YAY lol, 3rd chapter, W00T!!!! Dunno wut else to say so ON WITH THEY CHAPPY!!!!

Yours Truly,



Chapter Three: The Digidestined Arrive in the Castle Home


Celestial Castle, 2 weeks after Tai had left and returned to the real world:


As they waited for the digidestined to arrive, having have received a message from Tai and Izzy two days prior, Sepharimon and Ophanimon were 'lightly' sparring. It wasn't often that they fought but they had to pass away the time in some way or another and this was the easiest form to do that in, the only restriction they had placed on themselves was not directly using any power attacks. This of course placed Ophanimon at an advantage, since she had both a javelin and a shield, but Seraphimon wasn't known as the warrior angel digimon for nothing, and he made her fight for victory like no other digimon alive could. As they fought however an Angemon walked in, and kneeling he cleared his throat.

"My Lords, you asked that when the digidestined arrived that you be informed. They arrived just under three minutes ago." said the Angemon and getting up but keeping his head in a slight bow he turned and led Seraphimon and Ophanimon to where the digidestined had arrived. Standing right outside the door the two of them removed their helmets, and taking them under their arms they entered the room. When the older generation of the digidestined saw them, saying that they were surprised would have been the most extreme understatement ever.
"T...K..." was all most of them could get out, except for Sora who had called Kari's name first and Tai who seeed to not really be surprised.

"Hey everyone," said the two celestial digimon.

"Tai, did you know that these two were Kari and TK?" asked Matt after finally having gotten over his surprise at having seen his little brother.

"Of course I knew Matt, they were the ones that took care of the Monochromon that had attacked us when we arrived and Agumon told us he couldn't digivolve." said Tai and Matt's anger at Tai hiding such valuable information overcame his self-control and he moved to strike Tai only to have a huge lightning bolt shot in between the two of them at Seraphimon's command of, "Hallowed Ascension".

"STOP!!" he roared and throughout the castle his command could be heard, and the entire movement within it had completely ceased, the digimon themselves freezing at having heard the normally calm and kind Seraphimon roaring in anger.

"It was at my command that he withheld information from all of you, and I think it's time I show all of you why. Unfortunately I wasn't able to gather all of your digimon digidestined. I was only able to retrieve Palmon, Agumon, Tentomon, and Gabumon. I will work on freeing the other two but it is not as simple as you might believe it was. You have seen this castle, and if it were up to what it seemed like in here then the digital world would look perfect but that's not how it is outside of here. Outside of here a human who calls himself the Digi-Emperor has been taking many digimon, digimon that to me are like my children, and enslaving them. Unfortunately Biyomon and Gomamon were taken, and everytime I send someone out to fight I know perfectly well that they may be turned against us to the point that I would be forced to digitize them. This isn't a joke anymore, it never has been when humans involve themselves in our world. Ophanimon and I were chosen as the guardians but to do so I must make sure that no human ever interfere again with our world. This war shall be the final time that I will allow humans to enter the digital world without repercussions. The next human, after the end of the war, to enter the digital world will face the full wrath of the warrior angel." said Seraphimon, pronoouncing the word human with a great amount of contempt.

He had grown to learn that humans could never be trusted with power, they were too ambitious to use it for the greater good. No all but a select few thought first of themselves and then for their family and their care stopped there. It was humans that had always caused the trouble, and it was thanks to them that the Dark Ocean could influence the digital world, because all digimon born of good were immune to it unless they were influenced by an outside source.

"Ophanimon, can you please lead the digidestined to their digimon, while I show my brother what has been happening here in the digital world," said Seraphimon and turning to Matt he motioned for him to follow.

"As you wish Seraphimon." responded Ophanimon, and moving closer to Matt so only he could hear her when she whispered, "I would listen to Seraphimon, Matt. He's normally more kind than any other digimon but he is the Warrior Angel for a reason."

Matt was shocked to say the least, he had never heard TK act like this. TK had always been so kind and he was always the last to anger but here he was yelling at Matt after not having seen him for 3 real world years.

"Hurry, Matt." said Sepharimon not even bothering to look back at his brother.

After about half an hour of walking they reached what Seraphimon had been looking for, the orb. The orb was a special object that would allow TK, Kari, Gatomon, and Patamon to look on at everything that was happening elsewhere in the digital world. Separating TK and Patamon approached the orb.

"Matt, come here." said TK and Matt did as he said, but what he saw he would never forget.


Vision the Orb was Showing:


It was the middle of the desert but there were several of digimon all working to move black blocks into position for a tower that seemed to be in the process of being built. But the horror was the eyes of the digimon, eyes that Matt knew all two well, they were blank, no expression in them. These digimon were slaves, and it pained him to see even rookie digimon that could barely lift a tree being forced by other digimon with whips to continue to move the massive blocks of black rock. Now Matt knew why TK had been so angry the moment that he had tried to attack Tai, he had been angry because every second that the digidestined fought was another second that a small group of digimon would have to work as a slave for the Digi-Emperor.


Back outside the orb:


"I'm sorry, I didn't know that this was what was happening in the desert region." said Matt and he struggled to keep the tears out of his eyes as he watched TK and Patamon cry profusely.

"HA!!!" cried TK in the coldest manner Matt had ever heard his brother use, "The desert region, HA!! This is happening all throughout the digital world. Even several hundred feet from here they are building a tower as we speak, but how can I stop them, I must wait until the tower is built and then I must destroy it so I can free the digimon from their prison. Now that you've seen this I can be sure that you are prepared to do what is necessary to help the digimon. ANGEMON!!"

A swirl of light was seen and a flapping of wings heard as an Angemon appeared, kneeling before TK.

"Take my brother to the others, and ask Ophanimon to meet me in our room." said TK.

"As you command, Lord Takeru. Sir Matt, please follow me." said the Angemon and Matt followed him out the door and into the reaches of the castle.


Hope you guys liked that. I know that Matt was kinda dumb, but I don't think he would have responded very well to seeing TK again after not hearing from him for three years.

Yours Truly,
