A/N: Randomly decided to post this story. This one is a bit strange, but it is fun. And, it might be explained later on...
The Journal of Harry Potter, Lord of the Flying Monkies.
Dear Monkies,
Today I had tea with our dear Voldemort. He had those nice macaroons that you love so much, so I saved a couple of them. You'll find them pressed between the next pages.
As you know, these series of letters shall be read by Healer Henshaw, so I cannot discuss any of the particulars relating to our next gathering. I am pleased of what I've heard of your progress so far.
For Healer Henshaw's benefit, I shall inform you of my last meeting with Hermione and Ron. I know that you do not particularly care for the details, so I shall keep it vague.
They were flush with success over my visit with Healer Henshaw. But, they were strangely reluctant to speak of my frame of mind.
Discussion then turned to Quidditch. Mainly about how well the Cannons did in their last match. I know that, as flying monkies, you go to every Quidditch game, so I shall not bore you with the details.
Their visit ended with dinner, which I somehow managed to explode during the meal. We were discussing the pending trial, and I could not help my temper. The one good thing about it was that I had forgotten dessert.
I'm not worried though, they shall doubtlessly check on me in the morning.
About our meeting tomorrow, I'm afraid I shall be late. My appointment with Healer Henshaw ends a couple minutes before our scheduled meet.
And, with that, I shall let you go. I'll owl you this message, and the cookies, as soon as I can.
- H.P., Lord of the Flying Monkies.
Dear Flying Monkies,
Had my appointment with Healer Henshaw today, as I have told you.
I know I have also informed you how pleased I am of the progress made, but I shall reiterate myself anyway. Our plan is almost ready to be initiated, I cannot wait.
Healer Henshaw has allowed me to keep the contents of this journal secret for another few days. Which is good, as I do not think he would be so pleased that I am sharing the contents with you first. Luckily, it will not matter by the time he views this.
It was nice of you to leave a few crumbs for him. They were good macaroons. I'm afraid that this book might have left a trail of crumbs in his office.
I'm also thinking about turning my hair green for the next couple of days. I have several important meetings this week, and I think that many of the people that I am seeing shall appreciate it.
Healer Henshaw might not appreciate it. Though, he'll cover up his discomfort with a deluge of questions.
I should go start that potion that we talked about. It needs some time to simmer, so I need to start it before midnight.
- H.P., Lord of the Flying Monkies.
Dear Flying Monkies,
Sorry that the last letter ended abruptly. My date for the convention showed up earlier than expected, and I was obliged to abandon my journal.
I know that I had mentioned this convention to you earlier, wanting to see if you would go. You do remember that you begged off on account of the subject matter. I do have to tell you that you missed quite the time. Those Hufflepuffs can throw quite a party. The lectures were amazing, I never knew the intricacies of the conduct expected from those of the Badger House.
I do think that this shall fit our plans just fine, even though you do not care for the manner in which it is given. I only ask for your patience in the matter.
Tomorrow shall be a full day. I am meeting with quite a few people, some of them with you. I shall endeavor to remember the case you wanted and bring it to our first meeting of the day.
I am sure that Healer Henshaw shall be quite confused about our discussions when he reads of this. I do feel sorry that I am not explaining things and that I am not writing in the manner in which he asked for. But, as you know, there are too many things going on for me to be able to write frivolous. My letters to you are the only manner of writing that I have time for and, as you've noticed, I barely have time to finish these letters.
In fact, I must now retire for the night. I shall see you tomorrow.
H.P., Lord of the Flying Monkies.
Dear Flying Monkies,
It's Thursday, as you know, and I have just returned from my meetings.
I have found the perfect building for us. It has all of the specifications that you asked for. The agent says that we could look at it this evening, if you wish to.
I'd be obliged if you fire called, so we may discuss this.
I managed to dodge another meeting with Ron and Hermione. They left a letter. Apparently they came while I was out, and waited for quite a while.
I do regret not informing them of our plans, but I know that they would not approve of what we are going to do. I am sure that most people who know me, and know of me, would protest. But, by tomorrow, that won't matter.
Another thing I wish to tell you about is what might be our first case. I'm sure you will disapprove of the person, but I shall explain everything to you when we next talk.
Fire call me, if you would.
- H.P., Lord of the Flying Monkies.
Dear Flying Monkies,
I am so glad that you approve of the building that I picked out. It really is in the best location, even if we do have instantaneous means of travel.
Tomorrow I am obliged to hand this journal back to Healer Henshaw. We still have a few days before our plans come to fruitation. But I am not too worried, as there is no way that the procedure can be stopped.
This is the last entry in this book, as my meeting with Healer Henshaw is set as the first thing in the morning. I have a feeling that I am frustrating him, but what can I do?
In any case, I shall speak to you in person tomorrow.
- H.P., Lord of the Flying Monkies.
Harry copied the writing of the last entry of the journal and gave it to the waiting owl. He closed the leather bound book and leaned back in his chair with a smirk.