Sokka: Since Glowworm is STILL out cold, I'm doing these AN. Anyways, enjoy the last chapter where hopefully the good guys will wake up.

A Bright Future

As the villagers wept for their dear princess and the others, the Ohmu started to draw out their tentacles and attend to the bodies.

They lifted Katara and her friends up, with Momo sitting on his master, up into the sky.

The villagers were shocked as Peter shouted, "Look! Over there!" Izumi, Ed, and his friends ran towards the scene and watched as well while Ichimaru and Azula sat there, yellow light spilling down on them.

"What are these lights?" Ichimaru asked rhetorically as the whole morning sky lighted up.

It turned out that the Ohmu were using their powers to heal the kids, their injured feet and Katara's gunshot wounds glowing as they closed up.

"This is so cool!" Electra breathed as she took a picture to save for her family.

After the Ohmu tended to the fallen kids, a miraculous thing happened: their eyes slowly opened. Momo nuzzled Katara's face as she gently petted him and said softly, "Momo."

"Wow, so that's what it feels like when you die," Jason groaned as the hybrids nodded. "I am never going through anything dangerous again!" Winter grumbled.

"Ah, whatever," GW murmured.

They all sat up, Jason rearranging his glasses a bit, and gazed about at where they were.

When she looked down, Katara saw the baby Ohmu she rescued waving at them with his tentacles.

She smiled at it and said, "I'm glad you're okay." She looked at the herd and said, "Ohmu, thank you."

"Ditto, you're all good bugs," Monkeyboy said as he and the others besides Katara patted the Ohmu.

They got up and started to walk across the lit-up field, happy that their home was safe.

Everyone, including Azula and Gin, watched in amazement as they saw the once though-dead kids walked across the field of gold.

Peter, Paige, and Sokka hugged as Sokka cheered, "It's a miracle." The other villagers also smiled as Gran-Gran began to cry tears of joy into her hands. "What beautiful creatures! Oh, who knew how wonderful and caring the Ohmu could be. Chiyo, describe to Sophie and I what you see!"

Chiyo-chan smiled as she said, "The princess is wearing a very dark blue dress and it looks like she's walking through a golden field with the others behind her and Momo on her shoulder."

Suddenly, Gran-Gran's eyes flew open in surprise. She had finally realized that the one from the prophecy, the one that would save the Earth, was Katara!

"After a thousand years of darkness, he will come, clad in blue and surrounded in fields of gold!" She then started to weep as Sophie asked her, "What's the matter, Gran-Gran?"

"The legend has come true!" the old woman wept. Nina then looked up to see a white object flying through the air. "Look!"

"It's Katara's glider!" the villagers pointed out. "The wind has come back!"

When the heroes landed on the ground, the villagers ran up and greeted them warmly. The Ohmu, during this chaos, all drifted back to the forest.

Gran-Gran was telling a reunited Sig and Izumi the legend and how Katara was involved in it. The alchemist just nodded and smiled, as if she might've known that it was Katara.

Edward joined Katara and hugged her, making her smile. Ed's friends were smiling as Electra and Rolf held hands and Alice and Al smiled.

"Yay! Happy ending!" the hybrids cheered as Jason hugged his siblings.

With the Ohmu gone back to the village and the Warrior dead, Azula decided to return to the Fire Nation with whatever little troops she had left. As her ship was ready to go, the villagers stood to watch. Katara approached the princess.

"Sorry for the trouble we've caused," Azula said as the troops entered the ship.

Katara nodded and smiled softly. "Good-bye." The Fire Nation girl nodded and headed into the ship.

Just as soon as she got in, Katara, her friends, Izumi, Sig, Edward, and his friends watched as the Fire Nation fleet took off back to their country.

Life soon went back to normal for the Valley as the villagers, with Katara's lead and help, rebuilt their town.

They replanted new sprouts to the burned down forest and Katara set up more water systems to purify the trees and soil.

Heck, she even built gliders for the kids and taught them how to ride them!

As for the jungle, it was once again peaceful as the insects lived happily there.

As Edward, his friends, and the Curtis' went to check out the jungle, with Katara waving to them, she smiled. It looked like the beginning of a bright future.

GW: And that's a wrap, people! I would like to thank iron-mantis, TinkerbelleTB, Ranger24, snake screamer, warlord-xana, milordo-z 2.0, and everyone else for reading, reviewing, and offering suggestions for this story. And keep looking out for my upcoming parodies and original stories and remember to…

Cast: Read & Review!