A/N: End the of this story. I made it short and simple. Hope you all like it. Thank you to all my reviewers and particularly cutiepiethesecond since this story wouldn't even exist without her.
Read, review, enjoy.
Yells of concern and surprise filled the ship as two hands gripped to the edge of it, and a second later a blond being pulled them-self up over. At first it seemed like the being was otherworldly, only wearing a light blue shirt and a belt made of shells and pearls. It's lower half almost seeming to appear to be a blue fish tail, but this must have only been a trick of the light. As you heard boots clack against the wood of the ships floor you saw that the being looked almost nothing like what you saw at first. The creature was blond yes, and it had a belt of shells and pearls hanging around it's hips, but there was no fish tail and no light blue shirt. It was dressed completely in a blue aristocratic outfit with black boots that came up to its thighs.
The being looked around the ship, and raised an eyebrow at the way the sailors on the ship were looking at him. "What's with the looks?"
One sailor pointed at the new arrival dramatically. "Where did you come from?!"
The blond looked over the edge of the ship and at the water. He then pointed at it, "Down there."
"But you're completely dry!"
"It's a witch! Run away!" The blond sighed and walked forward. A couple of times it seemed to trip over seemingly nothing, but never did he fall. "Actually, I am a wizard...and that's not why I'm dry...now." The blond reached out and grabbed onto one of the sailors arms before they could run away. "Where is Captain Kurogane Flourite?"
"W-why do you want to know?"
The blond sighed, but then smiled brightly, his hold on the poor man's arm tightening. "Because I need to borrow him. Now go get him for me before I give the Queen liquor and she makes a hurricane." He put a finger to his lips, "Oh, I suppose you don't know what that means...Just go get him."
"W-who should I tell him is waiting for him?"
"Fai Flourite." Fai let go of the man's arm and the sailor ran off yelling something about going back to work and then it all went silent. Fai tapped his foot, spun around in little circles, and at last sat on the floor while he waited. Sailors seemed to be awfully slow when it came to delivering messages.
At last Fai looked up and there was the person he'd been waiting for, Kurogane. "Kuro-chan!" Fai grinned widely and practically jumped up into the man's arms. "I missed you!"
"Fai..." Despite the utterly annoyed look on the captain's face he wrapped his arms around the blond's shoulders as he spoke. "You've climbed all the way up onto my ship, scared the sailors, disrupted the flow of my work, and now I want to know why."
Fai giggled and poked the man's nose. "You need to come back to land, Sweetie."
"Don't call me Sweetie, and why?"
Fai looked utterly hurt by the fact that Kurogane didn't already know why, or perhaps it was because Kurogane had shot down his nickname. "Why, Sakura and Syaoran are getting married today! You have to be there! You're the best man!" Sure it had taken the children three years or so to get married, but at last they were, and Fai the wizard wasn't going to let anything go wrong on his 'daughters' wedding day.
"What about you?"
Fai's smile faded a little bit. "Maid of Honor...but that's beside the point! You need to come with me!"
"And let my ship go into chaos?"
Fai shook his head, "Of course not! Leave your first in command to take care of things, it'll only be a few hours, then I'll let you come back. Unless they drill a hole in the bottom of the ship, it should be just fine in that amount of time!"
"That's all fine and dandy, but how are we going to get there?" Fai pulled away from Kurogane and seemed to go through the folds of his clothes until he pulled out a bubble. "With that? You didn't screw up did you?"
"Of course not! When have I ever screwed up with a charm?"
"I don't know, it just seems like you would..."
Fai pouted, "Kuro-tan, we've been living together for three years and you don't even know enough about me to know that I don't screw up spells, I'm hurt!" The mermaid now stuck his tongue out at the sailor.
Kurogane raised an eyebrow, "Better put that thing back in your mouth before I bite it off. Can we go?" Judging by Kurogane's impatience, being around a hyper Fai was a little more than he could handle.
"Right-o." Fai held up the bubble, "Now, you have to help me break it, or we'll have to start the process of finding you and making another charm all over again, and then we'll be late and that's not good." Kurogane sighed as he followed the blond's instructions, as Fai had pointed out, they'd been living together on and off for three years and in all that time, he'd never known Fai to mess up unless it was on purpose.
"You looked lovely. You look lovely." Fai whispered into Sakura's ear as he passed by and then sat in the seat next to the young woman. "White is really a good color on you, just like pink."
"White looks good on you too Father."
"It's a shame that every speck of dirt in existence shows up on it, now isn't it?" Sakura nodded as Fai leaned back in his chair. "So how does it feel?"
"To be married." The blond placed his head in his hands as he fixed his gaze the girl and looked at her expectantly.
Sakura went bright red and hid her face behind her bouquet. "N-nice. But don't you already know? You and Kurogane..."
"We have a domestic relationship." Fai grinned. "Simply put, we live together...and yes, I stole his last name...It sounds nicer than Blue...but we're not married. You have a ring and everything."
"I see...does that make you unhappy to not have a ring?"
"Not at all!" He laughed. "Kuro-chan and I have our fun. And we've admitted that we both...have certain feelings for each other, but the truth is that we are from two completely different life styles and neither one of us can completely adjust to a different one. I'm a wizard, I stay under the waves quite a bit while Kuro-tan runs his ships and does things for Princess Tomoyo. We meet up every now and then, and that's fine. I mean it's not like we can really settle down and have kids..." Fai's head whirled around and around as he looked this way and that. "Where's Syaoran?"
"Talking with Kurogane I think. He hasn't stopped blushing since we said 'I do.' I think he thinks Kurogane can help." Sakura giggled.
"Well I'm going to go find them," Fai said as he stood to his feet so quickly that he almost fell back down in it again. "Despite the fact saying this makes me sound like a perverted old man, I want to see you two kiss again. It's so sweet."
Before the blond could see Sakura's immediate reaction he had gone off, and a few minutes could be seen returning, one hand pushing Syaoran along in front of him, and the other dragging Kurogane along behind him. "Kuro-myu, how do you do this again?"
"Make them kiss?" Fai nodded vigorously and the man sighed. "Well, you can just shove them together..."
"Kuro-chan! That's mean!"
"...Or you can tap the glass and make everyone else tap their glasses until they do it..."
Fai grabbed a glass and a spoon, "I like that idea better." The blond began to gently strike the glass with the spoon and after a moment other people were heard tapping their glasses until at last Syaoran and Sakura gave in and leaned forward in a sweet, loving kiss.
"Kuro-pii," Fai whispered as he watched. "Do you think they'll be happy together?"
Kurogane nodded, "Until the end of their days."