This story is NOT DH compliant.

Argo: as this story was written shortly after HBP and many months before DH was released, and as I am an avid Dobby fan, I could never find it in my heart to kill him off. I hope you like this chapter anyway.

njferrell: I know. Even I feel bad for what I put Draco through. I love Dobby, probably one of my favorite lesser characters, so I had to put that little happy lovey line. It's really funny now that I think about it, but I didn't even have Dobby in the original. I love Dobby, and DH made me sob.

mayublack: I know it's sad. I nearly put my best friend in tears and I'll admit that I even cried while I was writing it.

I know it's short, but I thought that too many more chapters would get boring and repetitive. Last chapter is up! Yay the wait is over!

and last, but certainly not least

Branwen777: Oh Naomi, I looked forward to your review, and you didn't disappoint. The last chapter is up! Yay! I realized afterwards that I was especially cruel to poor Draco, who really did nothing to merit the awful things I did to him.

As for Ginny Weasley, I hated that she ended up with Harry. I like Ginny, I do, but she and Harry are just weird together. Like you said: her looks are often compared to his mom's, and almost no one ever ends up with their first crush. Even before I stared shipping Harry and Draco, I didn't like Harry and Ginny. I almost always make her like his sister, or a lesser character if I use her at all. She was the easiest person to use in a relationship with Harry because I wrote this not too long after reading HBP so their relationship was firmly etched in my brain.

I'm proud that you didn't ask for any spoilers. I will admit to crying while writing this story, though. Make sure you read every last word because there is a message at the end that will interest you, I promise.

I hope I don't disappoint,

I'll Be His Enemy.
Dobby opened his mouth to protest, but I couldn't have that.

"That is not a request Dobby!" I turned my sorrow filled eyes on him. "I need you to look after him. Help him as much as possible, and I'll help him too, but he won't know it."

Dobby was apprehensive, but started muttering the spell anyway. Knowing what to expect, I closed my eyes. When I opened them, I was standing in the robe shop, and Harry was walking towards me. When he reached me I started talking about anything and everything, slowly and slowly degrading him, and slowly and slowly breaking my heart.

Change, I was on the train and insulting the Weasley scum, causing Harry to glare at me. I held out my hand for him to be friends. 'I can tell the wrong sort for myself thank.' and my heart clenched, but it was for the better.

Change, Harry had faced the Dark Lord, and I was afraid he would never wake, or worse, wake while I stood here in the hospital wing over him.

Change, Dobby had gone to warn Harry about my father's plan, and I hoped it worked.

Change, I had just called Hermione a 'mudblood' but Harry looked confused.

Change, I was so sick, that I couldn't help but love the fact that our thighs were touching during Quidditch.

Change, Harry's psycho godfather had escaped but Harry was safely up in Hogwarts, or so I thought until I was dripping with mud and I could see Harry's head floating. I took off running; my godfather hated him enough to make sure Harry stayed in the castle.

Change, Harry's name came out of the goblet of fire, and I knew something was wrong.

Change, Harry was crying over Cedric Diggory's body, and I couldn't help be jealous of a dead body.

Change, Harry had formed a secret defense group and no Slytherins were invited.

Change, Dobby had go ahead to warn Harry, but not soon enough because he had just tripped over my jinx and he was going to get in trouble, and maybe expelled because Umbridge is a cow.

Change, my mission was to kill Dumbledore, but I had never killed a person before.

Change, Myrtle was trying to talk to me again, and I was crying. I didn't know if I could handle it. Harry hated me, and I had to become a murderer. Harry was looking at me through the mirror, and he wasn't allowed to see my emotions. Before I knew what had happened I was bleeding and Harry was by my side. He was muttering something as Myrtle shrieked. How ironic for me to die at the hands of the one person I strove to protect at all costs.

Change, Snape wanted to help, but I didn't need his help. No one could help me.

Change, I couldn't kill Dumbledore, Harry needed him.

Change, pain, absolute pain, for not following the Dark Lord's orders.

I was lying on a small lumpy bed in a dingy room. Dobby nowhere in sight, and I felt more alone then ever. I looked at the mark on my left forearm. It would keep me from ever being able to get a job, or to ever be accepted into the wizarding society, or most importantly for Harry to ever love me, but it also showed my love and devotion to the man I love.

The door to my room burst open, and there were Aurors standing around me. They were surprised by my reaction, or lack there of.

A woman with pink hair was the first to approach me. "The war is over; we've won. It's over cousin."

She was obviously my aunt Adramada's daughter. My shoulders slumped, but I raised my head to smile at her.

"About time it was over. Tell me, how is our Savior?" I asked in a mocking tone, but was internally anxious. Had he live?

"Harry's fine." My cousin answered quickly, but her face slowly became confused, and she lowered her wand. "Why aren't you fighting us?"

I raised an eyebrow. "I would have thought that you would have preferred me to come without a fight, and seeing as how the Dark Lord is dead, there really is no point, is there?"

"Anything else you want to say before we take you to trial?" She said as she raised her wand again.

I nodded. "None of you realize, do you?"

All the Aurors exchanged confused looks, but none said anything.

With a sigh I stood, ready to be taken in. "Love has, in fact, saved us all, myself included."

It had been over a year since the Aurors had come for me. I was told that I had a visitor that I couldn't refuse. I sat in a large room across the table from the reporter. I smirked as Hermione Granger, or if the papers were correct, Hermione Weasley, sat down in the chair across mine.

"Afternoon, Malfoy." She said coolly as she shuffled her papers.

"Is it?" I ask sarcastically. "I wouldn't know, seeing as how I haven't seen the sun in over a year."

"Malfoy." She sighed as she gave me a steady stare. "I have questions for you."

"Really?" I continued in my sarcastic tone. "Because when I heard that you wanted to interview me, I thought you where just coming in to tell me the time of day. Silly me."

She ignored that statement and wet her quill. "Before your incarceration, you made the statement: 'Love has, in fact, saved us all, myself included.' You never gave reporters the meaning of this statement."

"Is there a question in there that I missed?" I continued in my permanent sarcastic tone.

"I believe there is more to the story than what you told your previous interviewers. Although your information turned out to be factual, I believe that you are leaving something out. What's the full story?"

I gave her a pleased smile; leave it up to Hermione to be the only one to realize that I was withholding information.

"The whole story, huh?" I sunk lower in my chair to get comfortable. She nodded energetically. "I hope you have plenty of ink and paper."

Never being one to be unprepared, she quickly pulled out a large bottle of ink and another stack of paper. I smiled at her enthusiasm. I thought of where to begin…

"I have made many choices.

"Some choices that are made change our world forever.

"This is something I say from experience. I've seen those choices and their effects or should I say consequences. Those consequences are what brought me to this.

"Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm here to tell a story, my story, a story that you probably won't believe, but that's ok because at least you will know. I am hoping you will pass my story on, and everyone will know how love did in fact save the world.
Sit down and get comfortable, because this is going to take awhile…"

But wait there's more!

the first time this story was introduced to the internet there was an outcry for a sequel I held strong in my belief that this story didn't need a sequel, that my point was made without one. Then, however, inspiration struck, as it tends to do, and I found myself at the mercy of my muse. So keep your eyes open for my oneshot sequel called: Over a Cup of Coffee. It is finished, and will be released within the next week. I must warn you it is the polar opposite of this fic and will gag you with its fluff and rot your teeth with its sugary sweetness. (Cough) Happy Ending (Cough)

Please leave a review because I love them so.