears rolling down the goth's pale cheeks, so he gathered him up into his arms and pressed a kiss in the raven hair "Oh, Vince. It'll be alright now, we've spoken our feelings. We'll be fine now, I promise" They just laid there for a few minutes before Vince spoke up.

"I just wish I wasn't so sick now, I had good plans for when we did say our feelings..." Making Howard chuckle quietly and move his fingers through the shiny locks.


"Come on Vince, you have to eat something" Howard said, pushing a bowl of carrot and corriander soup in front of his new lover. Vince just took one quick look at it, then pushed it away when his stomach did a flip "I can't"

It has been a rough couple of days, including coughing fits and a lot of visits to the toilet, holding back Vince's hair. But the goth was starting to feel better and was allowed out of his room, only to be placed on the sofa with his green and silver striped blanket covering him. The new couple were sitting at the kitchen table, having what seemed to be a quick dinner.

"If you don't eat, you won't get better and we won't be able to do any of your suggestive plans..." Howard said, sly like. Vince looked at him for two seconds, then dug right into his soup, not caring if his stomach was protesting againest the fisrt sign of food in two days. When he had finished, Vince allowed himself to be lead by his lover back to the sofa and laid down, the blanket covering him once more.

Howard placed his hand on Vince's forehead, then took it away happy "I think you're gonna be fine now Vince. Maybe another day or so, and you'll be back to your electro pouncing ways in no time" Vince couldn't help but smile back, but the smile dropped when the jazz mavarick walked back to the kitchen "Don't leave me" He almost shouted.

Howard moved back to him and knelt down so he was face-to-face with Vince "I'll never leave you, I'm just taking the dishes to the sink before Naboo has a go at me for not cleaning up while he's gone" He ruffled his lover's hair, earning him a pout that made Vince so adorable "Fine then, move your head up, you soppy git"

Vince smiled as his lover sat down were his head was, and laid it down on Howard's lap, his rewards being his hair stroked. No matter how much he hated people touching his hair, when Howard did it, it was just magical. Soon he felt his heavy eyelids drooping and fell into a deep slumber. Howard notised this and smiled, bending over to place a kiss on the goth's forehead "Night Vince, I love you. Don't you ever leave me either, or else" He joked to himself, before lying Vince down and lying himself down next to him, gathering the younger man close to him, drifting into contented sleep.


Finished :) I'm so pleased with how this story turned out. I would like to thank my faithful reviewers Beechwood0708, violence4, stars of andromada, SparkieSteph, lori-loves-the-boosh, shadowtheo. This story wouldn't have been sucessful without your caring and positive review, so thank you. You all get cookies and milk and sweets :)

P.S well done Noel for winning sexist male and best dressed at the NME awards and well done the Boosh for winning best TV shows for second year in a row