A/N: Yeah well I know. It's another Sailor Moon story. But I love this idea and have always wanted to do one of my own type. Hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon. Would I be writing fanfics if I did?


"When you are feeling lonely, look at the spaces between your fingers and remember that's where mine fit…"



17 years ago, the world was a normal place. People were happy and the future looked bright. Men and women enjoyed life to the fullest and the world was in harmony. Or so everyone thought.

Unknown to all was the war that had been raging for over 1000 years, between the Vampyres and Werewolves, was about to spill into their peaceful world.

Now the once vibrant and happy people live in fear, and the buildings lie in ruins. Crumbling at a mere touch.

The creatures of the night now stalk the day, for the sun no longer holds any sway for either species. The humans were outnumbered. They could do nothing to fight back against the evils that now plagued their lives.

But our story begins before the devastation known as Armageddon. Exactly one week before to be exact. At the birth of a baby girl.


The shrill cry of a baby rang clear and true through the small room as a woman slumped back against a bed. The new father was reassuring his wife that it was over and they had a beautiful baby girl. The blue haired woman smiled tiredly as she rested her head back against the pillows of her bed.

"Congratulations," a young black haired woman said, bringing the clean and wrapped pink bundle over to the new parents. She smiled while placing the little girl into her mother's arms.

"She's so beautiful," the mother said, smiling as tears formed in her eyes.

"Just like you," the new father replied, kissing his wife on her forehead. The blue haired woman laughed lightly as she hugged her new baby to her breast.

The little girl already had a little tuft of silvery blonde hair atop her head, and as she looked up at her parents, her crystal blue eyes shone.

"Thank you Luna," she said to the other woman. Luna simply smiled as her deep brown eyes sparkled.


Later that night, as the city was just settling down for the night, Irene gently tucked her baby girl into her new bed.

"Sweet dreams my little one," she whispered, kissing the child's forehead. She ruffled the girls hair affectionately before two arms wrapped around her waist.

"I love you Irene," the man said. "You and our daughter." Irene smiled.

"And I love you Kenji," she replied quietly. The pair stood in the moonlight, looking down at their daughter before another voice broke the tranquillity.

"How sweet," it drawled. The two parents turned to find a man leaning against the doorway of the nursery. His dark black hair blended perfectly into the darkness surrounding him, almost making it seem like it wasn't even there. His blue eyes sparkled intelligently as he stared at the pair.

Kenji pushed his wife behind him as he sized up the man. There was no doubt the intruder towered over the businessman by at least a good foot, and he appeared to be about twenty years old but there was no way Kenji Tsukino was going to allow this man to harm his family.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" he demanded hotly, anger beginning to spot his voice. The dark haired man simply chuckled in response.

"Who I am is not important. I doubt you would believe me if I told you. But I will tell you why I'm here. That child," he said, pointing at the crib. "Is coming with me."

"Like hell. She is staying right here," Kenji protested. Irene made a move to pick her still sleeping daughter up but froze when the dark haired man beat her to it.

He cradled the infant to his chest as he gazed down at her sleeping face.

"Give her back," Irene whimpered, fearing greatly for her daughter's life. "Please don't hurt her." The dark haired man looked at her for a moment before scoffing.

"I would never harm her. She is to be my Queen," he replied.

"What?" Irene asked in disbelief. He looked back down to the infant in his arms as she stirred. Crystal blue eyes opened slowly to stare back up at the man holding her. The pair gazed at each other for a moment before the little girl reached for him with a happy gurgle.

The man smiled softly before placing a finger in her tiny hand.

"Please give her back," Irene whimpered once again. Kenji had taken hold of his wife as she threatened to slump to the floor.

The man looked at the pair before sighing.

"I will make you a deal," he said, pulling his finger free of the little girl's grasp. Hope shone in the parent's eyes until his next words were spoken. "I am a Vampyre. King to be exact. And this girl is my future mate, my Queen and I want her by my side."

Both Irene and Kenji felt their hearts lurch at that. Their daughter was doomed.

"But," the man said, drawing both their gazes. "I do not wish to cause her unhappiness. So she will remain with you, her parents, until she comes of age. On her seventeenth birthday, I will come for her and you will not refuse me. Understand?"

Irene was the first to react by shaking her head.

"No. You cannot have her. She's my daughter. And you'll probably kill her!" she screamed. The mans eyes darkened before pulling the little girl closer to his body.

"Would you rather I take her now?" he growled warningly. Irene was about to speak before Kenji interrupted her.

"No. Please. We agree. On her seventeenth birthday," he agreed, his head hanging low. Irene was about to protest again when she saw the intruder hand her daughter back to her. He ruffled her hair; much like her mother had done just earlier, before looking at them.

"Remember. Her seventeenth birthday. And do not attempt to hide her from me. Or I swear you will not live to see the next day," the man warned before turning to leave.

"Wait!" Irene called, halting his movement. "Her name's Serena." The mans eyes widened slightly before he nodded.

"My name is Darien and I will have someone watching over your family from now on. No harm will come to you or your daughter," he replied. Irene nodded and in an instant, Darien was gone.

Irene and Kenji stared after him for a moment before heading to bed. They decided to have Serena sleep with them tonight. Just in case.


A week later as Serena slept in her crib, Irene and Kenji sat at their dinner table. They were eating lunch and chatting aimlessly when a scream from outside reached their ears.

Rushing to the front window, the pair were horrified to see the hundreds of people running down the street as large wolf like monsters chased them. As they were caught, the Wolves ripped them apart.

Wasting no time, Irene ran into the nursery to find one of the Wolves trying to break in the window above Serena. Grabbing the crying baby from her crib, Irene backed up and screamed as the glass finally gave way.

Kenji came rushing in to find the wolf snarling at his wife and daughter. He grabbed the nearest thing, which happened to be a chair, and hurled it at the creature. As it was stunned, he grabbed his wife and pushed her through the door.

Before he could leave however, the wolf grabbed him, burying its fangs into his neck.

Irene screamed before Kenji's words reached her ears.

"Get out," he whispered. Irene was going to hesitate before Serena suddenly cried. Snapping into action, Irene turned and ran from the house, crying the whole way. Serena sobbed as well as the blue haired woman ran through the streets. The main batch of the wolves had moved on so it was fairly easy for her to keep going.

It was about 3 blocks from her home when she found Luna.

"Luna," she sobbed, drawing the dark haired woman's attention.

"Irene," she sputtered as the woman pushed her baby into her arms.

"I have to help Kenji," she said before turning and running back towards the house. Luna tried to stop her but it was to no avail. Looking down at the baby in her arms, Luna made a silent promise. She would look after the child until her mother returned for her.

Only…she never did.


A/N: Well there is the prologue for my newest story. I know I shouldn't be starting another story but this one has been bugging me for, believe it or not, about a year. I just finally decided to type it up. I know this is short but I felt this was the better place to leave it off. Remember to read and review.
