Summery: What if Naruto found out about his parents before joining team seven what if Naruto wasn't an idiot. And Sarutobi does not favor Naruto.

Parings: Naruto x Ino

AN: for the sake of my story the Mizuki / Forbidden scroll incident was October 9 and the team selection was October 10.

-October 9 Konoha ninja academy-

"Ok class I will call you into the next room one at a time and you will be tested on the Henge , Replacment , and Bunshin no jutsus" said Iruka Before calling them in one at a time most came back with there headbands on proudly while others came back sulking after failing there test.

Naruto sat in the back of the class room watching his classmates "I have to pass this year I would have passed the first year if the teachers had tried to help me instead of laughing at me" he thought as Iruka came out and looked at his clipboard "Naruto Uzumaki your next"

As Naruto walked into the room he saw his other sensei Mizuki wave at him, Naruto had always liked Mizuki, he was a new teacher at the academy and he always went out of his way to help him.

"Ok Naruto first up is Henge no jutsu" said Iruka regaining Naruto's attention.

Naruto concentrated a moment before being covered in a puff of smoke that cleared to revel a perfect Henge of Iruka.

"well done Naruto next is the Replacment no jutsu" said Mizuki as he took out a wooden practice kunai and tossing it at Naruto as it hit him he went up in another puff of smoke that cleared to show the kunai stuck in a log, Mizuki and Iruka looked around and saw Naruto on the far side of the room waving.

"Very impressive Naruto not many of your classmates could do the Henge and Replacment without hand signs, now do the Bunshin no jutsu and make at least 3 bunshins" said Iruka

Naruto was now worried Bunshin was his worst jutsu because of the large amount of chakra he possessed and the little control he had "If only the teachers would help me with chakra control I could do this easy, any ways here it goes" with that he formed the hand sign and said Bunshin no jutsu when the smoke cleared Iruka and Mizuki sweat dropped beside Naruto were 3 dead looking clones.

"Sorry Naruto you fail" Iruka said but as Naruto started to walk out of the room Mizuki spoke up "come on Iruka he did make 3 clones lets just pass him he did the other jutsus perfectly"

"No Mizuki the rules are very clear every student must perform those 3 academy jutsus at a decent level" replied Iruka

Mizuki sighed and turned to Naruto "sorry kid maybe next time"

Naruto smiled and said "thanks sensei ill do better next time" then walked out.

After class all of the students were out side the academy where there parents praised them for passing and becoming genin no one even noticed Naruto sitting on the swing crying, no one but Mizuki that is.

"Hey Naruto you know there is another test you can take" said Mizuki.

"But Iruka-sensei said that you can only take the genin exam once a year" said a confused Naruto.

"well most the time that's true but this is a special test" Mizuki smirked and continued "there is a scroll in the Hokages office if you can get it and learn 1 jutsu off of it you can pass right away" he said trying not to laugh at what he was telling Naruto.

Naruto nodded eagerly and said "ok Mizuki-sensei can I do it?"

Mizuki grinned and told Naruto to go late that night and gave him a map to a hut that was a few miles from the village where he could practice.

After talking a few minuets longer they both left.

-Later that night-

Naruto was running through the woods with a large scroll on his back "good I see the hut Mizuki-sensei told me about … it was a lot farther out than he said though" he thought as he sat down with the scroll and opened it looking at the list of jutsus "what the hell did I get the wrong scroll these are all S and A rank jutsu … there's a b rank Kage bunshin no Jutsu … my problem with bunshin no jutsu is my chakra control is terrible so I use too much chakra making the clones look like crap so I should be able to do this because it takes much more chakra" he continued reading the about Kage bunshin for about 20 minuets before closing the scroll and getting up.

"Here it goes" he said forming a single hand seal and calling out "Kage Bunshin no jutsu" a puff of smoke appeared but when it blew away there was nothing there, Naruto sweat dropped "this is going to take awhile" he thought before trying again.

-2 hours later-

"Ya I finally got it" thought a panting Naruto.

He then heard a yell that made him flinch "Naruto! What the hell are you thinking stealing the forbidden scroll" screamed Iruka

But Naruto ignored his question "Hey you found me Iruka-sensei! So can I pass now?"

"What do you mean?" asked Iruka clearly confused by his student's question.

"Mizuki-sensei said if I got the scroll and learned one jutsu from it I would pass and become a genin!" Naruto explained confused that his sensei didn't know about the test.

"Mizuki told you that?" asked Iruka

"Yes I did now give me the scroll Naruto" said a voice in the trees startling Naruto and Iruka

"Mizuki" Iruka growled "what's the meaning of this tricking Naruto into stealing the forbidden scroll for you?" he yelled

"Ha-ha stop pretending to care for that demon Iruka we both know it killed your parents. Now hand over the scroll demon" Mizuki yelled

"No Naruto take the scroll and run." Iruka yelled

But Naruto didn't move "he calls me demon too … he said I killed Iruka's parents … what does that mean" he thought over and over before Mizuki's yells snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Do you know why every one hates you, It's because the fourth Hokage didn't kill the kyuubi he sealed it into a chilled …you Naruto you are the kyuubi now DIE" Mizuki screamed then threw a fuma shuriken at him , Naruto busy thinking over what he just said "so I'm the kyuubi …now it makes sense all the beating and every one calling me demon" he thought before realizing the fuma shuriken was heading for him and he didn't have time to dodge so he closed his eyes waiting for the coming pain. After a few seconds Naruto felt nothing so he opened his eyes and cried at what he saw, Iruka had taken the fuma shuriken in his back to save him "Iruka-sensei …why I thought you hated me? I'm a demon" he cried

Iruka gave a sad smile then said "no Naruto the demon is sealed inside you that does not make you the demon it self … you are the prison and it is the prisoner"

"I didn't want to do this Iruka but now I'm going to have to kill you both!" said Mizuki with a crazy look in his eyes.

"You hurt Iruka-sensei … I'll kill you." Naruto growled as he formed a hand sign and yelled "Kage Bunshin no jutsu" suddenly the forest was filled with smoke and is it cleared Iruka and Mizuki's eyes went wide seeing the forest filled with over 1000 Kage bunshins all grinning and cracking there knuckles "here we come Mizuki" they spoke in unison as they dashed forward and overwhelmed Mizuki beating him to a bloody pulp.

"Naruto come here" Iruka said getting up trying to ignore the pain in his back.

"Yes Iruka-sensei, are you ok?" said Naruto worried about his teacher that he saw as an older brother.

"Naruto close your eyes I have something for you." coughed Iruka.

Doing as he was told Naruto felt his goggles get taken from his head and replaced with some cloth.

"Open your eyes Naruto, congratulation you are now a genin" said Iruka looking very proud.

Naruto just reached up to touch his forehead and realized what Iruka had put on his head it was a Konoha headband, more specifically Iruka's headband.

With tears in his eyes Naruto tackled his teacher in a hug.

"Ouch Naruto I'm hurt" Iruka yelped making Naruto jump off.

"Sorry sensei" he apologized.

"no problem, lets get back to the village now and ill treat you to ramen" Iruka said with a chuckle as Naruto started jumping around talking about ramen causing Iruka to sweat drop "he likes ramen way to much" he thought as they started walking back to the village.

-Later that night Naruto's apartment-

"man I'm tired I think ill take a shower and go to bed" he thought as he placed his dirty clothes on the floor then paused to look at them "I hate orange maybe tomorrow before the team selections I use the Henge no jutsu to buy some new clothes" he thought bitterly remember how a store owner told him he could only buy orange clothes so people could "find the demon easily" Naruto growled remembering this.

"What ever thinking about it won't change anything" he thought aloud before going to take his show and go to bed.

-Next morning October 10-

"ow ow ow" Naruto yelled rolling out of bed holding his left shoulder the as quick as the pain came it left "that's one shity way to wake up" he grumbled as he pulled of his shirt and looked at his shoulder "what the hell is this!" he yelled as he examined a strange steal that had appeared on his shoulder "hmm looks like one of those storage seals they taught us about in class …but this ones different" he thought for a second before running to his book shelf and picking a book and flipping it open to the storage seals section .

"Ok here it is …blood seals can only be opened by the user or a close relative of the user applying a small amount of blood to the seal"

"so that means this seal was made by my family?" asked Naruto aloud before biting his thumb and wiping blood across the seal , with a poof a small scroll appeared in his hand .

With eyes wide he read the title on the scroll "Happy birthday son"

AN: hahaha cliff hanger well tell me how yall like it.