Hey guys! This is my new fanfic, all about how Naruto gets exiled after he brings Sasuke back from Valley of End.

Don't worry, I'm not giving up on my other fic, but I'll be writing both at once, just for a bit of variation!

Anyway I hope you enjoy it, and please REVIEW!

Chapter 1

"Uzumaki Naruto, for mortally injuring a shinobi of Konoha you are hereby exiled from the Leaf Village. If you ever sit foot within our jurisdiction again then we will use any means to imprison and exile you. You will leave within the next 30 minutes, and from thatpoint on you will no longer be known as a shinobi of Konoha." Naruto stood, stunned by what the councillor had just told him.

He had beaten Sasuke at the Valley of End, holding back nothing in there final clash his Rasengan had overpowered Sasuke's Chidori and sent the Sharingan-wielder cascading into the valley walls. He had piggy-backed Sasuke back to Konoha, but his reception had not been what he had expected. A party of ANBU awaited him at the gates, and upon entering the village they had lead him before the council for a 'mission debriefing'. In the last ten minutes he felt had been broken, and he felt lost, unusual for the usually bright and loud-mouthed boy. His dream had been shattered; the dream to follow in the steps of the Sandaime and Yondaime had been shattered once the word 'exile' had been spoken. This was the second heartbreak of the day, he could still remember Sakura's reaction to him bringing Sasuke back as promised.


"Naruto, everyone always told me you were a monster, and you've just proven that to be true! I asked you to bring him back, not to break 4 of his ribs as well as one of his arms!" She had roared at him.

"But Sakura-cha.."

"Shut up! Don't call me that you MONSTER! I never want to see you again; you've hurt me and Sasuke-kun enough."

"Is... Is that really how you think of me Sakura?" Naruto asked, his head bowed looking at the floor beneath his feet. He looked up to meet her eyes, with his own tear-stained ones. Naruto's eyes had never been so full of pain and anguish, not even when he was being beaten by the villagers in his youth had he felt this much pain. "I'm sorry I caused you s much pain Sakura..." He trailed off before turning his back to her and disappearing in a whirl of leaves.


Naruto stood silent for a moment before turning his back on the councillors.

"I'm sorry Naruto, the council has more power than me, and they had a majority when they voted for you exile, there was nothing I could have done..." Tsunade trailed off, as he looked up to meet her tear-stained eyes. Never before had Tsunade seen Naruto's eyes so empty, so cold and hard, so devoid of emotions, and she broke down weeping. Without another word Naruto left the room and the building.

"Naruto." Naruto looked to the side to see Jiraiya standing, leaning against the wall of the building, "Naruto, I'm sorry that this happened to you, but the Hyuuga clan was against you, and a lot of the other clan's are too afraid of Hiashi to disagree with him," Jiraiya sighed. "Naruto, why don't you come with me, I can carry on your training, we can complete the Rasengan," Jiraiya offered, walking up to him.

After a brief pause Naruto looked up to meet Jiraiya's eyes, "No thanks Jiraiya. I have to find my own path from here, else I fear I'll lose my sanity," he said, a fake smile in place, to mask his warring emotions. Jiraiya nodded in understanding.

Naruto was in his apartment packing his bags when he came across a picture. It was a picture of Team 7, Kakashi was there, Sasuke was too, and so was Sakura. He looked at himself in the picture and remembered back to that time when he could be so light hearted and uncaring. If only it could have stayed that way, he reminisced, if only harsh reality had not come into play.

Gathering his few belongings in a rucksack Naruto quickly changed clothes. For the first time in years Naruto wore a colour other than orange, he was wearing a black jumpsuit with a red shuriken on the back, a gift from Tsunade for his last birthday. He left his apartment, not bothering to lock the door behind him, knowing he would not return to the place.

Naruto stood before the gate of Konoha. Tsunade and Jiraiya were the only ones who had come to see him off.

"Goodbye Tsunade, Jiraiya. Maybe I'll see you guys around," he whispered. Both sannins could tell he did not believe what he had said himself, and felt their hearts break at the hopelessness and despair in his voice.

Without another word Naruto turned his back on them, and walked out of the gates of the Leaf Village. He did not look back to the village and after a few moments of walking he disappeared in a whirl of leaves.

"Tousan! Inari! Dinners ready! Get down here or I'll throw it out!" Tsunami looked out of the window and saw that the storm that had been brewing for the last few days was now in full force, as it rained heavily and thunder and lightning was ever present.

Suddenly she heard a knock on the door. She walked up to it and opened it, curious as too who it could be during a storm like this. Standing in front of her was a cloaked figure, standing a little taller than her. He slowly drew back his hood, and she gasped in recognition. She pulled him into the house into a hug.

"Naruto, what are you doing here, in the middle of a storm!?"

Naruto broke down, tears flowing freely down his cheeks, "They exiled me Tsunami-nii-chan. I don't know what to do, I've never felt so lost and confused... Help me," he whispered, as he slid to the ground weeping.

"Oh, Naruto!" Tsunami gasped, holding him into a hug, letting him cry the tears that he had bottled up for so long, as well as the emotions he had been struggling to keep inside.

That was the first chapter, hope you liked!

Please review!
