Disclaimer: I don't own it…

A/N: This is for PiNkAdOt22 whose word of choice is "guitar."

Lizzie sighed as she finished packing up the papers she needed to grade over the weekend. As she left her room and locked the door she thought about the empty apartment she would be going home to. Will, her boyfriend, was out of town for the weekend and wasn't coming back until Tuesday at the earliest.

She quickly walked to her car and started on her way home, thinking of what she could do to occupy herself when she got there. By the time she reached her flat, she had decided that she would do her laundry and clean the apartment tonight and tackle her papers the next day.

Lizzie smiled at one of her neighbors as she got out of her car and made her way up to her apartment. When she reached her door, she paused. She could hear music coming through the door. She cautiously put her key in the lock and quietly opened the door. She paused when she saw her living room.

Will was sitting on the couch wearing nothing but his guitar, softly playing a song.

"Will?" Lizzie asked, not quite believing what she was seeing.

Will turned around and grinned at her. "I was able to get my work finished earlier than I thought I would, so I came back today."

Lizzie giggled when she saw his front. The guitar was strategically placed so that his goods weren't visible. William raised his eyebrow and asked, "Do you like what you see?"

Lizzie nodded her head as she walked towards him, undressing as she went. By the time she reached him, she was completely nude. Lizzie smiled at him seductively as she pulled him down for a searing kiss. She tried to move closer to him, but stopped when she felt the guitar between them.

"I think we should get rid of this," she said as she unhooked the strap and set the guitar out of the way.

Will pulled her back to him and kissed her again. After a few moments Lizzie pulled back and pushed him onto the couch, falling to her knees in front of him. Right before she leaned towards him, he heard her say, "Now it's my turn to play you." She then spent the next few minutes strumming him as well as he had strummed the guitar.