(A/N: Ok, so Spike TV had a CSI marathon. That made me want to go back and read my Anna/Greg fics, which made me want to write a new one. I realize that new episodes have shot a lot of my story out of the water (mainly details about Greg's family) but dealing with an original character, this was already an AU (alternate universe) fic. Thus, it is not 100 cannon compliant. I will continue to keep certain details cannon, but the great thing about these stories is that they can stand on their own without the show. Anyway…this story is a bit of a time jump from the last, but it should be easy to follow. Also…this is a crossover fic. This will be a cross of CSI and Criminal Minds. You'll see where that fits. Anyway…without further ado, let's get to it.)

Chapter 1: A Tough Case

My heart was in my throat as I approached the scene. Grissom was kneeling beside a small figure wrapped in a pink blanket.

"It's her isn't it?" I asked as Grissom pulled the blanket away from the child's face.

Grissom nodded sadly. "Madeline Lowery."

I fought back tears as I placed my kit beside her.

Grissom looked at me sympathetically. "Read the scene," he said bringing me back to the job at hand. "What does it tell us?"

I took a breath, steadying myself.

"Same as the others," I remarked. "No blood, no sign of a struggle, no drag marks. One set of foot prints along the path in; same prints exit along the same path. It's a secluded area off the main road. Tire tracks come right up to the tree line."

"And the body." Grissom prompted.

"The body," my voice quivered. "The body appears clean. There are no visible marks on the body to suggest a violent death. Discoloration around the mouth could be a sign of poisoning."

"Good eye. Toxicology should tell us more."

Grissom stood up and as Warrick approached.

"I think we're done here," he said. "It's just like the rest. Shoe prints, tire tracks, fibers probably from the girl's blanket, but not much else. We've got a dump scene here; this girl was dead long before she was brought here. "

"I agree," Grissom add. "David should be arriving shortly to collect the body. You and Nick stay here until he comes, Anna and I will head back to the lab."

Not long after we arrived David returned with the body and I was told to collect trace.

"Annabelle," Grissom said entering the morgue. "The Lowery's are here to identify the body."

I smoothed the girl's hair and pulled the sheet to her shoulders. It was heart breaking watching Jason Lowery escort his wife Amanda in. She was already crying as she approached the table.

"No! Maddie" she cried. "My baby! My baby!"

Her husband held her crying silent tears.

I covered the child's face as Grissom led her parents out of the room.

When I'd taken my findings to the lab I hid myself away in the break room. Closing my eyes I plopped down on the sofa.

The cushion sank, announcing the presence of a second person on the sofa.

Before I can open my eyes the person spoke.

"You okay, Sweetie?"

Eyes still closed I shift my weight and laid my head on my husband's shoulder.

"Tough case?"

"Madeline Lowery," I said with a sign.

"No," he said disappointment in his voice. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"I just…" I sat up in frustration. "She's just…"

"The same age as the twins."

"Yes!" My voice cracked. "They all were. Three girls now," I said facing him, "three precious little girls who never hurt anyone. Three families destroyed." I started crying remembering Mrs. Lowery's reaction when she saw her daughter. "We're no closer to solving it either. What do we tell them? What do we tell the parents of these girls?"

"We tell them we're trying. It's not going to be what they want to hear, but it's the best we can do."

"Would it be enough for you," I asked in earnest, "if it were one of the twins?"

"Probably not," he said seeing my dilemma. "I know this case has been tough on you. It's been hard on me too." He wrapped his arms around me and drew me closer to him. "We just have to keep working and not give up. We couldn't save those girls, but there is nothing we can do about that. You just remember that our job isn't done until the truth is found."

Just then Greg's phone rang. It was Catharine letting Greg know they had a lead on the case he'd been working.

"See you later," I said giving him a quick kiss.

I spent the remainder of my night was spent pouring over the case files of what Las Vegas media had dubbed "The Sweetheart Slayer". We'd held back a great deal of information from the media but their ages and appearance had struck a chord, earning them the title of Vegas' Stolen Sweethearts.

As I read a case report for what seemed like the hundredth time there was a knock at the door.

"Come on Hun," Greg said. "Let's head home."

Greg and I arrived home to find the house quiet.

Our nanny, Becky, was asleep in her room and the children were tucked in their beds.

I stood in Caroline's bedroom looking through the open bathroom door that led into Alex's room. They'd had separate rooms from infancy, but as they'd grew they started leaving their doors open, remaining within sight of each other as they fell asleep.

Stopping in the doorway I looked at Caroline, her soft red curls wild across her pillow.

"You gonna come to bed," Greg said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Look at her," I whispered, fighting back tears. "How? How could someone…"

"I don't know," Greg held me tighter. "I could never understand how those people think. Stop beating yourself up. You're doing your best. It hurts but sometimes we just have to leave it at the lab. Come home, kiss our children goodnight and come to bed and try to relax."

Taking a deep sigh I decided take Greg's advice. Those girls were gone and that was tragic but my Caroline was here and I could rejoice in that.

(Ok...so this is pretty much just an introductory chapter. Sorry if it's kind of slow. It will pick up soon, I promise. Please read and review.)