Jedah's Damnation

By ladydoma

Disclaimer: I don't own Darkstalker characters or Sabbath, or other characters created by The RPG Dark Fighter Jedah Chapters I just thought that they were cool. That's all for now….I guess. I would however like feed back on this. Pretty please.

Chapter one: The Start of Sibling Rivalry.

It had all began with but a mere family affair, the death of the demon lord, Simon Doma came before the heir of his throne was decided. It was between the eldest and youngest of two. One being female the other was male. Only one would reign as ruler over the demon lands.

One dark and stormy night a massive uproar between nobles, three most loyal servants, and the two seed of Doma, Jedah and his sister Kalabrax had taken place from within the courtroom of Doma. This uproar had grown intense and harsh, and the arguments went on for hours most arguments went on about nearly nothingness.

For hours it remained the same, mindless chatters and uproar until finally one stood and slammed his staff loudly upon the stone floor and he spoke loudly." Enough!" His voice boomed, immediately all fell silent. After moments of this silence, the one who had spoken up and quieted the nobles opened his mouth to speak again in a loud echoing voice." We are here not to argue about the wars upon Vanity Paradise. But to decide with care who of the seed of Doma is fit for the throne." The young wizard paused when the eldest of the two quickly stood from her throne an impatient look in her face.

"There is no choice to be made! As eldest I am obligated to the rule of Doma!" She started her voice rose high.

A group of nobles nodded in agreement, while others whispered amongst each other in disagreement. There seemed to be a great number of doubts about her. She was the older of the two. Her hair was long and black with white streaks, her eyes blood red, curled ram horns on the side of her head, her skin was a green, and she dressed in long black gowns.

One noble, who disagreed with Kalabrax succeeding the throne, stood and spoke," The law states that a male heir must take rule."

"Stand down!" Another noble demanded. " Kalabrax is the older and more powerful, nor was she born of that whore the Arch Angel Rachael like her brother!"

The young pale wizard held his staff tightly, his yellow eyes glancing down at his black robes, his white hair hung at his shoulders. His eyes moved from the floor to the court, he spoke up once again getting their attention." True, Kalabrax is older, wiser she is not, more powerful she is no more. Ever since she was young all she craved was the blood of the innocent. There for her actions have told me she had not the intellect of a ruler. With all do respect lady Kalabrax. Her absentminded tactics to take over all tell me different." He paused and turned his attention to the younger of the two. Jedah.

Jedah Doma, the only one who sat quietly and watched and listened. The sibling with sky blue skin and blood red eyes sat there. His long blonde hair hung down at his back, the light of the candle reflected onto the one little silver loop earring he wore on his point elf like ear. He dressed in a white cotton shirt and black breeches, black riding boots, over his shirt he wore a long tight black leather trench coat. Gingerly the younger one arched his long crimson nails over one another his ears only open.

Before the wizard could speak, Kalabrax's voice rang out." You Sabbath have no choice but to take the side of my quarter breed brother, who may I remind you all is but a quarter demon! His mother was a heaven sent, the Arch Angel of Neutrality. His name itself means beloved of God!" There was silence after.

" So I crave blood, to create bloodshed upon those who side with Queen Mab, a resident of Vanity Paradise." She shouted.

Upon hearing this, the calmer, wiser of the two arose from the throne and finally spoke his words." When our father died he had a will. He spoke of it within the spiritual realm," He began." The rightful heir is me."

Kalabrax glared," And what proof have you to offer?!"

A male voice spoke up," I!" All eyes towards the doors where a hooded figure stood.

" What scum dares to enter the court of Doma?!" Screamed Kalabrax. The figure smiled and lowered his hood and revealed himself, all immediately knew this one. Lucifer. And there were whispers and some confusion around the room Kalabrax herself seemed surprised too stricken to speak.

Moments passed as Lucifer slowly approached the thrones, his dark eyes upon Jedah he spoke," The very proof that you seek, Kalabrax lies within me and me alone. " He paused upon reaching Jedah. He stared into the snake like eyes of Jedah as he reached over and gently brushed over some of Jedah's long blonde hair. "Turn around, Jedah." He ordered, Jedah did not question and turned. Lucifer spoke," As I recall Simon Doma proclaimed to me that Jedah should indeed take his place. " Began the one who created the demon world.

Lucifer's long claw gently explored the back of Jedah's neck" Sabbath." He began turning to look at the young wizard demon. " It was once prophesized that the one bearing the mark of the six hundred sixty-six shall inherit all, including : The Anti-Christ." He mused.

Sabbath as he was called stood beside Lucifer, exchanging glances with Kalabrax, who only remained silent. The wizard's eyes glanced over, in the look of a birth mark, appearing though as a branding were but three figures connected: 666." Tis the truth." Sabbath said out loud.

Abruptly upon hearing this, Kalabrax stormed over to Jedah and beheld the birth mark upon Jedah's neck. " It can't be! He bares the mark of the Anti-Christ!" She called out in disbelief.

Quickly Jedah turned around to face Kalabrax as she drew her sword in anger. As the sword came towards Jedah, his blue hand grabbed the blade in midair and squeezed.

There was nothing but silence between the siblings. They only glared at each other" You don not deserve the throne!" Kalabrax hissed lowly. Immediately Jedah yanked the sword down while Kalabrax held it by the handle." You are quarter angel, demon, vampire, and incubi you will never be respected ! " She snapped.

Jedah merely remained calm and responded," For a ruler to be great they must know how to love, to know what it is to feel. The love of a ruler to his people is far greater then the amount of blood you can shed. I am fit for the job because my mother gave me that love by her death, by her sacrifice."

For a second, Kalabrax glared then she inched back, her panic building up. " But….what will become….of me?" She asked softly.

" A part of the demon county Rune, shall be yours. A castle will be erected for your use. I will give you an army, it will be a small army. But none the less an army. If you do not accept my generosity then you will be left with not even a name." Jedah stated.

Kalabrax stared at Jedah then spoke," I want more, there will be blood shed, and I will need to defend my people." She said.

Jedah was reluctant at first, for a moment he looked as if he would give in and grant her a bigger army. But after exchanging glancing with Lucifer he gave his final answer," Take the offer I give or be left with nothing.." That was the answer he was sticking with, his focus now was the black blood of his dripping from his sliced palm. But that could be dealt with later.

Kalabrax glared once more " Your first mistake Jedah has been that you deny me." She hissed beginning to turn, she looked out upon the nobles," All of those who cherish immortality and greatness join me." She offered to the lords of the court. Another uproar poured like rain from the nobles. This time those who would be with Kalabrax and those against her.

" Be warn, Jedah." Lucifer began whispering into Jedah's ear" If she is not given limits to her power and immortality then all life within the realms will be un made."

Jedah looked over at Lucifer, nodding slightly. " Please then tell me what can I do to channel her power."

Lucifer shook his head, " I've little time left here to say. I must go back to the Abyss and rule. But my knowledge will be passed onto you with my powers." He whispered touching two fingers to Jedah's forehead. Prophecies and flashbacks flashed through Jedah's mind Tightly Jedah clenched his red eyes shut while Lucifer's knowledge passed through the dark angel's mind.

And abruptly Jedah's eyes snapped open everything before Lucifer touched Jedah's forehead was the same, but Lucifer was gone. Dizzily Jedah glanced over at Kalabrax in place of a black gown, Kalabrax was dressed in blood red armor, blood itself smeared all over her hands. Around Kalabrax were the nobles…..but they were without their skin. The image shimmered away and what Jedah saw was all back to normal. But the images he had seen would not let go of his mind. Even the hours which passed after Kalabrax left with her followers behind her.