A/N: Ahoy! This is my first story here, its femslash if that bothers you, you can leave. Sara/Catherine. Oneshot.

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of CSI or anything.

Sara arrived at the bar 40 minutes early. Just so if her date showed up 20 minutes early, which was a high possibility, she wouldn't seem late. She had been waiting for 25 minutes all ready, hoping they'd show up in the next five.

Moments later a man sat down across from Sara, but it wasn't her date. Not even close. She raised her eyebrow at the man who sat across from her uninvited. Attractive, thirties, dark hair, dark eyes. Totally dateable. "Do you need something?" She asked in her why-the-hell-are-you-here-I'm-not-interested voice. Being a bitch came easy, it got her things in her cases when nobody else thought the case could be finished. Unfortunately he didn't get the voice or chose not to.

"I couldn't help but notice you're all alone." He said in a low voice while doing a weird smile thing. She guessed it was his 'sexy smile', he either failed or didn't know what he looked like while dong it. "Are we looking for the same thing?"

Sara smirked, maybe she could have some fun with this guy. "Depends on what you are looking for."

"A beautiful woman." His eyes traveled to her chest and back to her face.

Was that supposed to turn her on? Her own eyes traveled to the entrance of the bar and Catherine Willows was scanning the booths and tables. Spotting Sara she made her way through the crowds standing around the pool tables. "I guess we are looking for the same thing." The mans eyes lit up in triumph. He's taking this the wrong way, poor guy. Well.. I don't really care about him.

She smirked again when Catherine arrived at the booth and sat next to her. The stranger looked at Catherine approvingly. As if he was thinking maybe he'd get a chance with both of them. She wore a red halter top and a pair of brown pants. Her hair pinned up in a messy bun.

"Hey baby." Catherine said and kissed Sara on the cheek. "Who is your friend?"

Sara turned to Catherine and said "We were just discussing what we are looking for. And coincidently we are looking for the same thing." She turned her head back to the man. "It seems I have found my beautiful woman." She moved her head and kissed Catherine full on the lips. "Pool?"

A/N: And there you go! I hope you liked it. Please comment! If theres anything that needs to be worked on please tell me :D