Lilly reached into Miley's bag and pulled out her pack of orbit gum, peppermint flavored. Opening it, she realized there was one piece left, Miley was in the bathroom right now, and sneakily she stuck the piece of gum in her mouth, and re-put the empty case back into Miley's purse.
Lilly couldn't help but smirk when she saw Miley enter the classroom, she was never good at keeping secrets, even stupid ones like these. She wanted to laugh, so Miley would be suspicious and then Lilly could see Miley get mad at her, the best part being that Miley was absolutely adorable when mad.
Lilly kept giggling as Miley got closer and closer, and Oliver nudged Lilly a few times, trying to tell her to shut up. Miley sat back down, and eyed Lilly, trying to figure out why she couldn't stop smiling and giggling. "Lils, everything okay?" Miley questioned raising an eyebrow.
"Mmhmm," Lilly curled her lips in, sustaining herself from bursting out. It wasn't even that funny, but Lilly just could not wait for the look on Miley's face when she sees the empty pack, and Lilly chewing happily on the last piece.
The bell to the period rang, and the three best friends stood up to leave, but not before Oliver asked, "Hey Miles, you got any gum? I'll be seeing Yolanda, the foreign exchange student soon, and I gotta be prepared."
"Yeah! Sure hold on one second," Miley said and reached into her bag, searching for the gum pack.
Lilly finally bursted with hysterical laughing, before Miley even found the empty pack of gum, "Okay Lilly, seriously what is up with you?" Miley asked, stopping from rummaging in her bad.
"Just keep looking! Just find the pack!" Lilly urged Miley.
Oliver pointed at an imaginary watch on his wrist, indicating he just wanted Miley to find the gum already. Miley's hand finally grasped around the smooth ice blue pack, and she pulled it out. "Here you go," Miley said before even lifting the flap, "oh. Sorry Oliver, I don't have any left."
"HAHAHAHA! Got you!" Lilly pointed a finger at Miley, and Miley rolled her eyes now realizing why Lilly couldn't stop laughing before. She witnessed the tiny white piece of chewy substance right underneath her tongue.
"Thanks anyways Miles, see you two later!" Oliver waved bye, and exited the classroom.
"I wanted a piece of gum," Miley whined at Lilly now, not bothering moving, they both had lunch next, so there was no punishment if they were late or not.
"Well too bad I got it!"
"Give it to me!" Miley held her hand out.
"You want chewed gum?" Lilly asked perplexed, she didn't think Miley would really go that far just to get some of the pepperminty goodness.
"Hell yes, now give it to me!"
"Alright!" Lilly agreed and stepped forward, and in one smooth motion had her lips on Miley's. She moved her tongue inside Miley's mouth, and innocently placed the gum there.
"Th-Thanks," Miley said shocked, but then decided two could play at this game. "You know what Lilly, this gum lost its flavor, want it back?"
"Why would I want gum with no flavor?" Lilly asked stupidly, not realizing the true meaning behind Miley's words, not seeing that Miley just wanted to kiss her again.
"Well it now has Miley flavor," Miley initiated the kiss this time, and inserted the gum back into Lilly's mouth.
"Mmmmh, you're right. Miley flavored."
A/N: Hahah just a stupid oneshot. I was bored, needed to write something.