Discalimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin.

A/N: This chapter is quite boring but it was neccessary to put it in I was hoping to mae it longer but Im just going to make another chapter after this one with the fluff and cute stuff haha. Megumi may seem slight OOC here but her character will be further developed in the next chapter as we will get a look from her perspective and see what the fox is up to hehehe =^^=. Anywayyyy enough of my babbling...read on~


I rolled over in bed as I slammed down the button on my alarm clock for the third time that morning. Getting out of bed I sleepily dressed for school and lazily combed my hair back with an elastic. I walked down to the kitchen, limping on my aching ankle, and stole a pop-tart from the cabinet. Shuffling my feet as best I could without causing any pain I was out the door still half asleep as I made my way to school. I barely processed the car that pulled up beside me until it blared its horn.

I vaguely processed it as Himura's car before I made my way into the passenger's seat.

I attempted a smile I imagined it looks like a disgruntled frown though. Himura looked over at me.

"You look like shit." He said dryly.

'Man he's definitely not a morning person. So grumpy.' "You're no better." I retorted noticing the dark circles under his eyes and his messy red hair. His clothes seemed slightly wrinkled too. He noticed my line of sight.

"Figured if I wore my school clothes to bed I could get more sleep but it kind of back fired on me eh?" he said through a yawn.

I laughed, but this early in the morning it sounded like a girlish giggle. "You've got nothing to worry about your fan club will still find you just as attractively appealing anyway." Out of the corner of my eye I saw the corners of Himura's lips turn up.

'Apparently he finds that funny.'

Himura drove to the school getting us there in a fashion that we just made it as the bell rang outside. He was out of his car in a flash and at my car door in a heartbeat. He quickly reached in and grabbed my hand to pull me out quite gracefully. His exhaustion wasn't showing with any sluggish movement.

"You're quite the gentleman today." I said unable to hide the admiration in my voice. Himura beamed with pride obviously flattered at my compliment.

"I can be when I want to be." He said with a curt nod as he laced his fingers through mine.

"That's good to know." I said as I tried to smooth out his clothes instinctively. I instantly withdrew from him as if I'd been stung as soon as I realized what I had been doing. Himura looked just as surprised as I did. But he also hadn't reacted to the action. It had felt so normal, so routine already. If this instinctual reaction kept up we might actually be able to make it look like we were affectionate to the community.

As if he read my mind I saw Himura smile as well. So if we could keep up this appearance without thinking, virtually without even thinking of one another then most assuredly we could pull of our heist. I laughed at my vocabulary. I made it sound like we were a Bonnie and Clyde of sorts, trying to rob a bank or something.

I glanced at Himura's car. I looked into my reflection on the shiny reflective black surface. I really did look shit as Himura put it. My hair was anything but orderly, my eyes had heavy circles under my eyes since the white pallor of my skin did nothing to hide my exhaustion and lack of sleep, and the slouch of my shoulders emphasizing my tiredness.

"We make quite the image, don't we?" Himura said beside me, with a smile.

I smiled at the look on his face. I looked back at the reflection this time glancing at Himura's reflection beside mine.

'He's right. We do look like quite a pair.'I thought glancing at our both sleep deprived faces.

"I didn't picture you as one of those girls to stare in a mirror all day Kamiya." I heard Himura mutter beside me.

I bristled turning to face him. "I'm not." I replied. "Not like there's anything all that special to look at." I muttered under my breath more to myself then aloud.

Himura gave me this pained and angry look. 'Not that he can deny just how ordinary I am, how boring I look, how unbeautiful…He's never been the one to defend that part of me anyway in fact he usually points out those flaws.'

He opened his mouth to say something. "I d-"

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the new lovely 'couple'." A familiar voice drawled.

I snapped my head up to meet the sly and all too smug eyes of Takani Megumi.

"Did you want something Megumi?" Himura asked indifferently.

'Can't he see what she's trying to say? Is Himura completely oblivious to her attraction to him? Maybe I should tell him what she said the other day…'

Megumi smiled, glancing over at Kenshin through her lashes. "Oh Ken-san," she drawled innocently. "I heard rumors you had a girlfriend, you even admitted it yourself at lunch but last night suggested something else…"

Himura leveled Megumi's gaze, she glared right back at him as if daring him to deny what she said. Her chocolate brown eyes were all malice and resolve. I think it slowly dawned on Himura that she wasn't going to let it go.

Himura shrugged casually. Megumi looked put off by the gesture, she angrily flipped her black tresses over her shoulder. Then after initially looking over it for so long she finally took in his appearance. Her eyes lit with surprise.

"Ken-san you look quite…" she struggled to find the right word. "unkempt today, did something happen?" Her eyes roved over his face and I think for the first time she noticed the circles under his eyes. Then hers eyes flashed to me.

Her gaze was like being struck by Medussa. I felt heavy, immobilized, I wasn't afraid of Megumi but there was something about her that kept me from following my desire of ripping the smug smile off her face every time I saw her. Maybe it was the superior way she held herself or the almost tangible aura of coldness that surrounded her. It was enough to send a slight but sickening shiver up my spine.

She took me in quick, glancing me up and down. I could tell she knew I was just exhausted as Himura, I knew the dark circles would give me away, I could practically feel how heavy my eyes were. Her eyes roved over my clothes several times more then necessary and I wondered what that could've been about. I saw her disgust when she gazed over my hair before glancing back and forth between Kenshin and I. She blinked once. Then twice, before a grin broke out on her face.

'What's she grinning about? This can't be good…' I thought with a sick churning in my stomach.

"My, my, my Ken-san you sure do move fast." Megumi said with a smirk.

I watched Himura's expression. He looked just as confused as myself until realization washed over his features.

'Am I missing something here?'

"Well if she's like the others then I won't be waiting too long now won't I?" Megumi asked as she turned to go. "After all you always got bored quickly." With that she skipped up the steps and vanished through the school doors.

I turned to look at Himura, he was grinning like a child.

"What," I breathed, "was that about?"

Himura rolled his eyes as he turned to face me. "So naive Kamiya."

"What was she talking about?" I insisted. 'What am I being naïve about now?'

"Nothing but assumptions. Megumi may think she's hurting us however she's actually going to help us with our performance." Himura answered, the smile glued to his lips.

"What do you mean?" I asked, still confused as to where any of this was going.

"Don't worry about it, it's probably better if you don't know."

"Wait, what?" I exclaimed. "How would that be better?" I asked angrily.

"No offense but your not the best actor and I think if you knew it wouldn't help." Himura replied.

"You're such a jerk." I huffed crossing my arms.

"We don't have long the second bell is going to ring any second now we should be in the building by now." Himura said as he grabbed my arm to drag me inside. I had to limp clumsily along.

'I'm going to look ridiculous for the rest of the day…' I thought bitterly. 'This is all Himura's fault!'

"Wait. What about your…thing with Megumi last night?" I asked aloud. Surely she isn't going to keep quiet and neither will anyone else?

Himura paused in his movements realizing I had a point. "I don't know…I forgot…Maybe if, no, that wouldn't work…" he muttered but began walking us into the school anyway. The halls were mostly cleared everyone already having reached their first class. Some people gave us weird glances and I still got glares.

I glanced across the hall. My eyes landed on the video rental store ad and my eyes loomed over the image. It was a screenshot from that movie about that couple…then an idea hit me. "I have an idea…" I muttered surprised by my own direction of thoughts.

Himura glanced at me. "What is it?"

I thought long and hard. "We'll have to do this at lunch, when everyone can watch."

Himura gave me a unsure look as he stopped just outside first class." Kamiya?"

"Today we are going to have our own lover's spat." I said with a wink.

"And how's it going to go?" Himura asked warily.

I smiled sweetly as I pulled my arm from him. "Well Himura to put it bluntly…it's better if you don't know." I said throwing his own words back at him.

And with that said I entered the classroom leaving behind a very perplexed and gaping Himura. I think the sleep deprivation was making me very bold and daring I thought to myself as I sat down. Yes it was the lack of sleep making me feel this way. That just had to be it.


I stepped out of my first class clumsily. My ankle wasn't taking to keen to my walking. I cursed under my breath. I heard some jumbled whispers as I walked by.

'Where is Himura to escort me to class?' I thought with a frown. 'Of all days not to look like the caring boyfriend he choose when I have a limp to do this…urg men!'

I passed by a group of girls by their lockers. I can't help to hear parts of their conversation.

"has no shame at all…"

"So quick to please…"

"Barely a woman couldn't have been good enough for him."

"no decency as if she wants everyone to know what she's been doing with him…"

'I know they're talking about me but what does that mean? I have no shame? For what? Yeah I already know I'm not good enough for the great and popular Himura. I have no decency? What did I do that was indecent?'

I limped by slowly trying to catch the most of the conversaiton as I could without them figuring out that I was trying to eavesdrop but this time I cant hear their hushed tones.

I stumbled my way toward my next class I shouldn't be worrying anyway. Himura did say it was better if I didn't know right?

'Maybe that's why you want to know so bad more then ever.' my conscience ridiculed. And sadly it was right. It bothered me even more, I should know what's going on but how come I don't? We both heard and saw the same thing Megumi said and did right? So what am I missing.

'Their thinking pattern.' my conscience answered.

Well that was obvious. So if I thought like Megumi and Himura then maybe it'd be easy to understand what everyone's thinking.

Another broken conversation awoke me from my thoughts.

"Heard Himura might be hooking up with Megumi. They were seen last night together." a guy against the other side of the hall said.

"Oh I thought he had a girlfriend?" his friend answered.

"Guess not, or maybe she's not that important? Maybe Meg is the girl?" he replied.

I knew that was coming. Megumi was going to smile when she heard those rumors. I scowled, what had Himura been thinking?

Another group of girls I passed were chatting loud enough I could hear as I passed.

"Look at her, she looks terrible and worn out, Kenshin-sama didn't look any better she probably didn't know what she was doing and he had to show her how to go about everything poor Kenshin-sama wore himself out!"

"I wonder if she even pleased him…"

"Just look at her, do you need to ask? Poor Kenshin-sama must be so frustrated this morning, her limp just tells you Kenshin-sama tried for too long before calling it quits…"

"If he just said the words I'd scratch that itch for him."

The group of girls broke out into a fit of giggles at that.

When they noticed me staring, they sent me a dirty look. I turned away.

I tried to piece their conversation together to make some sense of it. 'What are they talking about?'

I finally made it to the classroom and took my seat with a sigh. It was going to take all my thinking power to put those conversations together to make some sense let alone figure the whole thing out.

'All I have to do is think like Himura and I could figure this out. Alright now what kind of mindful thoughts does Himura have?'

'The guy kind.'My conscience answered.

I mentally laughed. 'Yeah but that's not going to help-' I stopped mid thought. 'Wait a minute…'

"My, my, my Ken-san you sure do move fast.", "has no shame at all…","I wonder if she even pleased him…"

Then it clicked. My face felt hot. Those people thought that I? That Himura..? That we…I buried my face in my heads to hide my blushing face. I would never!!!

'So that was Himura's plan all along? Make them believe we, we had sex? What. !' I thought to myself.

My professor's voice broke my thoughts as he began a lecture. I pretended to be looking at him as my thoughts drifted to how Himura was going to face my wrath later. A smile graced my lips, my plan at lunch was going to be sweeter then I thought.

With that thought in my mind I set to writing fown my usual notes, a Himura-like grin on my lips.


Kenshin packed his locker with his books with his thought-ridden mind. He glanced at the locker beside his, Sanosuke's. His best friend hadn't showed up to school today. Wonder what that could've meant Kenshin thought with an all too guy smile. At least one of them was getting some.

Kenshin laughed. At the moment everyone in school who had seen himself and Kaoru or who heard of the rumors he knew would come about thought he was getting some. Kenshin rolled his eyes. This whole pretender thing was getting too easy and Megumi off all people was helping it along. A whisper behind him broke him out of his thoughts.

"Heard Kenshin just hit up his girlfriend."

"Yeah I heard that too. How long until you think he breaks it off?"

Someone behind him laughed. "Considering he's already gotten what he wants, a week maybe a few days."

"Yeah I don't think this girl is no Tomoe."

He heard their voices fade as they walked away.

He scowled. So is that what everyone thought of him? His shoulders slouched as his reputation and actions did nothing to defend those words. Maybe this rumor wasn't going to help them at all…

'You thought letting that rumor spread was going to prove you loved the girl?' his conscience bit out.

'Shut Up.'

'Hey man I'm just saying when has something like sex ever meant anything deeper then pleasure to you?' his conscience retorted.

It was then that he realized this wasn't going to work out. If was going to prove Kamiya was something special to him, not like the other girls of his life, he was going to have to treat her differently. He was going to have to try real hard to show that there was something more to Kamiya then everyone else. He was going to do what he never did before. He was going to treat her right.

He made his way to lunch before I thought hit him. Where was he going to meet Kamiya? He'd never seen her at lunch before he just realized. He walked in the direction of the cafeteria nonetheless but his mind started to wander off.

Where exactly was she everyday around noon anyway?


I pushed my way through the crowded hallways as I made my way to the cafeteria.

'This is exactly why I avoided lunch. I hate all this traffic it wasn't worth it for a measly half-decent lunch.' Plus I never really had a reason to go to lunch besides to eat which I could easily do myself. Not like I had anyone's company to enjoy, not like I needed another time of day for Himura to torment me.

I was hoping to cut off Himura at the cafeteria doors. My heart was thrumming loudly. I wasn't a great actor but if I could do anything right it was definitely pick a fight with Himura. I just hope he'd understand it was just for show. I needed him to be able to read it as it was, but if he didn't know it was coming it'd be more convincing. If there was one thing I knew about relationships from watching countless romantic films, it was if a couple fought and had a spat and the girl walked away, the guy would follow if she was worth it, if he really loved her. All I needed was Himura to swallow his pride and ego, act like I mattered more to him then anything else and everyone watching.

This was more or likely his test to see if he was really sorry, not for his whim with Megumi, but to see if he was sorry for hurting me all these years; to see if he really meant to help me this time around. I swallowed the lump at the back of my throat and tried to ignore the sick feeling in my stomach as I got closer to the cafeteria.

I noticed a spark of red in front of the cafeteria doors. There next to him was the source of my problems. Just as I expected her to be. It wouldn't have worked out any better with my plan if she wasn't there. I swallowed again.

'It's now or never. Here goes.'


Kenshin had waited near the doors of the cafeteria for Kamiya. He was hoping to cut her off when she came in. After all how could she not notice him with his bright red hair?

As we was scanning the people coming in he felt someone latch onto his right arm. Expecting it to be Kamiya he looked down disappointedly to see Megumi, her usual proud grin on her face.

He scowled at her, she pursed her red lips at his disapproval. He opened his mouth to say something but was immediately interrupted.


His snapped up and like everyone else in the cafeteria and those coming in looked in the direction of the shout.

There at the doors of the cafeteria was Kamiya with the most malice and contemptuous look gracing her face as he had never seen before. She stomped toward him. He felt Megumi bristle beside him.

'What the-'

"I can't believe you Kenshin!" Kamiya seethed at him when she stopped a mere foot away from him. Hands on her hips and upturned chin; classic upset girl pose.

Kenshin faltered. What was going on? "I-"

"I thought you said you were sorry for last night!" Kamiya screeched waving her arms in the air in hysterics. "What are you doing with her?" Kamiya said, the word her sounding like venom from her tight lips.

Megumi beside him hugged tighter to his arm. A satisfied smile on her face.

"Ken-san just realized who's the better woman for him." Megumi retorted.

Kamiya's face relaxed from its angry snarl into a less raged, but dangerous facade. She stepped closer now, inches from his face.

"Did last night not mean anything to you?" She spat in his face, cruelly. Her eyes sparkling with anger and hurt.

Before he could say anything Megumi spoke up.

"Ken-san was confused, and obviously disillusioned." She said looking Kamiya up and down with apparent revulsion. Kamiya winced, the insult obviously stung. "I mean why would he choose you over someone like me? He was obviously bored if he resorted to you."

"Is that so?" Kaoru said with narrowed eyes. In the corner of his eyesight he saw something move in a flash. There was deafening smacking sound.

Then everything froze.

The left side of his face felt like someone had pressed a hot plate to it. She slapped him. She really slapped him!

What the hell was she doing? She was supposed to look like she was in love with him!

Beside him he heard Megumi gasp. He heard other gasps echo in the cafeteria. Kamiya stared at him with angry tears in her eyes but there was something else in her face he was trying to read. Was she trying to tell him something? Damn she had a good arm his cheek stung greatly. He noticed everyone was watching, waiting for his reaction. Staring into her eyes and listening to her next words, her message finally clicked.

"I'm sorry I ever met you, Kenshin. I'm sorry-I'm sorry I ever thought we could be anything." she said in a voice so deep with emotion. She lowered her hand looking defeated and spun on her heel as she headed toward the doors.

It was his turn, he better be convincing after her big act. 'Nice job Kamiya! Now time for my role.'

"Wait." He said loudly. He could feel free everyone's gaze. Kamiya stopped mid-stride and looked over her shoulder at him.

"Megumi means nothing to me." He continued as he pulled his arm from Megumi's grasp and walked toward Kamiya.

Megumi frowned. "Ken-san!"

"But she is right about one thing." He said firmly.

Kamiya frowned and turned her body to face his. "And what's that?"

"I was disillusioned," Kamiya scowled and made to leave but he pressed on and reached out to grab her wrist. "I was disillusioned into believing she or anyone for that matter could replace you. If you will accept my apology I'm sorry." He said passionately.

Kamiya was speechless, but she gave him a weak nod. Apparently she wasn't the only one with acting skills that could stun someone. He really was too immodest.

In the corner of his eye he noticed Akira. A pulse of something akin to possessivness stirred through his veins. Now he had to make this more believable, more final, he had to add a touch of himself.

"Now…" he purred, an amber spark growing in his eyes. "Let me show you how much I love you again." He drawled as brought Kamiya's hand up to his lips and kissed the inside of her wrist. 'Let Akira interpret that anyway he wants.' he thought with a smirk. Immediately a blush run up her face, she was completely flushed.

'Sooo…she figured out what Megumi meant huh? Maybe not so naïve as I thought she was…'

His eyes felt even heavier. He was beyond exhausted. He grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the doors.

'We are so getting out of here.' Knehsin thought to himself.

Almost immediately as they were out of the cafeteria he heard the loud buzzing of chatter begin. Yep it was just another ordinary day of high school. They'd be tomorrow's news, he had nothing to worry about.

Kamiya was mostly silent as he pulled her along.

She finally broke the silence. "That was…brilliant!"

He laughed, he had been worried what she was going to say for a second. "Why thank you," he said, "you weren't bad yourself, not bad at all. Nice tears."

She laughed this time. "Thanks. Um where are we going now anyway?"

"I don't know yet but we are definitely not staying here, I'm exhausted, any suggestions?" He asked as he made their way towards the school doors, glancing to make sure no one was watching.

Kamiya tugged her hand. "What? We can't skip class! We'll get in trouble th-"

"Relax it's not a big deal if two students go missing, it happens all the time Kamiya. Jeez you need to take a chill pill." Kenshin breathed as he resisted her tugging and finally got them out the doors.

Well the hard part was over. At least that's what he thought.


A/N: Hope it wasn't tooooo boring! My favorite part of writing this chapter would've probably been Kaoru and Kenshin's unspoken thoughts and their consciences...always the most amusing to me haha, sorry if this chapter was kind of dry but I needed it out the way to get to the good part. If Kaoru seems weak and OOC so far it's irl power*)...anyway I hope to update soon but as you've seen lately I seem to work at a triweekly if not monthly update schedule, plus I'm also working on my next chapter for A Prince and His Knight which has been negleced for far too long. Please review and tell me what you thought! :) Thanks to all my reviewers: Dendra, queen bee, Katato2013, Obsequious101, The Only love for Soujiro Seta, miniwoo, if I missed you I apologize...until next time Happy Writing!