Yaay! Another chapter and this time I make it long (crossed finger, hope you agree with me) because Goku's elegy requested it.
You may find this chapter hard to read, I mean it's a bit confusing because the time keeps on changing. Well, its just alternate. Present time, then past and then back to the present again and so on.. I was watching a hxh while doing this fic then I saw that while killua is walking, flash backs are being played. I know you know what I mean.
Please note the way goku's name was typed. It will help you in reading this chapter. Goku – flash back
Goku – thought at present time
Goku – thought and flash back
anyway, i'm changing the rating and the genre just to be safe..
I'm now presenting my new chapter. Enjoy reading!
Dr. Hwang angrily approached the newly arrived scientist. "Where have you been, Dr. Nii?! The mistress is looking for you the whole time."
"Well, you're here. You should have ceased this opportunity to get close to her," said the scientist, without stopping.
The youkai scientist was about to slap the man when he noticed a boy trailing behind him. "Isn't that…?"
"Oh, I see you've noticed. Well, from now on, he will be our special guest. Please treat him nicely," the man said smiling at her and continued to walk, goku still trailing behind.
Dr. Hwang was stunned at where she stood because she couldn't believe that the companion of the Sanzo that brings them problems and headaches is now with them.
Dr. Nii and goku continued to walk their way to the man's laboratory. Youkais who saw them couldn't believe what they saw.
I couldn't believe that this boy is this too easy to manipulate. Its now different from that time.
Seiten was swallowed by total darkness. He tried to escape from it but its impossible to do it since he doesn't know where and who is the man who controls it. He screamed, run and tried to claw his way out of it but it just drained his energy.
"Is it frustrating to be locked up like this, Seiten Taisei?" the voice echoed throughout the darkness.
"Don't worry, soon you will be released from it if you just be a good boy."
Seiten searched for the source of the voice but still, he only sees total darkness. Suddenly, he felt really sleepy and soon lost consciousness.
"And now, the real deal begins."
Halfway to the laboratory, Dr. Nii together with goku met the youkai prince. Kougaiji was stunned at what he saw but immediately regained his composure and continued to walk. As he was about to pass the boy, he looked into his eyes and saw that the once bright and lively golden eyes, are now dull and hollow.
Kougaiji was about to say something when the scientist interrupted him.
"Do you have something in your mind, your highness?" Dr. Nii smiled at him.
He looked at the man with disgust and continued to walk away from the two.
"He's a man who we should not crossed with. He's insane. It's your battle Son Goku. I hope you win this one."
"And now, the real deal begins"
Ukoku's muten sutra slowly covered Goku's entire body.
First, we'll erase all your feelings and memories you gained in your human form.
The power of the sutra slowly invades goku's mind. All the memories he can remember were flashing at his mind with an incredible speed. Then, the pictures slowed its pace and stop at a certain memory.
"I'll take you with me.. since it looks like I don't have any other choice."
Goku can be seen stretching his hand to Sanzo and Sanzo is doing the same.
"Sanzo let me out of that dark and lonely cave. Sanzo came for me. and he will definitely save me this time."
Seiten's eyes immediately snapped open. His body was covered with light and the sutra that was covering him earlier, lay uselessly on the floor.
"How can this be? I should have controlled him by now." Ukoku was shocked at the scene he is seeing. Now that Seiten is awake, who knows what he will do.
But Ukoku's face suddenly changed its expression. He is now smiling widely that is full of malice and excitement. "This should be interesting." The man run and grabbed his sutra on the floor and started to chant. The parts of the muten sutra flew towards Seiten. The sage escaped the flying papers using his amazing speed. But escaping was futile because of the size of the room. Soon, his foot was caught and immediately the other parts of his body except his head were covered.
"Now, now, Seiten Taisei. Don't be mad. I just need your cooperation before you can truly be released from your prison. i will break that trust that bonds you to that man. See you soon." After saying that, Ukoku replaced the diadem on the boy's head and slowly, Seiten taisei returned to his earlier form. Ukoku, held goku into his arm and carried him outside the room.
"Finally, we're here. Welcome back, Son Goku." The man led the boy inside the laboratory. The size of the room can be compared to a big house. It was empty except for some equipments and weapons that are placed beside the walls. There are also chains on the other side of the wall.
Right. This is the room where you torture and beat me up without any reason. He looked around and stopped his gaze at the chains. And you use those chains just to ensure that I don't fight back.
"This will be your room. And I think it suit your personality. Haha!" the man said slowly walking towards goku. "Shall we begin?" the muten sutra flew towards goku and covered his body completely.
But before that happens, goku readied himself and closed his eyes. The memories of last night's event played in his mind. He touched the part of his cheek that was scratched by the bullet. Sanzo. why? don't you need me anymore?
"huh? What am I doing here?" goku wondered as soon as he regained his consciousness and saw his surrounding.
He was inside a room as big as a house. It was empty except for weapons and equipments on the side of the wall. He also noticed that he was chained on the wall. His hands were spread and his feet were chained on two big boulder. His whole body aching because of unknown reason to him.
Then, the memories of the night all suddenly returned to him. "I've got to escape from here. Sanzo will be mad at me if I don't get back now." He tried his best to break the chains but all his efforts were useless.
"Its useless, I tell you. those chains were originally made for you."
goku stopped at what he is doing and looked at the man who is speaking. "Who are you?"
"you don't need to know. Besides, your not really the one I want to talk with. I want to talk with seiten taisei." Ukoku approached goku and again removed his diadem on his head.
Goku couldn't do anything so he was forced to transform into the great sage. His hair, claws, teeth and nails slowly grows and became sharp. When he opened his eyes, it is now slit and full of rage.
Seiten tried to break the chain but like goku, he failed. He screamed and trashed where he stood.
"I just really wanted to talk to you. the sutras don't have any effect on you except to make you calm down. So I think I need to make you agree with me and throw away everything so that you can be released in that body. I know you want that." The man waited for seiten's answer but he just continued his rampage in the place where he was chained. He didn't even stop and listened to what the scientist have to say.
"I guess not." Dr. Nii walked out of the room as soon as he realized that talking to the great sage is useless.
" I need a different approach."
As soon as Kagerou arrives, he immediately went to the room where he is sure goku and Dr. nii are. As he approached the door of the said room, someone opened it and Dr. Nii emerged from the room.
"How's the boy?" Kagerou asked.
"From now on, you don't need yourself to be concerned about that boy. Your work for me is complete. You serve your king very well."
Kagerou's face became enraged. "You're not my king and I only did it because you said it will bring Lord Gyumao back."
"ah, yes. I did say that. Don't worry." The man patted the angry youkai's shoulder and walked away from him and the room.
For the second time that day, Goku was awakened and felt pain all throughout his body.
"Now I'm in big trouble. Sanzo probably left the village without me. How can I break this chain with this body?" while goku was wondering what to do, a youkai came into the room and picked a weapon that is placed on the walls.
Goku watched the youkai and wondered what he will do with the weapon. Then suddenly, the youkai whipped him using the chain he picked. Goku screamed and tried to block all the blows to him but the chain is doing its job well, chaining him on the wall without any chance to defend.
The beating continued all day. Every hour the youkai beating him was replaced by another youkai. Making the impact of the chain whip stable. By the end of the day, goku's body ached all over. He didn't event have any energy left to stand so he let his body hang on the chain.
"Sorry about that. Seiten taisei's will is so strong that you have to suffer just to weaken it."
Goku lift his head up with so much effort just to see who is speaking. The man he saw earlier is back and is looking at him with interest.
But because of the whole day beatings, goku lost his consciousness.
When Dr. nii disappeared into a corner, Kagerou decided that he will see what happened to the boy then he will leave him alone.
When he opened the door, he doesn't see anything inside at first because the room is dark. He heard sounds that indicate that someone are fighting in there. He also heard some screams and then immediate silence. Then, suddeny, the room was covered with light because of the lightning. What kagerou saw stunned him from where he stood. The boy he was ordered to kill and capture several times is now covered with youkai blood. He catches a glimpse at the boy's eyes and saw that they were dull and lifeless. Body parts of youkai were scattered in all parts of the room.
the next day, goku woke up to discover that his wounds from yesterday's beatings were all healed. He wondered what happened after he passed out but decided to try and break again the chain binding him on the wall.
Then, just like yesterday, a youkai came into the room and picked up the chain whip. He realized that he will be beaten up again until sunset. He readied himself but still, the chains that touched his body makes him scream for pain.
The beatings continued for a week and every morning he will discover that all his wounds and the pain he felt were gone.
"you truly are an amazing creature. Everytime I wounded and beat you up, I just have to remove your diadem and you automatically heal." The man who goku doesn't know the name, visit him everyday and will look at him with greater interest day by day.
When the man left the room, the beatings started again for that day. By the end of the day, goku was surprised because the beatings suddenly stopped. When he lifted his head, he saw Sanzo pointing his gun at the youkai.
Sanzo throws the gun and started beating the youkai up. When he was finished he went to goku and released him from the chains.
"Let's go." Sanzo stood up and held goku's hand. Then they run out of the room.
Goku felt happy because Sanzo came and helped him but at the same time, he felt uneasy. He stopped running and their hands were released from one another.
"I'm happy that Sanzo came but.."
"What are you doing saru? Let's go." Sanzo offered his hand to goku.
Goku smiled at him. "I wish you are really here but.. you're not him. Sanzo is not the kind of guy who will beat a youkai up when his gun is already pointed at him. beside, your aura is different from his."
"Impressive." A youkai with a long silver hair and wears black jeans and long sleeves under a white fitted sleeveless shirt claps his hands together while approaching the boy.
"I didn't know that someone could actually know the difference of my copying ability to the real thing. No one has ever done than before. I'm really impressed." He then offered his hand to goku.
Goku hesitated but the youkai didn't remove his hand from goku's face. The boy took the hand and suddenly the youkai grabbed him and punched him in his stomach. Goku then lost his consciousness.
Chapter 10 finished! Hope you enjoyed it.
I know I'm a bit harsh on goku here but I can't help it.
read and review.. thanks for all the people who gave their reviews.. I really appreciated it.