"Finally, LUNCHTIIIIIIME!" Naruto sang and rubbed his hands together happily. The friends sat at the Griffyndor House table, nourishing themselves after an interesting day of classes. Naruto dug his hands right into the chicken wings. "I love how the food just appears on the table here, because then I can eat as much as I want and there's still enough for everyone else!" He chuckled at his own joke about his appetite, "Magic is so cool!" He started digging into a biscuit.

Ron nodded his head in agreement because his mouth was so full.

Harry laughed. "Well you two should get along very well, considering you both eat like horses,"

Naruto gleamed. "We do get along well, right Ron?" He looked over almost as if to confirm.

Ron nodded and Naruto lifted his hand for a high five. Ron returned it. "Atta boy," Naruto whooped, taking a bite of a turkey sandwhich. "Ya know though, this place would be a lot better if it had ramen!" He held his head as if he was going to be sick. "I don't know how the hell I'm gonna survive without it!"

"What's ramen?" Ron inquired, looking up from his full plate of food.

Naruto's eyes almost popped right out of his head and simultaneously lost control of his chewing abilities. "You don't know what RAMEN IS?!?!" He squeaked.

Harry, Hermione, and Sakura laughed at Naruto's priceless expression, while Ron looked slightly frightened.

Naruto threw his hands up in the air and loudly continued, "It's only the best food in the whole entire world! Its got noodles and broth and eggs and meat and anything else you could ever want! Its so delicious! I used to eat it every single day before I came here! I'll tell ya, if I ever get any, I promise to come share some with you and—"

"Mr Uzumaki?"

Naruto turned his head around to see Professor McGonagall looking down at him. He flashed his pearly whites. "Hey lady, how goes the battle?"

She looked at him quizzically, but continued with what she had to say. "First of all you will address me as Professor McGonagall, or just Professor if that pleases you."

"Okay, Pruhfessuuuuuur." He smiled from ear to ear, taking another sip of his juice. Sakura slapped her forehead. He's so embarrassing… she thought.

McGonagall ignored his odd way of saying her name. "Secondly, Professor Dumbledore wishes to see you and your two friends, Ms. Haruno and Mr. Uchiha, in his office. Please come with me."

"Awright! I love that guy, he's really nice! He reminds me of a grandpa or suttin…" Naruto stood up and said goodbye to his friends. "Catch ya later!"

"Follow me," McGonagall said coolly and led them to Dumbledore's office.

Ginny slid over to the spot where Naruto sat before he left. "Hey guys," she said.

"Hey Ginny," Harry responded, "How are things?"

"Fine, just fine…" She paused for a moment, then quickly continued, "Do you guys hang out with that new kid, Naruto?"

"Yeah, he's different but seems alright, why do you ask?" Harry leaned over the table a little to hear her, she was talking quietly.

Ginny stuttered, "Well, me and a few of my friends were wondering if you knew anything about him."

"Why, what's there to know?" Hermione jumped into the conversation.

"Well nothing I suppose, its just that we've been a little infatuated with him and the other new students since the sorting hat incident."

"Oh," Harry shifted in his seat, "Well there's nothing to know really. He just has a bad attitude sometimes. He has a short fuse I presume."

"Yeah," Ron said, "and get this; he has no idea how to cast any spells! At all!" He took another bite of his food, "Doesn't even know how to duel, he just copied whatever Harry was doing. Said his old school Pigmoles didn't teach him magic yet."

"Pigmoles? What's that?" Ginny tilted her head.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Apparently it's another wizard school, but I've yet to have time to look into it, but I have never heard of it before and have a sneaking suspicion that it doesn't even exist."

Harry nodded awkwardly. "Well, he seems alright to me, aside from that. He seems loyal to his friends, like the way he stood up for Sakura in potions today."

"Speaking of the other new kids," Ginny leaned over, "Do they talk much?"

"Not really."

"How about the one with the black hair?" Ginny's eyes lit up. "What does he sound like? He's so dreamy looking!" A smug look appeared on her face.

Ron looked disgusted, as did Harry, but Hermione and Ginny chuckled together. "You understand, right Hermione?"

"He's not butt ugly, but I wouldn't say he's dreamy."

"Oh please," Ginny waved it off, "Everyone I know thinks he is! We are just dying to talk to him! You should go out with him Hermione, he's about your age! You have a chance!"

Hermione turned red. "I don't know about that now."

"Haha!" Ron laughed, "Hermione couldn't get a boy to date her if she tried! She's too smart! No guy wants to date a girl who is smarter than him!"

"Well if no boy wants to date a girl who is smarter than he is, then YOU will NEVER get a date Ron!" Ginny exclaimed, and the two girls burst into laughter. Even Harry stifled a laugh.

Ron just looked like he wanted to make a good comeback, but couldn't, so he just responded, "Shut up Ginny!" and went back to his meal.

"Hey, you know what we should do? We should all go to Hogsmeade sometime! Want to do that?" Ginny waved her hand, "Even invite the new kids!"

Harry nodded politely, "Yeah, I think they would love to have some fun with us. I'll ask them when they get back if they want to go."

"Alright, I'm gonna go back to eat with my other friends. Bye!" She left to sit with the other first years.

Hermione looked at Harry, slightly concerned. "What's the matter Harry? You haven't eaten anything at all!"

He shook his head. "It's nothing, I'm just not too hungry."

"Alright, if you say so."

He made small chat with them whenever they talked to him, but mostly kept to himself. He was busy wondering what had made his scar hurt this morning.

Professor McGonagall led the three ninjas to a Gargoyle and said "Gummy bears," which caused the Gargoyle to spin around and reveal a staircase that led to Dumbledore's office.

"Haha, cool!" Naruto said. He entered the room immediately after McGonagall. The room was slightly big, and Dumbledore sat at his desk with a warm smile on his face. Naruto returned his smile and waved. On further inspection, Naruto also noticed that Snape and Professor Lupin were also in the room, standing on either side of Dumbledore. Lupin gave Naruto an acknowledging nod of the head, while Snape just stood contently in his place.

"Hello Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura," Dumbledore said, "How was your first day of classes?"

Naruto threw his fist in the air, "Really fun! I had potions and DADA, with both of those guys up there," He pointed at them. Dumbledore laughed.

"I see you've taken quite a liking to the school. Are you being treated alright?"

Naruto knew that he wasn't exactly liked by the other students, but he managed a nod of his head, and it seemed to fool Dumbledore.

"Wonderful. Well before we begin, we are still waiting on one more—"

He was interrupted when a sudden gust of wind entered the room. A few leaves flew around in the form of a small tornado when a man appeared.

"Kakashi Sensei!" The three children exclaimed.

Kakashi saluted them with two fingers. "Sorry I'm late, I was a little busy."

Sakura laughed. "New Make Out Paradise book came out?"

The Professors slowly turned their heads to him, mixtures of confusion and humor on their faces. Even under Kakashi's mask, it was clear that he was uncomfortable as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Uhm… anyway, let's get on with this."

Dumbledore folded his hands again. "Well Mr. Uzumaki," he started, "Professor Lupin told me about a little incident today."

Naruto gulped.

"He told me you offered to duel Harry, and when you went up to duel him, you knew of no spells. Is this true?"

Naruto quickly looked up at Kakashi, and Kakashi gave him the 'Go On!' look, so Naruto nodded his head. "Yep, that's true."

Dumbledore laughed. "Why would you volunteer to use magic if you aren't even real wizards?"

The three ninjas stiffened. Naruto was shocked and nervous at the same time. Uh Oh, he thought, I know the old man knows we are ninjas, but Snape and Lupin sure don't! This is bad! He gave an audible gulp. "Uhm… you know there's two other people in the room who don't know that we are ninjas, right?"

"Yes Naruto, I'm fully aware of this, thank you." He said, half sarcastically and half polite.

"Well, I thought you just wave the piece of wood and BAM!" When he made the sound effect, he put his hands in the air, "Instant magic!"

Kakashi laughed. "No Naruto, you see, you don't have magic in your body! It's just chakra! You're here to protect the school remember?"

"I would never forget the mission!" Naruto answered, insulted. He clenched his fists. "I'm offended you would even think that Kaka-sensei!"

"Relax, I was just joking Naruto." He waved his hand as to wave the situation away.

Dumbledore intervened. "Now if you would like to learn magic, then you need magic in your body first."

"But how are we supposed to get magic into our body if we don't have it there?" Sasuke asked, finally speaking up.

"I have asked Professor Snape to whip up a potion that will temporarily give you the ability to use magic and spells. It will wear off after about a week, so you will have to keep returning to see Professor Snape for more of it." He motioned to Snape, who took out 3 vials of bubbling green liquid from his robes.

"If you all will kindly drink these please." Dumbledore commanded them kindly.

Snape handed one to each of the students. "Thanks." Naruto mumbled, giving an attempt at being polite. Snape just responded with, "Drink, Uzumaki."

They chugged it down quickly. After a moment, they were making gagging noises. Naruto held his throat with both of his hands and stuck his tongue out. "Yuck! That tastes so gross!"

"That should last for about a week. Go and see Professor Snape in the dungeons anytime you need more." Dumbledore paused. "Onto the next matter, you will need to catch up with the other students, therefore, instead of attending your normal Defense against the Dark Arts class, you will see Professor Snape to help you train and learn new spells."

Naruto groaned audibly, even though it wasn't intentional. Everyone stared.

Dumbledore lowered his glasses and suppressed a laugh. "Is there a problem, Naruto?"

"Yeah actually," Naruto folded his arms and furrowed his brow. "I don't want greaseball scumbag over here teaching me JACK!" He scowled.

"Naruto!" Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura barked in surprise at the same time.

"Believe me, Uzumaki, the last thing I want to be doing is anything that will help your arrogant and immature self." Snape responded coolly. "However, Dumbledore asked me to do it, so I will comply."

"Why can't Pruhfessur Lupin just teach us?"

"Naruto," Dumbledore put a hand up. "I will not allow that kind of talk to a teacher. DO NOT let it happen again." He asserted.

Naruto just locked his eyes with Snape's and growled. "Fine."

"Professor Snape is fine, I'm sure he'll do a great job at helping us." Sakura said politely.

Kakashi raised his hand. "Actually, that brings the reason that I'm here." He glanced at them. "Sasuke, Sakura, I will be taking you back to Kohona for a few days at the Hokage's request. She needs you in Kohona immediately for another A-Rank mission."

Naruto jumped and his eyes turned wide. "Why aren't I coming too?" He exclaimed.

"Well Naruto, since you were so enthusiastic about coming here, I figured that you would be the one who would want to stay and learn some more."

Naruto blushed and said sheepishly, "Well, can Sakura stay? You can take Sasuke, just let Sakura stay." He tapped his toes on the ground.

Sakura looked like she was going to explode. Dumbledore and Lupin chuckled. Kakashi put a hand on her shoulder. "Calm down Sakura. No Naruto, I need both of them. You will be fine here by yourself, right?"

Naruto shrugged sadly and looked at the ground. "Yeah I will, but I'll miss 'em. A lot of the other kids don't like me too much."

Lupin tilted his head. "Why? You seem to get along with Harry Potter just fine."

"Yeah, he's a cool dude," Naruto shrugged again and sighed. "It's just that the other kids think I'm weird cause of the whole sorting hat thing."

"Ahh, what a show that was, eh Mister Uzumaki?" Dumbledore chuckled.

"I guess. It wasn't really meant to be a show. I just wanted to be with my friends!" He grinned.

Dumbledore nodded. "And you got what you wanted, I presume?"

"Sure did!" Naruto turned to Kakashi. "When are they coming back?"

"They should be here by the beginning of the weekend. Friday night I would say." Kakashi smiled through his mask. He walked over to Naruto and ruffled his hair. "You be good, okay Naruto?"

Naruto smiled up at him with a determined look on his face. "I'll follow through the whole way, Kakashi Sensei, I promise! You have my Shinobi word!" He pumped his fist.

Kakashi clearly smiled through his mask. "See you around." He walked away with Sasuke and Sakura. "Oh," He turned his head around, "One more thing. Try not to do anything stupid, okay Naruto?"

Naruto just smiled as the other three ninjas disappeared in a tornado of leaves.

Naruto sighed and put his hands on his hips. "Okay then, anything else?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "No Naruto, that's just about it. You're free to head back to your lunchtime now."

"Thanks, See ya 'round I guess." Naruto saluted them with two fingers on his forehead as he walked away.

"Oh and Mr. Uzumaki?" Snape's voice echoed after him.

"Yeah?" Naruto said turning to face him sternly.

"Don't forget about your detention. Seems like you've already broken your promise before you even made it." He smirked.

Naruto's cheeks turned red with embarrassment. Great, now even the other two professors think I'm a total jerk! He just turned down the steps and walked away.