"I'm not giving up basketball, we're going to work around it," Troy answered for the both of them

"I'm not giving up basketball, we're going to work around it," Troy answered for the both of them.

"Gabriella, sweetie, have you told your mother yet?" Starla asked quietly.

"No we're going there next. Oh my god Troy she's going to hate me," Gabriella wailed and buried her head in Troy's chest.

"Bella she isn't going to hate you. How could she you're perfect."

"Right being pregnant at 17 is so perfect. I'm the daughter everyone would want to have," Gabriella replied sarcastically.

"We'd want to have you as a daughter," Jack replied and Troy smiled gratefully.

"Thanks," Gabriella whispered softly, laying her head on Troy's shoulder.

They left an hour later to go and tell Gabi's mom. As they made their way up the drive Troy could once again feel Gabriella's fingers dig into his hand. What happened in the next ten seconds was probably the worst thing that Troy had witnessed in his life. He rang the doorbell and Gin answered with a smile then Gabriella blurted it out.

"Mom I'm pregnant!" Then she threw up and Gina slammed the door in their faces.

"Okay that went well," Troy said to himself sarcastically before leaning down and holding Gabriella's hair out of her face. After she had finshed vomiting he decided to take her back to his house and let her mom cool off. Troy carried Gabriella inside as she had fallen asleep on the way back to his place. He passed his parents on the way upstairs and quickly uttered five words to them "It didn't go as planned," before continuing upstairs.

He laid Gabriella on the bed and sat down next to her thinking how one favour could have turned out so badly. He was determined to stick with Gabriella through all of this and even though he wouldn't admit it yet to anyone else he was secretly excited about becoming a dad and forming a family with the girl of his dreams, knowing that this child would always keep them connected, even if they were apart.