Thoughts ItalicsFlashbacks Bold


Chapter One

Naruto let out a loud sigh. "School sucks."

Kiba nodded in agreement. "Yeah dude big time."

Gaara looked out the window. "You guys complain too much…"

A chalkboard eraser flew across the room and hit Kiba in the head. "Could you three just pretend to care about schoolwork for once? At least be quiet in the middle of class!" Iruka growled.

Shikamaru began to snore and Kiba slapped him causing him to wake up. "Class over yet?"

Kiba snickered. "Yeah so get out of here."

Shikamaru stood up and walked to the door.

Iruka grabbed the back of his shirt. "Where are you going?"

Shikamaru rubbed his eyes. "Home?"

"No back to your seat…"

Shikamaru slowly walked back to his seat and sat down.

Kiba and Naruto burst into laughter.

"Naruto Uzumaki!"

Naruto looked at Iruka and smiled. "What did I do?"

"I would like you to show a new student around after class."

He shrugged. "Whatever."

The bell rang and everyone raced out of the classroom to lunch.

Naruto looked at Iruka. "Well where the hell is the new kid?"

"In the front office… Oh and Naruto… Don't scare them away…"

Naruto mumbled something and walked to the office. He opened the door and saw a boy sitting in the chair in the far corner. He was wearing the school uniform and had raven black hair. His eyes were onyx black and his skin pale as if he never saw daylight but he was gorgeous.

The boy looked at Naruto then the ground.

Naruto walked up to the counter. "Um… Excuse me… I'm here to escort the new kid around the school… Where can I find him?"

The lady behind the counter chuckled. "Behind you."

Naruto turned around and gasped. "You mean that guy?"

The woman nodded. "Yes Mr. Uzumaki."

His big blue eyes widened. He never thought the new kid could be so attractive.

The boy stood up and held out his hand. "So you are my tour guide? My name is Sasuke Uchiha."

Naruto looked at Sasuke's hand dumbfounded. "Naruto… Uzumaki."

Sasuke realized that Naruto wasn't the type for manners so he let his arm drop to the side. "Anyway if you don't mind do you think you can show me around now?"

Naruto shrugged. "I don't give a damn."

Sasuke looked at Naruto thoroughly. His hair was blonde and shaggy his arms were cut up and his clothes were ruffled but his eyes were so beautiful he put the sky to shame. Yet his face had one strange feature. He looked like he had whiskers. "Hold on…"

Naruto looked at him confused as Sasuke dug in his pocket.

Sasuke pulled out a comb and began to comb Naruto's hair then the straitened up his shirt. "There now you look presentable…"

Naruto shook his head. "What are you a neat freak?"

"No I just thought you would look more attractive if you straitened up a bit." And he was right. In all actuality Naruto didn't look rough at all he actually looked adorable.

Naruto felt his face become hot. He looked away. "Anyway… Moving on…"

Sasuke smiled he was beginning to really like this kid. "How about we just go to lunch and eat for now… I'm st arving…"

Naruto's stomach growled. "Sounds like a plan."

Sasuke drifted off as he watched Naruto's ass as he walked out the door.

Naruto stormed back in. "Are you coming? I'm so damn hungry I could eat a horse!"

"Huh…?" He looked at Naruto dazed.

Naruto shook his head and grabbed Sasuke's hand. "Come on!" He dragged him out the door.

Sasuke smiled warmly and clasped his hand over Naruto's. It reminded him of the happiness he used to have every day and for some reason Naruto made Sasuke content.

Naruto paused and pulled his hand away from Sasuke. "Sorry I don't want to make you look bad. Naruto walked into the Cafeteria and Sasuke followed.

Sasuke looked down. "What did he mean when he said that he will make me look bad?"

Naruto walked over to Kiba and punched him in the shoulder. "Hey did you see her yet?"

Kiba turned bright red. "S-shut up you fucking asshole!"

Naruto snickered. " I guess so."

Naruto turned and looked at Sasuke who was now being swarmed by rabid girls. "Look it's the new slut magnet…"

Kiba looked over at Sasuke. "As long as my beloved is not near him!"

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Idiot she probably doesn't like you anyway…"

Kiba looked at Naruto. "Wait a second… What's with your hair?" Kiba walked over to Naruto and ruffled his hair. "There!"

Gaara looked at Naruto. "Naruto… Who is the new guy?"

Naruto looked at Gaara and sighed. "Sasuke Uchiha." Naruto dug into his pocket and pulled out a wallet and opened it. "Damn… I'm broke…" He looked over at the two girls sitting by Gaara talking. "Can I have some money?" Naruto held out his hand. "Pleeeaaaseeee?"

The two girls looked at Naruto. "What?"


They both sighed. "Whatever." They pulled money out of their pocket and handed it to him.

"Yay! I love you guys!"

The girl closest to Gaara poked him then looked at Naruto. "You better bitch!"

Naruto counted the money then ran to the line to get ice cream. "I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream." He mumbled to himself.

Kiba looked at Naruto as he ran towards the line. "He is going to get fat one day from eating so much ice cream…"

Gaara nodded in approval.

Naruto looked over at Sasuke who was sitting at a table surrounded by crazy babbling girls. He looked pretty miserable. "Poor guy… Oh well his fault for being attractive…" He looked away. "Damn…" He walked over to the table to Sasuke who quickly looked at him. "Come on. I have to show you the rest of the damn school." He took a bite of the ice cream and looked away.

A couple girls glared at Naruto and mumbled something.

Sasuke stood up. "Excuse me… I would really like to see the rest of the school so I must go…"

The girls around him began to cry and whine.

Naruto glared at them. "Boohoo. Cry me a fucking river!"

Sasuke looked at Naruto. "Can we go?"

Naruto nodded then growled at the swarm of girls who growled back.

Sasuke pushed Naruto out the door and sighed. "Don't be so cruel."

Naruto glared at him. "You don't know what it's like…"

Sasuke looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing!" Naruto looked away. "I'll show you the school then you can go back to the rabid bitches."

Sasuke looked down as if ashamed of himself. "I don't like being around them it's just that I don't like being hated."

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Shut up… Teme."

Sasuke glared at him. "Dobe!"

Naruto stormed off. "Damn Sasuke…"

"Hey wait you still have to show me around!" Sasuke sighed and looked down. "I always mess up." Memories of the night his Mother and Father's death flashed through his head. "Damn…"

Naruto looked down. "Fuck… Why did I get so mad?" He leaned against the lockers. "I guess she was right… I am stupid…" He sat on the floor and pressed his face against his knees.

"You're so stupid you disgusting creature!"

Naruto pulled his legs deeper into his chest. "I know… I know…"

Sasuke ran down the hallway and saw Naruto sitting on the floor. "Found you…" He walked over to Naruto and touched his shoulder.

Naruto jumped. "I'm sorry! Don't hit me!" Naruto ducked away from Sasuke and then looked at him confused. "I... Um… It's… Nothing…"

Sasuke looked at Naruto shocked. "Did you used to get beat or something?"

Naruto covered his ears. "Stop!" Memories of being kicked, punched and thrown around flashed through his head. "I'm sorry!" Naruto stood up and ran from Sasuke.

"Hey Naruto wait up!" Sasuke ran after him. "Naruto wait for me!"

Naruto tripped and fell on the ground. "I didn't mean to make you mad… Mother…"