"Dialogue in writing is what kills most people." Here Freddy smirks, and Jamie, who absolutely hated doing book reports and paper writing, smirked along with him. "It's the fuckin' spacin' and the quotation marks that gets 'em every time. But punctuating dialogue is as easy as confusing Jason Voorhees--and we all know how easy that is--c'n I getta amen?" Freddy lifted his gloved hand as if for a high five; Jamie blinked stupidly a few times, having absolutely no clue who the hell Freddy was talking about, then blinked Freddy shook his head and lowered his hand, looking disgusted. "Kids these days," Freddy said, then turned and scratched that into the chalk board; Jamie winced.

"Notice how that comma's there after the last word in the quotation marks. It goes there because the speech is followed by what's called a speaking verb ("said").

If the action directly following the dialogue does not involve speech, but a different type of physical gesture, then you put a period".

"Your soul is mine." 'He regards you with a wicked smile'".

Freddy scratched that last sentence onto the board, then grinned as Jamie winced again.

"Check it out. I'm regarding you, and there's no way I can regard 'Your soul is mine'. It can be whisperd, screamed, mumbled, hell, even growled, but you can't look it. So a period follows the speech, because he is speaking, then doing something else.

Ok, one last note here, kiddo. Each time you write dialog, you have to double-space between dialog."

Freddy scooted the board out of the way, then stretched elaborately. Jamie was dancing inside. Hemore than passed this 'test'; he'd learned a hell of a lesson and when he woke up, he'd sure as hell remember this one until he graduated!

"So, let's finish this. Say, 'Freddy is a Dream Daemon.'" "Freddy is a Dream Daemon," Jamie stated with confidence.

"Good!" Freddy exclaimed. "Now, another one. 'Freddy has killed a hundred times before, and will kill a thousand times more.'" Freddy smiled, seemingly charmed with his own impromptu rhyme, and Jamie followed suit, forgetting his own horror as he gained confidence that he was acing this, and charmed as well by the thought of this Daemon so bursting with self-confidence.

"Now, one more: 'Freddy is going to slit my fucking throat for being so damn dumb.'"

"Freddy's going to slit--" Jamie's eyes widened with horror and his voice shrunk from its confident ring to a frightened, wounded tone. Freddy's eyes grew cold once again and that nasty, hated grin was back full force. "--my throat," he finished in a ragged, mousy whisper, unable to stop himself from completing the sentence.

"My pleasure," Freddy sing-songed, stepping forward, brandishing his blades with a flourish. Jamie only had time to gasp before those blades, honed by years of use, sliced his throat as easily as butter.

"You...said..." Jamie gurgled, then he couldn't speak any more. As he bled to death, his eyes asked the question for him. As Freddy shook his head, the boy expected the monster to say he'd lied.

Instead, Freddy grinned even wider, shaking his head as he wagged a finger. "What I SAID was I wouldn't kill you if you learned the lesson. YOU thought I was teachin' English. All them sentences shoulda TOLD you I was gonna kill ya. But you weren't paying attention, and that was the lesson." He smirked as the boy's eyes glassed over. "Put down the damn video games'n pick up a book sometime." He stabbed Jamie in the heart for good measure, laughing, then threw the boy to the ground. "Fuckin' idiot kids."

Freddy looked around a moment, as though someone were watching him. Spotting what he was looking for, he smiled, moved a few steps, then tapped the screen encasing him.

"Hey, you! Yeah, you. Fan fiction readers! Are you payin' attention to what you're readin'? Don't let me catch you surfin' those adult sites!" He smirked again, then stalked off, whistling cheerfully.