Stop Stealing What's Mine
Disclaimer: we both know that if I owned FMA, this would be one of the main pairings. I do not own, this is not a main pairing
Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who reviewed and welcome to the FINAL CHAPTER!!
Chapter 11
"You wanted to see me, Sir."
"Yes, shut the door Lieutenant." Havoc obeyed, while he looked at the Colonel cautiously. "You needn't be so worried Lieutenant. You're not here to be punished."
"That's not what I'm worried about."
"I see."
They kept staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity for both of them; it had actually been about 2 minutes, until they both spoke up at the same time.
"I want us both to be with Ed."
Stunned at what the other just said, the staring began again. Roy being the slightly braver broke the renewed silence again.
"Why do you want us both with him?"
"I could ask you the same thing, Sir."
"I asked first." Roy kept a long look that clearly said 'you're not leaving until you tell me.' Seeing this Havoc answered Roy's question.
"Ed needs you in a different way he needs me. There's a part of him I can't help when he needs it and you can. I don't know the first thing about alchemy and you do. He needs you as much as he needs me... what's your reason?"
"I realised that too. I can't help Ed emotionally. He needs someone who can relate to his normal problems. I know him well, but I still can't do that for him. You can. As well as this," Roy smirked "I've been remembering our pasts. We've had some mix-ups that I don't want to forget. In fact I'd like to continue them."
"You mean..." Havoc look slightly shocked, but somehow knew something like this was coming.
"Yes Jean." Havoc's eyes widened. That was the first time Roy had ever called him by his first name. "I have feelings for you. Whether or not you choose to return those feelings is your business. But I will act on them. I'm sure you know I'm not the type to ignore attractions to other people."
"Yes, that's true. And I won't fight you when you act. Just about everyone has a crush on the great Colonel Roy Mustang. I'm just one of the lucky two that get to show him those feelings."
"How do you think Ed will react?"
"I think so too."
Ed sighed as he sat on the sofa in Havoc's apartment. He said he was going to be back by half four. Why is he so late? Ed sighed again and flipped open his mobile phone looking at a picture of him and Havoc. The flicked to a picture of him and Roy. He wanted so desperately to somehow combine those pictures. But that was just a silly little fantasy he had. They would never agree to it. They talk about each other like they hate each other. They would never agree to something like that he thought while closing his phone.
A knock at the door broke Ed from his thoughts. "Just a second." He said as he went to answer the door. Just as he reached out to the door handle the door swung open to reveal a tall dark haired man who wasted no time in picking up the small blonde and kissing him full on the lips. "Ed I'm so sorry! I'm sorry I've been nothing but a possessive jerk for months now!"
"Shut up Roy, I've missed you so much!" Ed nearly shouted as he hugged him.
Roy smiled with relief and stepped to the side to let in the owner of the apartment. "Hey Ed." Havoc grinned.
"What's going on? Did something happen?"
"Yeah something happened!" Havoc's grin widened.
"What?" Ed's curious look grew cuter by the second.
Havoc looked at Roy, "told you he's react like this."
Roy smirked, "But you haven't told him yet."
"TOLD ME WHAT?!" Ed's cute face demanded to know what was going on.
Havoc leaned down to Ed and looked at him straight in the eyes, then held up three fingers and said four simple words which explained everything to Ed. "You. Me. Roy. Threesome."
"Seriously, Ed? This is why you forgot to call for four months?!" An angry yet pleasant voice asked through the phone.
"Yeah, a lot happened, but we're all happy so there's no need to worry 'kay Al?"
"Yeah okay Ed. I just wish you would tell me about some of this while it's happening."
"Fine. I promise to keep you informed next time I start having a love crisis-"
The last thing Al heard from them that day, was laughter, something smashing, some kisses, and a dial tone.
The End.
OMG it's over?! THAT'S IT?! WOO HOO!
And Al was finally in it in the end. I don't know why he wasn't in it from the beginning. I guess I just forgot about him (sorry Al *gives cookie*)
This is the first story I've ever finished /applause/
So… sequel?