Author's Notes

At least this time I recognized this was indeed a small nuzgul, in spite of the ears it had put on. Had Frodo decided--or been convinced (or browbeaten) to remain in Minas Tirith with Aragorn, what would have his life become? Would he have still gone to Tol Eressëa when the time came? Under what circumstances? Would the anniversaries of his worst woundings have plagued him as badly?

How would the return of the other Travelers have gone, without Frodo to temper their anger and desire for victory against Sharkey's army of brigands and half-orcs? And what would have occurred in that last confrontation with smug Saruman on the steps of Bag End?

I doubt many things would have gone as well, and that the lack of Frodo's competence and attention to detail would have led to less efficiency during the recovery of the Shire. Would Sam have indeed married Rosie? Yes, I do believe he would have done so, and perhaps even earlier than in the original. But it only makes sense they would have moved into the refurbished Number Three with the Gaffer rather than into Bag End, which was more likely to remain empty until there was a certainty that its absent Master would never return to it--at which time, if Frodo didn't make some provision for it the grand smial would undoubtedly have become a bone of contention and quarreling within the Shire; and I'm not eager somehow to write that story.

That there would be more children born with the fair hair of the Fallohides after the return of the three Travelers and the blessing of the Shire with the dust from Galadriel's garden is still likely; but without the blessing of the presence of the Ringbearer himself, the question remains as to whether or not the full gift would have been granted of so many truly blond children. If Frodo was not made deputy Mayor, then the question remains who would stand in for Will until the Mayor was ready to take back his seat in the Council Hole--and here I have his nephew Gordolac doing it, and somewhat botching up the job. Certainly I don't think that someone who failed to see to it food found in the Men's caches was properly distributed throughout the Shire would have been elected at the Free Fair to take the role permanently; and others would find themselves doing what was necessary to see to it seized possessions found here and there throughout the Shire would have been properly returned. I don't believe that Lobelia would have returned to Bag End under any circumstances; and if she knew that Frodo remained alive, even if he didn't return home I suspect she'd have still left it to him. Whether or not she'd have given the rest of her possessions to offer reparations is perhaps more problematical; but if she still ended up in the Lockholes herself that I do believe her empathy for all others who lost so much during the occupation would have been stirred at last, and I think she'd have reacted similarly even if Frodo didn't return.

Certainly if he remained in Minas Tirith he could only have become a most beloved citizen of the city, I'd think; and when they learned he might be dying all would have rallied to send him their communal love, and then to see him that last time as he left them forever. Their city and nation would not have stood had Frodo not done what he did, after all, and they would not have known the Return of the King; and his wisdom and gentle nature would have won their love and loyalty.

I so hope that this story, as short and gentle as it is, has managed to spark your own imagination. Now, to return to the other stories once again--I MAY finish them yet! Heh!

And I dedicate this to my sister--may she, like Lobelia, know a new heart as she faces what remains to us.