Yuna: This is so exciting!
Link: Tell me about it!
Obi-Wan: Your first romance fic, the next one will be Obi-WanxSiri
Tidus: No, it'll be TidusxYuna,
Riku: No it'll be RikuxAny female
Mars: It's starting!


Bounty Love
Chapter 1: Snake

The new Smashers have finally arrived at Smash HQ. Samus was taking a look at the ones who arrived so far. So far, there was an angel, a really fat biker, a Fire Emblem character, a Pokemon Trainer, Donkey Kong's nephew, a really short knight, a kid who has psi powers like Ness, what appears to be a blue blur, and what seems to be a big duck with a mallet.

"So far, so bad." Samus muttered to herself. Then, she got a reading, "A life form is walking by me right now, what?" She turned around to see that no one was there. "It must've been that blue blur."

"Nope, just me."

"Who's there?"

"I am, the name's Snake." The speaker appeared.

"Wh-what? How did you do that?"

"It's simple, camouflage."

"Of course! A cloaking device, how very clever 'Snake' but I'll keep my eye out for you!"

"Sure you will," Snake started to walk away, "My room's 7A."

"I guess we'll be roomates, that's my dorm."

He smiled, "Imagine that." With that he walked off.

What a rather attractive man, Samus thought, That mullet, those muscles, he looks really…hot.

Out of nowhere, Captain Falcon arrived, "Samus! Did you see that Snake guy?"

"Yes," she answered.

"Real jerk huh?"

"…you can say that."

"Yeah! He took my pizza when I wasn't looking!"


"Yeah! I was talking about y-y-y-Yatzi."


"Yeah, it's a really fun game."

"Sure, how do you know it was him?"

"He was gone and so was the Pizza!"


"Now I have to go after him!" Falcon ran off.

"Good luck! You're going to need it!" Samus shouted, walking in the opposite direction.

She entered the game room and saw Zelda playing the Gamecube version of Twilight Princess on the Wii (did I just cause a paradox?). "Hello Samus," she greeted Samus.

"Zelda, have you met the new Smashers?"

"Yep, they're…colorful, then again, so are the veterans."

"Have you met the man with the mullet?"

"Who? Solid Snake?"

"You met him?"

"No, but Link plays Twin Snakes for the Gamecube, I didn't think he'd actually be in."

"What do you think of him?"

"I'm not sure Samus, do like him?"

"Me? I'm not sure if I do, I just met him."

"No, I mean, like-like him."

"I don't understand."

"Do you think he's attractive?"

"What! Me? Samus Aran, best bounty hunter in the Smash World think a man is attractive? You must think I'm…a housewife!"

"It's only natural Samus, it's okay to think a man is attractive."


"I knew it!" Zelda put the controller down, "You're finally going to get a boy friend!"

"I never said that Zelda."

"But you're thinking it, I know you are!"