Too Young


Jiraya[reading fic and giggling I taught you well haven't I?

Larid[clears throat. Pervy Sage, do you mind? I need help with the disclaimer.

Jiraya: Oh... right... [Stops reading and puts on serious face

Larid: Alright, I just had these ideas in my head, and I decided to put them on paper. I'm trying to stray away from the original characters, and this is another non-original character fic.

Jiraya: She does not own Naruto, and she's trying to keep the characters in character, but if you think they are not in character, tell her. But I must say, Naruto's love scenes are brilliant. I wish I could have been there to do research...

Larid[smacks head shut up Perv!!! This story is short for a reason. Each chapter is a different character's POV, starting with the girls, and ending with the guys. Also please don't flame me if you are a fan who insists Sasuke and Naruto is gay, because I will just flame you back since I HATE PEOPLE LIKE THAT. Also, if you don't want to read sex scenes, don't read on.

Jiraya: Aw, but that's the best part!

Larid: Tell the children that and I'll kill you... wait... [Reads Manga never mind, someone else does that.

Jiraya: what?
Larid: Never mind. Anyways you're one of the best characters I wouldn't really do that anyway... [Sad guilty look and says to herself... "Damn you Pain!!!"

Chapter One: Fuck buddies

[Sakura's POV

I couldn't believe it when we became Gennin, and I was in Sasuke's group! It was the best day of my life!!! But why did I have to be paired with Naruto? He was so annoying!

About a month after we started getting missions, we were given a C mission because Naruto was complaining. It turned out it was actually an A mission because there was A-ranked ninja after our client. We stayed with his family for about three weeks so that Kakashi-Sensei could rest and heal from using his Sharingan too much. He had a feeling Zabuza's, the ninja we fought, was still alive, so we had to train to become better.

One day, I saw Sasuke lying in the grass. Kakashi was resting and Naruto was still trying to concentrate on his Chakra. Sasuke seemed annoyed at something.

"What are you doing out here Sasuke-kun?" I asked him.

"Hn... thinking..." He said not looking at me. I decided to lay down next to him. He looked somewhat annoyed, but didn't push me away. I decided to get bolder and got closer to him. For some reason, I heard a slight groan from him. After I just laid there next to him for a few minutes, he suddenly rolled on top of me.

"Sa...Sasuke-kun..." I said surprised.

"I don't know why, but I feel weird being this close to you..." he said while he was on top of me. I could feel that a certain area of his anatomy was...well... hard and sticking up through his shorts. I started feeling a weird sensation as well as it was laying lightly onto the same part of my body. We just stared at each other until he suddenly lifted up my dress. "You really like me right?" he whispered in my ear and thrust that part of his anatomy into mine. I couldn't describe how great it felt. I gasped with the sudden pleasure I felt.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist, as he started thrusting more and more into me. We were both covered, but it felt so good it was as if we were both naked. I couldn't believe it. Sasuke Uchiha was dry-fucking me. I couldn't wait to tell Ino-pig! Finally something to taunt her with!

Sasuke started panting as I started to scream with the pleasure he was giving me. I could feel how strong and fast an Uchiha could truly go. He seemed to go even faster and harder as I screamed as if it turned him on. Finally I felt a strange tightening down in my abdomen and I felt like I was going to burst.

I suddenly screamed the loudest scream I ever made, as I felt my climax, and Sasuke seemed to climax too, because he let out a huge groan and pushed into my pussy as if he wanted to let it all out in me. After about a minute of panting, he rolled off of me, and I put down my skirt. He wiped off his shorts that had a little bit of cum on them, got up, and walked away, leaving me staring at his back.

What just happened? Did he just want to dry-fuck and leave?

"Just so you know," he said suddenly stopping. "Don't tell the idiot. And if he tries anything with you I'll kill him."

"Sasuke... what..."

"You remember my other goal right? To restore my clan? I chose you to help me." He said giving a quick smirk to me and than turned around again. "But for now we're just fuck buddies." He said finally leaving me alone.

He... he wants me to help restore his clan? Is that what he just said? He wants me to carry his child? Why me? Was it because she was in his squad?

But what did he mean by 'fuck buddy'? Did it mean since they were just too young that he just wanted to fuck? But why would he want to do that? He could have just waited until they were old enough to have children. He could have just satisfied himself at home! Why use me?

After we fought off Zabuza and Haku, we were finally back in Konoha. Every once in a while, Sasuke caught me alone in an ally or something, and would dry-fuck me. He never kissed me, or did anything affectionate like that. I didn't tell Ino like I originally wanted to, because I felt kind of upset about it. I felt like I was being used, but I didn't care. I still had a feeling that Sasuke was in love with me if I fucked him.

Every time we have never took off one article of clothing. Kakashi knew about this, because he caught us one time...

We were just finished training, and I was walking home, when Sasuke grabbed my wrist, and dragged me into an ally.

"Sas..." I started to say, but he put his finger to my mouth to hush me. He never let me say anything. He backed my up to the wall, and started feeling my body like he always did. He then slowly lifted up my dress. He leaned his erection against me again, and started thrusting. I could see him grin as I moaned. He held onto me while I wrapped my arms around his neck and my right leg around his waist. His arms left my waist, and then picked up my legs to give him more leverage.

He put his head in the crook of my neck, and I could hear him grunt and groan as he trusted into me. He started going faster and harder with my moans which turned into screams. Finally I climaxed and he followed. I threw my head back as I did so, and then I started panting and panting. I closed my eyes, and began to cry. I didn't care if Sasuke saw me cry. I didn't know if I liked doing this anymore.

"You're annoying..." he whispered in my ear. For some reason, his lips seemed to linger around my ear, but he then backed away and scoffed. I brought my head down, and opened my eyes. I then saw why he scoffed. Kakashi-sensei was staring at us in shock. I pulled down my dress with this because of my embarrassment, and hugged onto myself. Sasuke sulked, and put his hands in his pockets again.

Since Sasuke didn't care, he walked away with his usual "Hn," but Kakashi seemed to know that I was feeling down, so he talked about it to me after Sasuke left. I explained why he was doing this to me.

"Sakura, do you really want this?" he asked me seriously.

"Well... yes... and no... I can't describe it. It's really complicated. Its like I keep hoping that this will make him like me more. I keep hoping that he'd just kiss me at least or say 'I love you' or something like that. But I don't want to do this anymore, because I feel like its violating me." I said still crying.

Kakashi sighed. "Sakura, if you feel like its violating, then you shouldn't let him to it to you." He said in a very calm comforting voice.

I smiled through my tears. "Thank you Kakashi-Sensei... oh, doesn't tell Naruto. He doesn't want him to know."

"Let me guess, because Naruto would overreact?"

"Well... He's ALWAYS like that..."

"I understand. Just be careful. And don't do anything I wouldn't do!" He said with his wink-like smile suddenly poofing out. It was getting late, so I walked home.

A week later we found out about the Chunin exams. Kakashi chose us to go for it, so we were entered. One day we met the team from the Sand Village. After Sasuke sent them off along with the youngest of the group Gaara, he found a way to shoo off Naruto, and got me alone in his apartment. He sat me on his bed.

"Sasuke... I don't... want to do this now..." I said not looking in his eyes.

"Why?" he said suddenly climbing on top of me. He started touching my neck seductively. I started to melt again, but I suddenly pushed his hand away.

"Sasuke... I mean it... I feel... weird about all this..." I said starting to feel tears.

Sasuke smirked. "What if I did this?" he said as he leaned onto my neck. He than did something totally different. He kissed my neck. I gasped at this surprise feeling of pleasure again. He never kissed me. Never.

"Or this..." he whispered, as his hand slowly lifted up my dress and his finger touched my clit. I moaned at the contact. "Your always wet for me, so why fight?" he whispered, as he started massaging my clit. He never did this. Why was he doing this all of a sudden? He than moved his kissing to my mouth, and I accepted with a tear streaming down my cheek.

He than forced his tongue into my mouth, and started massaging my tongue. I started moaning, while his hand that was once massaging my clit now was off and taking off my panties. Why was he doing this? He never did that before! Than again, we never had our fuck sessions at his house before.

"Sasuke... what..." I said when he finally came up for air.

"I think we're old enough to go a little further... we're both thirteen now..." he said taking off his shirt, and going in for another kiss. I felt his hands also going to lift my dress. I didn't want him to do everything, so I started on his pants.

What was I doing? I thought I told myself specifically that I would not do this anymore. Why was Sasuke so damn seductive?

After we were both fully naked, I skidded back on his bed, and he was on top of me on all fours. He than thrust his erection into my pussy fast, and hard. I gasped at the sudden hurt. He must have seen the pain, because he stayed inside me for a while until I was ready. I couldn't believe we were doing this!

"Are you ok Sakura?" he asked me with a concerned look.

"Y...yes... I'm... fine." I said putting my legs around his waist giving him the go-ahead to start pumping me. He started out slow and fast, but than gradually got faster and harder. I couldn't believe it! I was giving my virginity away at thirteen to Sasuke Uchiha. It felt so different from all the other times. Finally we were both climaxing. Mine felt so different, because he was inside me this time.

I screamed louder than I ever did before with this climax. I felt so much pleasure this time that it was indescribable. Sasuke still hadn't cum, yet, but he seemed anxious. He got out of me, and came outside on his bed. He was panting as he lay down beside me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. He seemed upset.

"I... nothing... I just don't think its time for me to get you pregnant yet. I don't know what would happen to us then..." he said looking into my eyes. I could see that he was different somehow. He seemed to look at me not with annoyance, but... could it be... love? He has changed ever since that a mission, but how much has he changed? He kissed me for a while, and since it was getting late I got dressed and left.

Orocimaru... Who exactly is he? How could he be so powerful that Sasuke would feel so powerless against him? He did some hand signs, and his head suddenly stretched out and bit Sasuke on the neck. How could a man do that! Sasuke immediately cringed in pain. I couldn't help him; all I could do was try to contort him while he fell into my lap.

After Orocimaru left, I took him and Naruto to shelter I made and tried to protect them from the rain and enemies. A little later on, some ninja from the Sound village tried to kill Sasuke. Lee came to rescue me, but he got beat up too. The girl took me by the hair, and I finally got the courage up to cut my hair and protect Sasuke. I fought the one guy, but he beat the crap out of me. I thought I was done for, but Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji all came in to help me.

However they were beat down as well. Finally, Sasuke woke up, and had a strange new aura about him.

"Who did this to you?" he asked me. I couldn't answer him. He had these marking along the side of him body. His sharingan was blazing, and some weird purple chakra was coming from him. He repeated the question.

Finally, the guy who hurt me replied.

"I did, you got a problem with that?" he said in an annoying tone.

Sasuke smirked, and attacked the guy. He was so quick I couldn't keep up with him. Suddenly, Sasuke had both of his arms, and his foot was on his back. After taunting him a bit, he broke both of his arms. I stood there in shock. How could Sasuke do all this? Was it the curse mark? He was about to attack the boy's partner, when I ran up to him to hug him.

"Please stop." I whispered. Sasuke stopped dead in his tracks after I embraced him. He suddenly cringed in pain again and knelt on the ground. The boy's teammates reluctantly gave us their scroll as they ran away.

I sat next to Sasuke without a word. Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji were still there. Neji and Tenten had taken Lee with them.

"Sakura..." he said softly. He pulled me into a kiss, and than whispered in my ear. "Thank you." He whispered. We stared into each other's eyes and he kissed me again. The mood was interrupted by Ino...


"Leave her alone Ino." Sasuke said to her in a harsh tone. I never heard him talk to her like that. "I chose her, not you."

Pissed, Ino stomped away, with an annoyed Shikamaru and Choji dragging their feet behind her. I could hear Shikamaru's voice say "Troublesome..." before he was out of sight.

We both sighed, and gave a little laugh.

"Listen, Don't tell Naruto. I don't want him overreacting about this curse mark alright?"

"But... sure..." I said. I didn't like keeping this from Naruto, but he didn't want him to know. I had to keep to his word. He kissed me again, until we heard Naruto's voice freaking out and wondering where we were. We immediately stopped kissing and got over to him and acted natural.

At the preliminary matches, I was paired to fight against Ino. Beforehand, Ino and I met each other in the bathroom.

"Well if it isn't billboard brow. I'll get you for stealing my Sasuke away from me." She said angrily.

"Ino, don't you realize that if you went onto the finals you might have to go against Sasuke-kun?" she asked suddenly. "And don't tell anyone about us."

"Why shouldn't I?"

"He doesn't want Naruto to know."

"Maybe I'll just tell him to get you back."

"Ino, Sasuke would kill you." I retorted. Ino sighed she knew she was defeated.

"fine." She said walking off.

When we went down onto the arena and she looked severely pissed at me. We fought and fought with all our might. In the end, we both wore out, and were disqualified.

I couldn't believe that Orocimaru killed the Hokage! While Sasuke and Naruto were fighting Gaara and I was being slowly crushed by sand, the Hokage was fighting Orocimaru. It all ended with his use of the seal that put the Kyuubi in Naruto. After the funeral, I walked with Sasuke to his place. We obviously weren't going to do anything, but he wanted to comfort me. I sat on his bed, and started to cry. He held me close and rocked me. I never wanted to cry in front of anyone to show I was a true koinuchi. But I always cried. I could never keep my emotions in for long.

Sasuke still seemed to warm up to me more. He held me for as long as I needed to be held, kissed my forehead, and whispered soothing words.

About a week later, Sasuke came home from apparently trying to saves Naruto unconscious. He had met with his brother, and he used a special genjitsu on him to knock him out. Another week went by, and Naruto came back with the fifth Hokage, Tsunade. She healed Sasuke and Kakashi, who had received the same kind of knockout.

The first person Sasuke wanted to see was me. Thankfully Naruto was at home resting when he asked this. When I walked in, he had a sad look on his face.

I sat down next to him.

"I still couldn't kill him." He said to me shaking in his voice. "He said I don't have enough 'hate.' But how can I hate when I..."he said suddenly stopping and looking at me. What was he saying? Was he saying he loved me?

"Never mind..." he said finally looking away again.

"I'm glad your feeling better." I said trying to change the subject.

"Thanks to Naruto." He said with a hint of annoyance. I looked at him as he refused to look at me. He's jealous of Naruto? Well he was getting stronger everyday. Sasuke must feel like he's getting stronger than him.

"It's getting late. I better get home." I said kissing him on the cheek and leaving.

"Hn..." he said lying back down.

A few days later, Sasuke took me to his apartment again. I sat down on his bed, and he silently closed the front door. He had asked me the day before if I would want to sleep over his house that night. I agreed, so I told my mother that I was staying with Ino. I didn't tell Ino because I didn't want to tell her what kind of relationship I really had with him.

He had this look that he never had before. He looked not sad, not happy, but... lustful I guess. He quickly went on top of me and kissed me passionately. He lifted both of my arms up and slid his hands down my arms lightly touching them causing me to have Goosebumps.

"I want you so badly Sakura." He whispered with a new tone in his voice. It was so seductive and handsome that I just gave into his desires. I didn't care what I wanted anymore. In the heat of this new passion, we tore our clothes off, and Sasuke took me right away.

His dick seemed even harder and thicker than it was before. I moaned louder and louder as he pumped me faster and harder. Suddenly I felt myself climaxing again. I screamed so loudly I was afraid that everyone in Konoha including my parents would hear us.

Than I felt something different as Sasuke started groaning and embraced me tightly. I felt something hot enter my body. Sasuke held himself inside me clinging onto me tightly, and had his shoulder clinked with mine. We were panting so hard, and sweat was practically dripping all over our bodies. It felt as if we were at it for hours, when it was only about one hour.

Sasuke just rested on top of me and stared in my eyes, while I stared into his. My brain finally started to work normally. I now knew what that strange feeling was. Sasuke came inside me. He promised he would not get me pregnant, yet he did all that. Sasuke finally flopped onto the other side of the bed still holding me.

He stared at me not saying a word. His eyes said everything that he could have said. They were filled with guilt, happiness, desire, and possibly love all mixed in one. He didn't care how old we were anymore. He wanted me to carry his child now. But why did he? We were only thirteen years old. Did meeting with his brother do this? Did he feel that he might loose his life in a never-ending battle with Itachi? Did he feel that he needed to take care of this now so that he didn't have to worry?

Whatever this change was, I didn't care. At this point, I didn't care if I got pregnant. Sure my parents and Naruto would be pissed at Sasuke, but if it helps him achieve his goal than so be it. That was my last thought, before I fell asleep in Sasuke's strong arms that were holding me.

About two weeks after that, we were sent on a mission to help a runner win for a family in the land of Tea so that they could be free. I felt sick the morning we left, but I felt better after taking some herbal medicine to help my stomach. I brought it with me just in case I needed it again, and we were on our way.

While we stopped to eat lunch on the way, this guy started flirting with me all the sudden. I could see that Sasuke was getting angry, but didn't want to do anything to make Naruto think anything. He than ran off and left us with the tip. We ran after him, but we couldn't catch him.

Later on, we found out with dread that he was the boy we had to assist. As the race started, we had to run after him because he went to opposite way he was to go. We finally caught up with him and we got on a different boat to get to where he was supposed to go. When I got on the boat I got a little sea sick, but I drank more medicine, and I was fine.

"Are you alright?" Sasuke asked me concerned.

"Yea... I'm fine..." I replied. I knew he was thinking. He was thinking that I might be pregnant. I was thinking that too. But I couldn't be now. Not while we were on such an important mission! Suddenly, water ninja started attacking the boat. I got a shuriken to the shoulder, but I was fine.

Sasuke lured the ninja attacking me to him so that he could fight them. The boat caught fire, so we had to swim. We let the boy go first, and than Sasuke made me go second. God he was so protective of me!

Finally we were almost finished the race, when we met up with the main ninja against the boy's adoptive family. He taunted Sasuke calling him the weakest Uchiha, and that he wasn't worth being one. Than Sasuke attacked his lightening sword with his chidori. The older ninja won, and Sasuke was thrown onto the broken bridge.

As the ninja cut the rope, I immediately went after Sasuke not thinking of my own safety at all. I grabbed him, and concentrated all my chakra to my feet, and we landed on a smooth patch of rock at the bottom. I was fine, but Sasuke was hurt. He wouldn't wake up.

I felt sick again, and threw up. I have been getting sick for three days strait, my eating habits changed, my moods changed, not to mention my period hasn't come that month yet. I must be pregnant. I started crying and held Sasuke in my arms. He was breathing and everything, so he was Ok. But I feared how long he could last. I didn't want the father of my child dead for Christ's sake!

A little while later, Naruto yelled down and asked to see if we were ok. I replied, and told him I'd get us back up there and not to worry about us.

When we got back, Ino and I had a sleepover. We were friends again ever since the Chunin Exams and she slowly got over Sasuke since she knew that she could not have him. I had to tell her. I could trust her.

"Ino, can I tell you something important?" I said before we went to bed.

"Sure, what's up?" she asked.

"I... I think I'm pregnant."

"Wha... what?" she asked shocked. "You mean you and Sasuke..."

"Yea... It started out small and random, but than after the Chunin exams he started to get more serious with me. One night I told mom that I went to your house when I really spent the night at Sasuke's."

Ino was silent. "Did he force you?"

"No. It wasn't that. I tried to stop it before the Chunin exams, but he's just so seductive." I said starting to cry.

Ino got up and came towards me, and hugged me.

"It's alright. Just make sure I'm the godmother alright?" she said with a grin.

"Of course Ino." I said smiling. We than embraced tighter, and finally went to bed.

A few days later, Sasuke was awake finally, but he didn't talk at all. I wanted to wait to get checked out by a doctor, but it's been a week already. After I was finished visiting Sasuke, I was going for a check up. They'd tell me if I was pregnant or not. I went out to get Sasuke an apple, and when I came back in, Naruto was annoying as always. I beat the crap out of him, and started cutting the apple for Sasuke.

However, when I gave him the plate, he shoved it away, breaking the plate. He then started glaring at Naruto for some reason and then challenged him to a fight. What was going on? I tried to tell them this was a stupid idea, but Naruto accepted. As Sasuke walked away, I stared at him, but then remembered about his mark and looked at it.

Was this Orocimaru's doing? Ever since he got that mark he's been acting different. His actions outside of the bedroom were dark and angry. More than it was before.

I followed them up onto the roof as they fought. After a while, Naruto used a Rasengan, and Sasuke used chidori against each other. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to interfere. I ran to stop it, but Kakashi got in the way and threw them to the water tank and the wall.

I knew Kakashi should be around here somewhere. He promised to go with me to the doctor for support. He was the only person I told other than Ino since I trusted him. He went up to them and talked to Jiraya who was also up there. Sasuke left the roof and ran off. I started crying. This wasn't hormones or anything. I didn't want them to fight like this. Not to the death.

Kakashi finally jumped down to me.

"Sorry Sakura, you'll have to go alone. I need to talk to Sasuke. Don't worry I won't tell him. You can do that." He smiled and poofed out. I looked for Naruto, but he left too.

I went down to the doctor's office for my check up.

About an hour later, the doctor came in the room again and told me the news I already knew. I was pregnant. I cried not sad, but happy tears. This could be a good thing! I could tell Sasuke, and he'd feel better! He'd be a father! He can finally restore his clan! But what would my parents think? What would the Hokage do? Would I have to quit being a koinuchi? Worst of all, would Naruto really kill Sasuke?

A little later, I decided to go on a 'date' with Naruto. I told him about Sasuke's curse mark, and we were silent.

"Don't worry about it Sakura. Sasuke's already a total powerhouse, it's not like he needs that kind of help you know..." he said still eating Ramen.

"Oh...right... Um... and also..." I was about to tell him about my pregnancy, but than I remembered that I haven't told Sasuke yet. "Uh... never mind..." I said looking down. I ate my ramen that Naruto bought me, and than we left. I was about to go home, but I had a feeling I should go to the bench where I first talked to Naruto and Sasuke the first day of Gennin. It was a good thing I did, because I saw Sasuke walking toward me with a backpack.

We talked for a while, and I reminisced about how we met.

"I know you hate me. You always have." My emotions were going out of whack again... "You always see me as annoying, but I love you so much that I just can't help it. If you insist on leaving, take me with you."

Sasuke had his back turned. I couldn't see what he was feeling through his eyes. After a little while, he turned again.

"You haven't changed." He said. "Your still annoying." He said with a smirk. He started walking away again, but I had to stop him.

"I'M PREGNANT SASUKE!" I yelled at him with tears streaming out from my eyes. He stopped dead in his tracks. His hands were out of his pockets now. He seemed like he didn't want to look at me, but than turned and walked to me swiftly. If I didn't know better, I could have sworn he was about to cry. He grabbed my by the arms and kissed me. He moved his arms to my waist, and looked into my eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I have to do this." He whispered to me. He kissed my forehead, and than knocked me out.

The next thing I knew, I woke up by some guards running errands for Tsunade-sama. I told them what happened, and they told Tsunade right away. I even told them I was pregnant with his child. The village would have found out eventually. I cried knowing that I could not stop him.

I than made sure I saw Naruto and the others off. I had to tell Naruto. It would help him get Sasuke home.

"Sakura... Hokage-sama told me the situation. We can't bring you with us especially with..."

"I know." I said interrupting him. I wanted to tell Naruto myself.

"Especially with what Shikamaru? Why can't she come with us? What's going on?" Naruto asked annoying as always.

"Naruto... I was there when Sasuke left. I tried to stop him but..." I looked down, and started to cry. "I thought you should know before you leave. It might help you bring him back... I'm pregnant Naruto." I said looking away. Naruto, Neji, Kiba, Lee, and Choji all stared at me in shock. I put my arms around myself in shame. Suddenly Naruto hugged me.

"Don't worry Sakura. If he doesn't come home I'll kill him." He said in my ear with complete seriousness in his voice. They finally were on their way.

While they were away, Tsunade told Sakura the penalty for my actions. I was not to go on any missions for the whole of my pregnancy. Not even D missions. I was able to get my own two bedroom apartment for me and the baby, and my mother [after the shock of finding out she was going to be a grandmother early volunteered to baby-sit my baby after it was born.

Tsunade also said that after the baby was born I could go back to duties after I was healed. I asked her if she could train me, because I was so useless to any group I went to. Not to mention Itachi was still out there, and I didn't know what he'd do to our child if he found out. I wanted to protect this child as much as I could.

Ino also was working harder than ever at the flower shop, and even got my help. She said that I deserve to get more money since I'm with child.

Two days later, they all came home hurt, but did not have Sasuke with them. I cried and cried, but Tamari and Lee comforted me. When Naruto woke up, he seemed to be afraid of the fact that he didn't get to save Sasuke, but I didn't care. I knew Sasuke had a good reason. He always did.

Nine months later, I had our son. He looked just like Sasuke would have looked like when he was a baby. After labor was over, I fell asleep.

Sasuke was sitting in front of me holding our son.

"Good morning Sakura." He grinned.

"Your back!"

"Of course I am. How could I miss out on my son's birth?"

"What do you think we should name him?" I asked him.

"I always liked the name Kyo." He smiled at his son as he gripped his index finger.

"Hmmm... Kyo Uchiha." I said with a smile. "I like the sound of that."

"I do too." Sasuke smiled. He than got up and handed our son to me. He kissed me for a good long time...

When I woke up, I saw Ino holding my son. She was rocking him back and forth. He was making cute little noises, causing Ino to grin and smile like mad. I looked around, but Sasuke was nowhere to be found. I sighed and looked down.

"What's wrong Sakura?" Naruto asked. He was sitting down next to Ino. He seemed to be afraid to hold my son.

"Wha... oh... nothing. Just a dream that felt really real. That's all." I than sat up and smiled at my son.

"So, you think of a name yet?" Kakashi asked grinning at the little guy.

I smiled to myself. "Kyo. I think Kyo's a nice name."

"Hm... Kyo Uchiha huh?" Jiraya said. I almost forgot he was here. Naruto promised that he would go train with Jiraya after I had the baby.

"Yes." I said. Kyo Uchiha. That was my son's name.

"Um... can I hold him?" Naruto asked. "I wanted to ask you first."

I smiled. "Of course Naruto. You are the god father after all."

"Really?" he said excitingly.

"Of course. You and Sasuke were like brothers. I wouldn't have it any other way." I smiled.

Ino handed Kyo over to Naruto. Kyo looked at Naruto, and than started to cry.

"WHY IS HE CRYING WITH ME!!!" he said freaking out but not hurting my son.

I giggled. "I guess he's like his father." I said.

Naruto got upset and gave my son back to Ino. The next day I heard that he left.