R e i n c a r n a t e d T r u t h s
DiScLaImEr: i DoN't OwN D.Gray-man !
It seemed like an eternity before I finally managed to lift my eyelids. The dream that I could not get out of my head was still so vivid and clear, I could almost embrace it. And yet it felt ever so distant, just like a dream should do. One thing I knew was that it was not the end of this. But why now?
That man, Kanda...
I felt much too close to him. Technically, we weren't even friends - but there was just that link, that powerful and invisible force that brings you together. Is it fate? Or is it a misunderstanding? I'm sure that If I were to consult a therapist, they would just direct me to the mental hospital for treatment. Yet there is nothing to treat. There is nothing wrong with me, and definitely nothing wrong with him. It must be the situation.
Just the situation.
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Religion was the last lesson that day. It was a record - I had not got lost, not even once! Although mainly that would be because there was always someone guiding me, either Rinali or Lavi, occasionally a teacher or two. But still, usually I got lost anyway, didn't I? Well, I suppose they did a good job, linking arms around mine so tightly it hurt
Fine! I admit that it was impossible even for me to escape.
Anyway, Religion. My escort finally got me there and left - got me to R5 (The doors had very unoriginal names. -Then again, why would they be original? Can't expect to knock on a door called 'Balthazaar'-). It seemed this part of the school was fairly old, and the dark colours were strange. Some walls were painted white, others - black. When I stepped into the classroom, the colouring was black and purple. It really was very strange. Even black model butterflies hung from the ceiling on strings. I'd never seen anything like it. Butterflies, religious? They can't be Christian butterflies, surely?
I searched for a familiar face in the crowd. But I was all alone. I bit my lip. The only spare place was at the front row, right in front of the teacher's desk, the place from which a hawkeye spies it's prey, in this case, me. I digress, but Religion is not my strong point. The day I get an A for Religion, Kanda will smile. That is how terrible I am. I saw the door open, and a woman in her forties with short brown hair and glasses silenced the class.
"Please sit down I will hand out some bibles you must read the story of 'Noah's Ark' and then turn to page 44 of the text books that I shall hand out and answer questions 1-4 in your exercise books"
No, there is no missing grammar, that is exactly how she said it. No stopping, no expression, all monotone. I couldn't believe this was our religion teacher. All the other teachers had seemed to be OK, but this was completely BO-O-ORING.
"Also kiddies before I forget I am merely your substitute your Religion teacher could not make it today as he is on a buisiness trip I am sure you will get to meet him next week thank you"
Ah, that may explain a few things. I am fairly sure that such teachers would not be fully qualified to teach in an 'interesting and unique way'. Either way, I opened the text book and my exercise book and got to work. The first questions were fairly easy, just simple reading comprehension such as "How many of each animal did Noah let onto the ark?" and things like that. I glanced at number 4.
What would you do if there was suddenly to be another Great Flood?
My heart skipped a beat and that's when I got stuck.
At the end of the day, I went to the library, the meeting spot specified by Lavi and Rinali. As soon as I was there, I shook my guide off (an unfortunate 2nd grader), muttering that 'I could really have done without, thanks' although really I was quite glad the the helpers were there. I wanted to see my new friends, after all - the hardest task ever when you're me.
Scanning the room, I saw Rinali at a computer. I walked up to her and watched what she was doing over her shoulder. I confess that I was actually quite curious as to what people look for on the internet, you see I had never really been on a computer. Computer-geek was the literal opposite of me. Still, it figures, what with my past being as it is. I was very glad when I had finally gotten myself a foster father after roaming the streets for years, and then I found that we had to pack our suitcases and ride underground trains illegally, so as you can tell it was hard getting myself to technology. Then, after - after it happened - I was too busy paying bills and debts. There you go. And insight into my little life of love.
Wait. What exactly IS Rinali looking at? I stared at the words she had typed into the searchbar: 'Reincarnation Exorcists'. A few results came up as I wondered if maybe Rinali was one of those people that believe in the paranormal and stuff. It would be a little strange if she considered herself 'psychic', because, at least by the standards of a white-haired friend-proclaimed human-beansprout, she was pretty normal.
"Um, Rinali...?" I said, hoping she'd explain to me what she was doing. Instead, as soon as she heard my voice, she 'eep!'ed and pressed the red cross. Everything instantly disappeared. She turned around to see who it was that had startled her.
"Oh, Allen, it's you...I'm sorry, you surprised me," she gave a small smile.
I smiled back before asking, "Where's Lavi?"
"Actually, that's what I had wanted to talk to you about, you see...almost everyone in this school does extra-curricular activities. You know, clubs," she simplified. I nodded. "Well, Lavi's currently at woodwork-" I raised an eyebrow and she stopped.
"Lavi doesn't really look like the type who likes to...craft things," I shrugged my shoulders. Rinali did the same as she replied,
"Well, he says he likes to bash things with hammers." Figures. "Hey, Allen, do you do any clubs?" I thought for a while before answering.
"My carer taught me some Martial Arts and combat, but I don't know whether I should continue. I do training quite a lot anyway.How about you, Rinali? Do you do anything?" I asked. There was no Lavi around, so I guess it wouldn't matter if I was to be a little more nosy. She replied with such ease that I wondered whether she was actually waiting for me to ask.
"I do Gymnastics. It's very fun, and I've already won plenty of awards. I have a competition soon, would you like to come?" I blushed (in reply?). Goddamnitthisblushingproblemofmine.
"I'd love t-to," I stuttered and she gave me a cute little look. If this isn't love, what is? I thought. Then Kanda seemed to appear and dominate my brain. Actually, I haven't seen him for a while.
"How about Kanda? Does he do any clubs?" I asked. Rinali nodded.
"He does Kendo, and is pretty devoted to it too. He even has a family heritage - a real Samurai katana. It's called Mugen," she stated as-a-matter-of-fact ly. Trust Kanda to be no less weird than me. (By the way, if he heard that, I'd be dead right...NOW.) Suddenly, a thought struck me.
"Hey, where exactly is the training session at?" I asked Rinali in the hope that she knew. After contemplating a couple of seconds, she said it was the Hoshino Hall. I suddenly ran out of the room.
"A-Allen?! Where are you going?!" Rinali shouted at me.
"I need to ask Kanda a question! You know, he's in some of my classes, but isn't he 3 years older? Well anyway, see you later Rinali!" I yelled over my shoulder. She sweatdropped.
"If that's all, even I could have told you that it's because he skipped classes so much..." I didn't hear her and ran on.
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Once and for all, I confess it was an extremely foolish decision for me to go to Kanda aloneDon't you dare think I'm implying the wrong thing. What I mean is-
I'm lost again.
It's not easy for me either, you know! It must be tiring to hear about my 'adventures', but believe me, you wouldn't want to be in my position. I wouldn't wish it on a slug, for goodness' sake! (That would be 'for the sake of', not the alcohol.) I began to worry when I saw that I was standing in a field surrounded by woods.
Just then, a vibration hit me. No matter how weird that sounds, it was like a wave of super-low notes at very high volume suddenly attacking my skin. I shivered and looked around but it took me a while to realise that it was coming from the trees to one side of me. I crept down, looking out for clues as to what it could have been. And I found my answer.
Who was it but good old Kanda practicing in the seclusion of nature? I stared at him. He had a blindfold on, but it seemed like he could still see everything. This was justified when he suddenly drew a sword that I hadn't even noticed was strapped to his side and cut a falling leaf in half. I have to say it was very impressive, even to me, the poor kid that was beaten black-and-blue by Master Cross during the 'training' sessions. I stayed in my place, watching silently. Another vibration wave. It was Kanda emmitting it. An amazing aura, the battle Ki of Samurai...
A cold wind teared through the leaves and Kanda's hair tye flew out, with sudden masses of straight, pitch-black hair tumbling past his shoulders and down his back. I froze.
"Allen...What are you doing?" Kanda frowned at a boy with hair as white as the snow.
"Yuu! Your hair is so lovely!" The said boy giggled, running through his fingers through the elder's hair, relishing the silk-like feel, playing with a few strands here and there.
"Sometimes I wonder whether it's me or my hair that you love," Kanda sighed and then smiled. Not a smirk, but a real, peaceful and serene smile. "Baka Allen..."
"Moyashi." Kanda's face was over mine and I could feel the slightly damp grass beneath me. It seemed I had collapsed again...
"Uh...eh? Oh..." Dazed, I reached out to find that Kanda's hair really was like silk. "Soft..." I whispered and then giggled. Kanda first stared at my hand, and then at me. His expression undoubtedly screamed, "What the hell?!"
"Why's your blindfold off?" I muttered with a small, I'm-an-idiot-so-shut-up-already smile. He rolled his eyes as I attempted to stand up.
"Because you fell, and that disturbed my training, Moyashi."
'Ah, Ok...Hold on, I'm Allen! call me that will you..." I suddenly remembered what I had just seen. It must have been a vision! But it was very unrealistic because...Kanda called me Allen - here I go blushing again, the way he said it was just...! -, didn't kill me for calling him Yuu - I'd seen a few unfortunate incidents with Lavi -, and SMILED AT ME. The shock of that filled me with horror. That could mean only one thing! "I got an A for Religion," I said outloud and Kanda raised his eyebrows.
We returned down to the dorms together. It was a silent walk, but it wan't uncomfortable. If anything, I felt calm with him standing at my side, his hair (still down) swaying from side to side as we moved. I turned my head slightly, just enough to see the outline of his handsome features.
I'm not overexaggerating when I say that, mind you. He really is very handsome, like a foreign prince or someone of the like. Kanda was staring straight ahead, seemingly lost in thought. I tried to imagine what he could be thinking about.
"We're here, Moyashi." He stopped so suddenly that I collided with his back. Side-stepping around the man, I saw my dorm door. Why had he come with my this far?
"Che. Because I'm not going to my room," He said, reading my thoughts. My face must be really transparent, or something, because it's like he had this little window into my brain.
"Where are you going then?" I asked, mostly out of politeness, but with a hint of interest too.
"The baths," he said and turned around without another word. I stared at his fading figure. He still didn't make sense. The baths were in the opposite direction.
So why had he come this far for me?
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The next morning, I woke to find Kanda staring at me.
It was very scary - imagine that the first thing you see after a calm slumber is a death glare from The Moody One. My eyes were wide for the rest of the morning. But the point is, Kanda was in my room, without permission, and I had no idea why he was there I how he got in.
"K-Kanda?!" I said, still frightened. "W-What?!"
"I was sent to inform you that the first three lessons today are cancelled due to the arrival of new teachers and students. Che." I stared. That was the longest sentence he had said to me yet. With another short glare, Kanda left the room. That was when I remembered that I hadn't locked my dorm room door the previous night.
xxxx M e a n W h i l e
"It is indeed a pleasure to be working with you."
"Yes, I would like to agree with that. Please feel welcome at our school!"
"Can I chew gum during lessons?"
"Come, this is a school, of course not."
"I think you may find that there's also school uniform, Miss..."
"Ah, nevermind, I'll see what I can do about it."
"Always the joker, aren't you?"
"Aww, don't say that!"
"So what do I teach?"
"So when do I get to see him teach?"
"Please keep in mind that you are here for learning..."
"Yes, well, just make sure not to give too much homework and I'll be just fine!"
"Indeed. Let us all get on now."
"Yes, such a magnificent idea."
"Are there any toys anywhere?"
"Why don't you go and search?"
"Nah, I can wait."
I was supposed to be the person delivering the message, nothing more. And yet I find myself opening the door to his room in anxiety. How troublesome, I told myself, although I knew it was a lie. Out of all the people I lie to, I wish I wasn't one of them. I walk over to the bed to see him still fast asleep. How can he sleep so easily, when so much sunlight is pouring right onto his face from the window, setting his pale skin and white hair alight? He mumbles something, probably dreaming of something he won't remember when he wakes up.
I dream a lot nowadays. Dreams usually leave me alone to relax in blackness, but they can't seem to avoid me any longer. I see everyone. Rinali, The idiot mistakenly called Lavi, and Allen.
Yes, Allen. Not Moyashi, at least not privately anyway. I try to keep him away from me by using insults and short answers to his questions, but he just won't get the message. It's like he can't let go of the idea that I might suddenly want to be friends.
And we are friends. That is what I consider them as. Friends. Kanda would never admit it, but I, Yuu, can't deny it. Which is why I don't like people calling me Yuu...because the person they know is Kanda. No-one has the right to call me Yuu until they know the real me. And that boy is determined to find out.
Should I show him? Those dreams I was talking about - they are so strange. Me and Allen on missions...Allen's arm is all red, and then silver. Mugen, my katana, is used to cut through foul machinery that poisons this world and Rinali and Lavi are not only my friends, but also comrades. What I find surprising, if not interesting is that Allen is with me. Always with me. Everywhere I go, everything I do, he is there. And his presence does not annoy me. It's strange how the world works, but I'm sure this is not where everything is ending. No, there will be more. Much, Much more...
T o B e C o n t i n u e d . . .