Yes, an update. I got back from camp 2 days ago, and I wrote this when I was there. Hope you like this one, even if the last one was Draco!

Dedicated to all my faithful, every chapter reviewers: nightstarz, LittleRedOne, Donna, and of course, GoddessofYouth.

Also dedicated to my not so faithful reviewers, who I know are reading this fic, but not reviewing. PLEASE, review. It means so much to an author. If you don't then you remind me of my history teacher who just puts your grade on your paper, and not why you got that grade, no corrections, or nothing, just the grade, so you don't know how you can improve. So PLEASE REVIEW!

Disclaimer: I don't own Pansy Parkinson, thank goodness, she's awful!

Ten Things About…

Chapter 10

Pansy Parkinson

1.) Hi. I'm Pansy. Pansy Parkinson. I don't even know what pansies are. I think they're a type of broomstick, but I'm not sure.

2.) Granger says I look like a pug. Well, she looks like a beaver! So there. I think I have the most beautiful face in the world. To maintain it, I put 9 face masks on in the morning, and 11 at night (I got the idea from Cate Blanchett). I bet Granger doesn't even wash her face.

3.) You know how I'm dating Draco? Of course you do, I'm so popular! Well, I don't actually like him. I just do it for the publicity.

4.) One time, I went into the lake, and ran into the giant squid! And I'm allergic to squid skin!! So I had this puffy rash all over me for a month!

5.) Guess what. I started the whole rumor about Potter and Granger. I'm so proud of myself!

6.) At the Muggle school I went to, I was so unpopular. No-one liked me. I can't imagine why. So that's why I HATE Muggles.

7.) Once, I went to Brazil with my parents, and we learned this weird folk dance where you have to shake your butt a lot. It was so fun!

8.) Before I was born, my parents didn't know if I was a boy or a girl. So they decided that if I was a girl, they'd name me Pansy (I still don't see why someone would name their kid after a broomstick) and if I was a boy, they'd name me Donald. Donald. Isn't that the most wonderful name?

9.) My BFF is named Scarlett Byrne. She's an actress! And her latest role is named Pansy! But she won't tell me what film she's in.

10.) Another one of my friends is named Mary Gooby. She's an author. She thinks that quite a few people read her stories, but only a few of them review.

Er, yeah, I changed #9. Before I accidentally put Jessica Cave. Thanks so much to HarryIzMyMan for pointing it out!