The Blackwolf Intervention: Deleted scenes

If you read "The Blackwolf Intervention" and liked it, but wondered why Raven would do what she did, here's a little insight, both into that and into the dynamic between Raven and David. "Intervention" is a B.B. and Terra story, but there's also a story, in my head, at least, about Raven and David, one which I don't think I'll write. It strikes me as poor form in fan fiction. No one wants to read about one of our favorite heroines with my own made up character. Or, maybe you do.

It starts a year previous, when David first met the Titans. He and Raven instantly really liked each other, and something romantic probably could have happened, but she was 16 at the time, David is a grown man of around 25, and it just didn't seem right. Besides, he had a universe to continue exploring. So, he reluctantly left, secretly planning to come find her again when she was a little older.

Enter Terra, who's dilemma prompted Raven to contact David only a year after he left. If Ray's behavior in these scenes seems a little out of character, remember that she's got a bit of a school girl crush on David. So, here are a couple of scenes of Ray with David.


Deleted scenes: Chapter 3: Raven signals David


"How long will it take him to get here?" Robin asked.

"Don't ask me," Raven said.

"Get it," Robin decided. "Let's get an outside opinion on this. Blackwolf is about as outside as it gets."

"Finally. Thank you," Beast Boy said, relieved but still frustrated. "Ask an expert, get some help. Good. We need help with this."

"At least one good thing has come out of this mess," Raven muttered as she got up. "It'll be nice to see David again. Be right back."

No one replied, and Raven left the room.


After a long walk down to the vault, and a brief search of the rooms contents, Raven found David's signaling device. It looked more than anything like a steel clamshell box for a ring. She opened it, and saw the green gem set into it's center. David had told her when he left that if she ever needed him, she need only touch the crystal and think of him. Hesitantly, she put a finger to the gem and pressed it gently.

There was an explosion of green light, coming not from the gem, but from a point over to Raven's side. She jumped, startled by the sudden presence of a large, energetic, glowing green sphere. In the center of the glowing sphere stood the man she had befriended over a year ago, the traveler called David Blackwolf.

The green sphere of energy collapsed into the head of David's cane, and as the light went out, he glanced quickly around the room, taking in his new surroundings, then turned and flashed her a big smile.

"Raven! So good to see you. It's been ages."

Raven just stared at him in surprise for a moment, then started to laugh gently. "How did you …?" she started, gesturing to the signaling device.

"Time travel," David replied simply.

"Right," she said, understanding dawning on her face.

"I followed the signal to it's source."

"Right, right, I got it. Good to see you, too, David."

"Are we in any kind of trouble?" he asked, suddenly more serious. "Do we need to hurry?"

"No," she said, shaking her head. "Nothing like that. We need your advice on something."

David looked briefly puzzled. "OK … I'll do what I can." He gave her another big smile and took a step toward her, arms outstretched. "Well, come here, Ray. Gimmie a hug."

They held each other for a moment, then finally stepped back. "I missed you, David," she said softly. David just returned her smile.

"So, what's up?" he asked after a moment. "What can I do for you?"

Raven's expression suddenly turned dark, and she thought for several seconds. "They need to find Yoda," she finally replied.

"Huh?" was David's only response.

"I wouldn't explain it well. I should let the others tell you what we need."


Raven smiled. "Or a reasonable substitute, yes."

David looked away in amused puzzlement. "Never met Yoda," he mumbled. "I'd like to. He seems cool."

"Come on," she said, still smiling with him, "We should go. The others are waiting."

David gestured toward the door. "Lead the way."

Raven casually took his hand as she led him out of the room.

As they walked together down the long hallway, David turned to her. "So … what can Yoda do for you?"

Raven looked like she didn't know where to start. "It's … there's this girl … B.B.'s insisting that … I don't know. I don't want to blow this by biasing your opinion of her. I'll let the others explain."

David just looked puzzled. "OK," was all he said.

As they entered the conference room, the others were all still sitting around the table, talking. Beast Boy turned back to Cyborg and grinned. "Let's ask him."

"Hey, guys," David said casually as he entered the room.