A/N: So sorry for the two year delay. I went through a whirlwind of personal problems and came out with a clear mind and a new computer so of course I lost everything I had on this story, however I do love my new Macbook Pro. I'm working from memory but I kind of like the clarity and new prospective that it provides. I've grown a lot as a person in the last two years, and I've just recently reclaimed myself so to speak. Hopefully this will help my writing. Lookin' for a new beta since the harsh laws that govern the English language still escape me from time to time…. if anyone is interested please PM me.

p.s. I should think this is obvious but I still never put it out there, the furry part of this story was inspired by demonlordlover's Hallowed Desire so please read it because it's absolutely amazing! The rest of it ,however, is all me!

And without further delay….Bold As Love

Chapter 7: Psycho Killer qu'est ce que c'est? ….fah fah fah fah fahhh…..Rabies?….Justin Bieber?

His eyes tinged red as his breath quickened and the fur began to spring from the back of his neck but he cared not, all he wanted was her in his arms, under him, screaming his name.

"Sesshoma…." She looked on wide eyed as the demon walked to her. She was shivering slightly from the wind, her big blue eyes bored into him while a small whimper escaped her lips.

She knew she felt it, that tantalizing, delicious energy signature. It made her flesh rise and her breath hitch, though she still harbored a bit of apprehension from earlier, the feelings of shame and pain she was flooded with earlier still confused her .

The apprehension soon turned to lust as her deep blue orbs hooded and she sought the source of the delicious aura, the aura that pressed against hers and crackled in sparks of power that could be felt for miles. The teasing caresses of his aura against hers and the lust in his eyes sent a surge of heat to her belly.

She bit her lip and her expression hardened with lust as she sauntered toward him, breath hitching with lusty need as she looked at him as if she were ready to devoir him.

He growled low at the sight of his hot bitch coming toward him. Raw lust in her eyes as she became the predator, she was a vision to behold as her hair flew back behind her and her endless blue eyes dug into his heart.

He whetted his arms in anticipation of his bitch coming to him, he would pull her to him roughly and claim her lips. His dick already hard and ready to press against her belly, he needed some friction.

Suddenly he heard and smelled the idiot human coming up the stairs. His well honed self-control, though thoroughly tested and on it's last legs, came into play at that moment as he used his demonic speed to move to that base of a large tree, behind some bushes to will away the transformation which was already becoming full blown as his beast roared in anger and flooded his mind with visions of kagome on her knees in the alluring garment she wore.

She blinked hard and caught a streak of white out of the corner of her eye…..then he was gone. She shook her head for a moment, the confusion flooding her mind.

'was he even really there? Oh god I'm going crazy' her brows drew together and suddenly

"OH MY FUCKING GOD! MY HEEL BROKE! I can't see Byakuya like this!" Jakotsu hobbled up the steps waiving his lipgloss in one hand and a very broken high heel in the other.

[Sesshomaru braced himself against a tree, he'd narrowly missed being seen by the queeny male who was now all over his bitch. He repressed a growl and forced his beast to calm at the sight of another male near their bitch while she was dressed in such an alluring costume.

"YOU MEAN MYYYYY HEEL BROKE!" Kagome gasped and took her shoe out of the offender's hand forgetting her confusion for a moment.

"JAKOTSU! These were my favorite dressy shoes." She looked down sadly, knowing that her mother couldn't afford to buy her a new pair of dress shoes.

"Sorry bitch, I stole them from Kikyou's bag, I thought they were hers" there was a bit of remorse in his voice.

"How did you even fit your foot into these?" she looked down, brow drawn together, at his other foot which was jammed into her shoe at such a strange and contorted angle that it looked like a torture device.

"well your foot is twenty two centimeters and mine is twenty eight…and a half ….ok twenty nine….and that's only a three centimeter difference…so I figured…" he was rubbing the shoeless foot and ranting when she interrupted him

"JAKOTSU! Twenty nine minus twenty two is SEVEN! NOT THREE!" she huffed in annoyance and shook her head while a wide eyed Jakotsu looked at her, reeling back a bit at her outburst before he lifted his finger and rolled his neck.

"Well now you listen here hon….wait…29….28, 27, 26…carry the decimal" he got distracted and began trying to do the math in his head, using his fingers to count before scratching his head.

Her mind quicky returned to the demon who so often occupied her mind as of late while her friend tried in vain to prove his mathematical prowess.

'I saw him….Sesshomaru…. I know I did…..I could feel his aura playing with mine…..oh god…..who am I kidding? Why would he come here? Why would he want me when he can have all of those glamorous demon girls with their perfect hair and perfect clothes….. why would he want a miko?...I thought he hated humans...he's driving me insane….I….want to feel his lips on mine again…I want to feel his arms around me…..Oh god...I probably felt shame from him because he was kissing a human in front of people' she could feel the tears sting her eyes not for her lack of clothing or wealth but because it hurt to think that Sesshomaru had radiated shame when he'd kissed her and all she wanted was another burning kiss.

She looked down at her shoe in her hand and the corset that was cutting off the circulation in her chest and then back down to the fishnet stockings she wore and up at Jakotsu and began to sniffle and huff

"Oh NO!" he waved his hands in front of her , gasping in horror at the wide blue eyes lined with tears and the pink lips set in a small frown, beautiful face slightly contorted.

"Don't you dare! Don't you dare start…ok ok….you were right! Twenty nine minus twenty two is five!" he smiled hopefully

"It…..it's seven! …sniff…not….not FIVE!" then they came, the big salty river of tears ran down her pale cheeks as Kagome sobbed into her hands.

"AHHHH! STOP THAT! I'll get you that pair of Pradas that I've been eyeing but sadly don't come in my size. I'll buy you the whole next season of Gucci just stop that! NO CRYING! OH LORD! HERE I AM BROKEN HEELED TRYING TO DO MATH WHILE THIS TRANNY IS CRYING OUT A NAGARA RIVER OF TEARS! HONEY, ROBERT SMITH AINT HOME SO STOP CRYING!" he took the broken shoe out of her hand and looked at her as if she had the plague. He hated when girls cried.

She only sobbed harder after his tirade which perturbed him further

"OK! Im sorry! Oh god…I'll do anything Just stop with the water from the eyes!" he pulled her into his arms in an attempt to comfort her.

Sesshomaru struggled hard with his beast. The Jaki around him was rising as his bitch cried, claws gouged the tree behind him as he repressed the deep growl in his throat. He had to go to her, he had to hold her.

'Go to our bitch she needs us, she needs our warmth, she needs our comfort. GO NOW' his beast was angry and ready to overtake him.

'I know, I want to comfort our bitch too but we need to remain hidden or the feminine male will discover us and she will be upset if he is hurt' he tried to reason with his beast as it writhed in its chains

He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the tree just taking in the delightful scent of his bitch although it was tainted by her sorrow, it was enough to calm him a bit.

'must go to our bitch….our mate is sad….we must bring her comfort' the beast whined as sesshomaru tried hard to push back his transformation.

Jakotsu looked at Kagome's downtrodden expression and the pitiful but sexy looking state she was in and suddenly felt that pang of compassion that he knew was buried deep inside of him, underneath the golden Gucci clutch that was his heart.

"Come on you, let's get this thing off of you before you cry yourself to death" he tightened his arms around her, kissed the top of her head and lead her inside , the surge of tears seemed endless ,to his horror, but before he could get her to the door …

"did you hear that?" he whispered, freezing before he slowly pulled an epic can of hairspray out of the large golden sparkly bag that hung on his shoulder. He crouched a bit and craned his neck pushing her behind him protectively.

"What …*sniff*….did …..*hiccup*….you hear?" she choked out between soft sobs

"I think there's a dog in the bushes, stay behind me…here puppy puppy" Jakotsu squinted in the dark trying to make out the source of the growls he heard, suddenly there was a rustle, white fur and a very malicious growl.

"Oh hell no! I think It's foaming at the mouth, STAY BACK KAGOME! I'VE GOT THIS HANDLED!" He took a wide stance, his heeled foot forward before he puffed out his chest, put one hand on his hip, flipped his hair and aimed the spray bottle in his best Charlie's Angel's pose

" DIE RABIES!FEROSHA COUTUREAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed flamboyantly as he sprayed the offending beast to hell with his super freeze hold.

They heard a rapid succession of whimpering, whining, growling and wrestling noises along with a very violent shaking patch of foliage before Jakotsu ran out of ammunition.

Kagome came up behind him and tried to look into the bushes feeling a bit concerned when she heard the whimpers.

"Should we see if it's hurt?" she asked going towards the bushes.

"ARE YOU INSANE? Rabies is no joke my little friend! I know a guy who got attacked by a rabies squirrel and like….he has to eat through a tube! Now let's get inside before it comes back for revenge." he shook his head and sighed

"But….you can't get…" she began

"OH HUSH!" He grabbed the girl and entered the house leaving a very annoyed and very sick demon in the bushes.

Sesshomaru hacked and choked spitting violently into the grass, the blast was enough to shock his transformation away but the anger it caused was almost enough to send him into another one.

"Stupid…*coucgh*…..human…*cough* …..and ….*spit* his cursed hairspray" he was on all fours, hunched over breathing heavily as he griped the grass with one hand and clutched his throat with the other, spitting and coughing as a leaf flew out of his mouth and his voice cracked like a pup when he began another slew of insults toward Jakotsu.


"I will never spill the secrets of my mother's clan, I don't care what you threaten to blackmail me with" spat Hitsugawa

"You've been fucking the mate-to-be of your cousin in France, Gabrielle De Noblechien Countess of Rouen. Actually it says here she is your first cousin on your mother's side as well." The taisho's lip curled in disgust as he spat the words

He missed the smirk on Hitsugawa's face as he narrowed his eyes knowlingly.

"If your dear lord cousin finds out, he'll have you exiled or executed and you know it." Taisho smirked, he was about to force Hitsugawa into submission

Toga dropped a stack of pictures in front of the half-French lord. The demon didn't even blink when he spoke to the Taisho.

"You may think you have the upper hand you despicable mongrel but you do not, you see my dear cousin knows of his bitch's infidelity. It is how we are in France, we share everything, especially before locking ourselves into a mating. You see we French would rather be eating meat, drinking wine and making love with our faces while the rest of you worry about nonsense, I cannot expect you to understand" He sat there smugly before picking one of the pictures up. Toga was too stunned to even speak

"And as for her relation to me, it is of no consequence, she is a succulent creature whether we share the same grandsire or not." his smile was sinister as he leered at the picture before him, his hand going to his belt to adjust the tightness now present in his pants.

"mmmm, I remember this night, this little bitch is very limber and very fond of taking it from behind… She begged for me to penetrate her tight little ass, I of course complied. She clawed my favorite silk sheets and for that she was punished...she loved every moment of it" His voice was a purr as the arrousal clung to the air making Toga almost gag.

The french nobleman thought for a moment, his features betraying the clicks of the gears in his mind before they settled into another leering smile. He ran his clawed forefinger across the delicate form of the demoness in the picture breathing in deeply as he remembered the delicious scent of her arrousal, he didn't bother to hide the look of longing as he settled something in his mind.

His eyes snapped up to the Taisho and he smirked at the expression on the Japanese lord's face. It was one of pure bewilderment.

"Hmm if you will excuse me now, I am going to fly to France, it seems I have a new itch I need scratched and Gabrielle is the only one who can help me. I applaud your efforts in this unsucessful little attempt at extortion. I'll be sure to thrust one into my dear little cousin Gabi in your honor" he wagged his eyebrows and was gone before Toga even uttered a word.

Suddenly there was a deafening growl as the mansion shook from the power of Toga's transformation into true form. He needed to blow off some steam, he would go for a run in true form on the large estate.


Jakotsu was long gone, after he forcibly applied lip gloss to Kagome's lips and declared that his outfit was so hot that everyone was going to die over or it…..or die because of it.

It had taken them thirty minutes, a bottle of dish soap, 500 grams of unsalted butter and four sutras (just in case) to remove the garment she was traped in and now she was pulling her fingers through her still damp hair while her body was softly cradled inside of the softest most comfy pajamas she owned.

The pants hung at her hips and the arms of the hoodie jacket covered her hands but the tight white camisole under the jacket hugged her body nicely outlining just the right amount of curvature making her look slim but sexy.

There she sat in a chair in her garage, cross legged with the large black acoustic guitar was in her lap as she strummed it with such emotion that her audience was rendered immobile in his position at her window.

Her face twisted with emotion as she belted out the lyrics, it was a song sesshomaru vaguely remembered from some commercial or something, somewhere, it was a western song, likely a classic but he cared not. All he cared about in that moment was that she was so beautiful and so so his.

She strummed the guitar hard through a melodic solo , her head swaying while concentration held her feature. Her strumming slowed and her eyes opened before she unleashed that voice, so much emotion radiated from the little creature who held his gaze.

Each strum was delivered with power as was that voice, her mouth opened and unleashed the heavens in the form of her hauntingly moving words, her fingers expertly pressed and strummed strings, he had never been so moved by any music in his life.

He watched her finish the song, her breath ragged as the words took her into an emotional frenzy, her hair flying as her head was thrown back and forth with each pluch of the guitar. Her facial expressions conveyed the power of the words, rattled his very soul….it was…she was….

"perfect" he breathed , he picked up a faint trace of her intoxicating scent and had to get more….he needed more.

Her eyes snapped up to the window as she finished singing, she felt like she was being watched.

She narrowed her eyes and pulled the can of mace Tsubaki gave her close and opened her Calculus book

"ugh, I have to finish you" she said holding her quiz review sheet at eye level before she fell back onto a pile of pillows and groaned

She was pulled out of her misery by a noise. She suddenly sat up, mace in hand, and crept toward the door of the garage, to her horror it was open.

'I know I closed that door…..Oh no…..oh god…..please let it be the rabies dog and not the psycho killer…wait no let it be the….oh god' she let out a small whimper before she called

"IS ANYONE THERE?" she tried to sound forceful when suddenly she registered movement to her left.

Before she could think, her arm snapped up , her legs took a wide stance and she maced the offender like a US marshal macing a murderer at a prison riot.

"DIE PSYCHO KILLER! AHHHHHHHHH!" She shielded her eyes with one arm while she unleashed the hellfire

Sesshomaru couldn't believe his luck, sprayed in the face twice in one night. He fell in a heap and curled up as the mace made it's way into his eyes and up his nose. He twitched and coughed violently reaching up lamely to try and block the stream of offensive material with his hand.

"KA!...KAGO…KAGOME!" he choked out raggedly trying to crawl towards her

'OH MY GOD, THE PSYCHO KILLER KNOWS MY NAME!...wait…' she stopped the steady spray and squinted looking through the mist. Her eyes widened in horror as she registered what was happening

"sesh…sesshomaru?" she spoke softly as she looked into his red tinged eyes

"I….I thought" she stammered before she ran to his side to help him

"MIKO" he wheezed between coughs as he tried to breathe spiting and hacking, down on all fours again. He couldn't catch his breath and his throat burned as if he'd swallowed fire.

She helped him remove his shirt which was soaked through with the toxic liquid and rubbed his back tying his long hair back before taking her jacket off and using it to help wipe the stinging liquid off of his face.

Mace was bad for humans but it was almost deadly for some species of yokai, especially those with sensitive noses like wolves and dogs.

Before she could think her hands glowed pink and a powerful energy engulfed them both in light.

Her power was so strong that Sesshomaru's aura bent back almost snapping into him causing him to choke a bit but soon the tightness in his throat gave way to sheer peace and serenity.

The burning in his eyes and throat had completely stopped and his breath returned to him. He whined softly and growled as her power flowed through him, healing him and comforting him, they were swept away in that moment as his yokai flared back out and pushed against her powers playfully.

Their auras bending and twisting together, her awesome power cradling his. They both felt the pleasure course through them as their powers combined in an intimate way, revealing the true longing within both of their hearts.

In that moment he truly lost himself in her, forgetting his transformation and all of his apprehensions he growled possessively and pulled her to him.

Her eyes hooded as she felt his heat against her He sat on the floor and pulled her to straddle his legs, pulling her upper body flush against his , he buried his face in the crook of her neck breathing in the heavenly scent he'd been craving.

She brought her hands to his shoulders and shuddered when she felt his tongue lick her sensitive pulse point

She instinctive threw her head back baring her neck to him fully as he devoured the sensitive flesh. She mewled with pleasure gripping his shoulders as their auras continued to play, swirling about them in an immense display of power.

Images of him covered in fur, dominating her body began to flood her mind but she was too far gone to care, they only served to arouse her beyond reason.

She tangled her fingers in his silky tresses lightly scratching his scalp as he worked on the skin of her shoulder, growling with pleasure as her fingers made their way to his pointed ears, making him shiver with bliss

His hot mouth melted her as she ground herself into him making her scent change, the heady scent of her arousal hit his nose brutally as she pressed her need into him wantonly gripping the back of his neck with one hand and rubbing his ear with the other when suddenly she felt something strange, it was fur.

She opened her eyes and looked down at him seeing the fur covering his neck, it made her arousal spike and she growled like a bitch in heat before she pulled his chin up and ravaged his mouth. His eyes widened for a moment at the unexpected assault on his lips but it only served to arouse him further as he fought her for control of the scorching kiss, his erection impossibly hard in that moment.

He loved her domination of his mouth even if it went against his instincts, her eyes opened again as she took in the sight of him, he looked absolutely gorgeous to her in that moment as the silken fur covered him. She ran her hands down the side of his face loving the feel of it against her skin, causing the moisture between her legs to flow harder.

His bitch was amazing, absolutely amazing, so amazing in fact that he ignored the fur that was now spreading down his neck to his chest. Of course he did not notice that the appearance of his silver softness only aroused the woman in his lap more.

He took in the scent of her, loving the feel of her hot wetness rubbing him through their clothes, he growled hard suppressing the urge to throw her down on the floor and bury his face between her legs to get to the source of the most delicious scent he'd ever smelled. He wanted to lose himself in her, taste her sweet juices on his tongue, devour her untill neither of them could breathe.

He was bucking up into her heat as she thrusted down both seeking desperately to release the pressure. He gripped her full breast and moaned into her mouth when he'd realized she was braless. He rolled her nipple in his fingers through the thin fabric of her camisole.

She broke the kiss to bury her face in his neck, loving the feel of his soft fur on her face, she let her instincts guide her as she clamped her teeth down on his shoulder, his eyes widened at the intense pleasure her blunt little teeth wrought on him. she licked up the side of his neck up to his face before she bit his lip roughtly and claimed his mouth

He was completely lost in her as he gripped her backside grinding her down onto him for all he was worth. He could feel himself coming to an end as he lost control and stiffened before he growled his release into her mouth, taking control of the kiss as both his hands came up to grip her large pert breasts, testing the weight of the heavy mounds. They were the most incredible breasts he'd ever seen and felt and all he wanted to do was suckle her like a newly whelped pup. His claws rolling her nipples making her break the kiss to moan hard and grind into him with a long rough roll of the hips, his breath was ragged as the spurts of thick seed left his body and added to the moisture soaking the fabrics separating their most intimate parts

Then suddenly a voice, the last voice Kagome needed to hear in that moment rang out.

"KAGOOOOOOOOME" the voice chimed through the garage and toward the house, the yeller thinking she was inside. They both snapped out of the kiss wide eyed before they scrambled to get up.

She gasped in panic pushing Sesshomaru to hide rather forcefully , she missed the goofy lust dazed smile he had on his face and the glazed look in his eyes as she pushed him behind a hanging tapestry ignoring the distinct sound of him falling into a stack of boxes and a few growls.

"shhhhh, Sorry Sesshomaru but you need to stay down. " she whispered as she fixed her clothing and hair.

"SOUTA! I thought you were going to a party at Kazuke's house" she exclaimed exasperatedly as he casually walked into the garage

"Hey sis, yeah I am but I forgot my skateboard" he said eyeing her strangely as he went to get his board from it's place next to the door.

"What are you doing in here? What happened to your face? Did something bite your lip?" he asked coming closer , she laughed nervously covering her lip.

'yes something did' she thought smirking a bit

"Um, I'm fine Souta, I was just doing my homework. Why are you picking up your skateboard so late at night?" he rolled his eyes and huffed

"We want to get an early start tomorrow building the ramp and we were coming back from picking up Kento so the shrine was on our way back" he said as he sighed in an annoyed way

"Well you shouldn't keep your little friends waiting" she said ushering her brother out of the garage.

"OH SIS! Did you hear they caught that escaped killer! Kagura Tama hit him with her car during a high speed chase after she had like a psychotic episode and like raped five people at a Starbucks or something like that " she just nodded and walked her brother out watching him go down the steps.

"See ya sis, oh and get dressed I can see your boobs and now I want to barf" he said running down the stair to miss her words of anger.

She looked down at her top "Oh god I need to put another sweater on, but first I need to get Sesshomaru out of my garage" she let out a breath and shook her head, she was thoroughly confused at what had just transpired as a deep blush began staining her cheeks.

'oh no...what was i thinking' she put her fingers to her lips and thought for a moment before regaining her resolve.

She ran back to the garage taking a deep breath before walking back in. She hurried and pulled the tapestry aside to reveal her half naked demon male sitting halfway in a box with a magazine titled "hot studs with big duds" in one hand and a book titled "How to please your demon lover" in the other.

He was quite a sight, his large body was cradled in a medium sized box, his butt in the box while his legs hung out on either side, the box was labeled "magazines" so she knew he was comfortably perched atop a stack of magazines even though it looked like he was stuck in the box, he could easily come out.

He was a bit apprehensive as he gauged her reaction to him and paid careful attention to her scent. he found no disgust or shame only the scent of her budding renewed arousal, no doubt from seeing him half naked.

' She did not notice the fur, perhaps she was just as lost in this Sesshomaru as I was in her. Very well little Miko, we shall continue' his smirk returned before he spoke

"interesting reading material , Miko" he raised his eyebrow and smirked at her blushing face as he held up the reading material bringing her eyes back to the books, she was mortified . He was enjoying this

"Those aren't mi…" she rushed to take the books from him as he held them away playfully

"I had no idea you were so naughty" he purred before throwing his head back in laughter at her expression

He looked down and furrowed his brows as he read the English title with his cute Japanese accent

"Hot studs with big duds" she was horrified at this point but before she could register her embarrassment he threw the smutty media back in the box they'd come from and pulled her on top of him, to straddle him once again.

The magazine stack he was sitting on was very high indeed because she came down on his crotch to find it at the perfect height to relieve the ache between her thighs.

"Well my little miko, I can assure you that this sesshomaru has a very big dud…..and as far as pleasing your demon lover…..from what I've experienced you don't need any instruction in that arena" He pressed his chest to her upper body, bringing his mouth at ear level as he whispered in her slightly pointed ear before burying his face in her neck and taking a deep sniff.

She let out a lustful whimper before she squirmed away from him, distancing herself from his heat before she was fully drawn in. Exasperated and out of breath she stood up and leaned back, she was still standing over him and within his reach, just not on him. She looked into his eyes, her sky blue orbs searching.

She reached out and touched his cheek tentatively, noting the smooth silky feel of his skin but she found herself oddly missing the fur she knew she'd felt earlier. He leaned into her touch, closing his eyes.

'was there really fur on him? why does it turn me on so much?' her brows drew together as she tried to make sense of all the new feelings flooding her.

She noticed his eyes on her as she moved her hand back to her side, blue met gold and she blinked hard before speaking to him.

"Sesshomaru…..what are you doing…what are we doing?" she touched her lips and looked on at him. He wanted her in his arms and his beast growled violently and begged him to retrieve her.

"This Sessh…..I wish to court you mik…Kagome….I wish to court you Kagome"

Kagome was stunned for a moment she opened her mouth to speak but the words would not come, he cocked his head to the side. She was so very cute when she was baffled

"I….uh…..wel….yo…ugh….." a series of half spoken words and sighs left her pouty pink lips and for the first time sesshomaru was afraid that she would reject him.

"Miko…..you please me…. Everything about you pleases me….from your hauntingly beautiful face to your cute little toes….your laugh…your smile…your immeasurable intelligence…you please me more than any other female ever has" 'or ever will' his eyes bored into her like golden arrows into her soul.

"Ah,….I….oh…..meh….." she had been rendered further into her speechlessness as her mind tried to comprehend what the demon before her was saying of course the fact that he was shirtless and sitting inside of a box with his legs hanging out on either side of it was a sight to behold in itself. His lips soon distracted her. His eyes, his aura…she was overwhelmed but something in her turned, she remembered the pain and shame she'd felt radiating from him during their first kiss, she remembered her confusion.

"You felt pain and shame" she stammered

"Pain, shame?" it was not the answer he was looking for but he was hoping it would lead to something.

"Our first kiss,…..my first kiss I could feel what you felt and you felt ashamed and you were in pain….why? Is it because I'm human?" her eyes were uncertain in that moment and he could see the weariness flashing in the pale blue moons that had so thoroughly captured him

"I….it was not you that made me feel those things. You could never make me feel those things. I admit that at first the fact that you are human bothered me but I….I care not what you are, I want you for you , not for your species I want Kagome and if Kagome is human then I want the human Kagome…You are…..Perfect, you are perfect human or not" he was losing his nerve as he reached up to close the gap between them needing to feel her, needing to take her in his arms.

'It was her first kiss, I pushed her away. I shall make it up to her, I will give her a thousand kisses to treasure' he looked at her pleadingly.

"I want you" he stated taking her hand in his and gently tugging as she still moved back warily.

"Why? The other day you pushed me on the ground, told me not to touch you and called me a filthy bitch… and now all of a sudden I'm perfect…..why?" She could feel his aura caressing her but her confusion kept her from responding

"I am sorry , truly sorry for speaking those words to you, I was confused. I did not know….I did not know you would so flawlessly and completely capture my heart, my soul and my beast…without even knowing it " he whispered out his apology with pleading eyes, she'd never seen so much emotion in the golden globes that were piercing her anger, she could feel his sincerity, loving the feel of his fingers twining with her own.

"I….I want you….because you are mine, meant for me and only me. As I am yours, only yours, always yours...Kagome" her eyes were wide at his words while his burned with sincerity and before she could react he yanked her on top of him again and clamped his mouth over hers to punctuate his words and soon they were fighting for dominance in a searing, passionate kiss, leaving both parties lethargic and out of breath.

"I….I want to take things slowly" she breathed but her resolve was short lived, she licked her lips and looked down at him, the lust hit her like a ton of bricks as she looked down at his face, the fur sprouting anew but again she was too lost in him to give it much thought.

He was surprised by his little miko as she grabed his face with both hands and licked his lips and ran her tongue across his fangs while she ground her core into his hard length coaxing a lusty growl from him before she claimed his mouth again dominating him fully, she couldn't resist him, she couldn't stop touching, feeling, needing more. She was like a bitch in heat and he loved it.

"mmmm slowly" his words were muffled against her lips as he responded by pulling her roughly down on him her legs on either side of his thighs, her heat rubbing his erection through their clothes, he gripped her ass and dug his claws into the firm flesh as she rubbed herself on him deeply.

She tasted better than any woman he'd ever kissed, she smelled better than any scent that had ever filled his nose, her aura made him feel completely at ease….he knew then, he could never be parted from her.

She was so responsive, mewling and panting when he touched her, he could get used to this. She looked so beautiful, riding him wantonly as she fisted his hair and dominated his mouth. He loved the way she lost herself in him, just as he lost himself in her . So much so that he didn't feel the fur sprouting on his neck and shoulders.

She could feel his hardness pressed up to her heated core, she could feel the fur on his neck, her eyes opened slightly and she saw the silver covering his neck and jaw. It was just liked her fantasies, just like before, it made the heat impossible as she moaned fervently and ground her hips down on him roughly, needing to release the pressure in her stomach, trying to release the liquid heat, rolling her hips.

He growled and latched himself onto her neck as she rode him hard, he wished their clothes were not in the way of his goal, her hot scent hit him, leaving him frantic , the rich musky smell of her assaulted his nostrils and sent more blood to his already raging cock, he cupped her tight, toned rear and pushed her down onto him with such force that he was afraid he hurt her but before he could think on it she picked up the pace and the force of the thrusts, he tried to keep up as he bucked up into her growling a deep rumble into her mouth.

He was fighting himself again not to throw her down and drink the nectar from her core. He'd never given the act of licking a female much tought, in fact he'd never really wanted to do it untill Kagome. She would be the first and only female he whose essence he would ever taste and that made him want her even more. He would never so much as think of another, he could not. She was his whole world.

She set an almost impossible rhythm as they devoured each other, he was covered in fur at this point but so lost in his lust that he hadn't even realized, she could feel the coil in her belly tighten with every rock of her hips, tighter and tighter. She could feel it coming, what could only be sweet release. She picked up the pace even more, to his delight and utter surprise, she began bucking wildly, breaking the searing kiss to throw her head back, hair flying, breasts in his face. He wasted no time latching on to her nipple through her shirt at first but he quickly pulled the offending material down and took the pink bud into his mouth, clamping his teeth around it , making her gasp and grind.

He loved the taste of her skin, he couldn't get enough, he gripped both of her heavy fleshy mounds and suckled them one at a time loving her ragged moans. He sucked each nipple in his mouth before rolling his tongue around then nipping with a fang. He loved the feel of the soft firm globes in his hands and mouth, making his throbbing erection burn with heat as she continued to rub herself on him, she was so close….

But the gods would laugh at them tonight, suddenly the second to last voice she wanted to hear at the moment rang out through the garage.

"KAGOME!" suddenly her eyes were round and her lust forgotten…well not really but the panic set in , she braced herself on his shoulders and jumped up causing the box they so comfortably sat in to burst open and with a splat he fell into a heap, the tapestry falling over him.

"STAY HERE" she whispered urgently, not even looking back as she ran out of the garage fixing her hair and clothes

"Kikyou!...IUYASHA!" her eyes were wide and her mouth set into a huge false smile as Inuyasha sniffed the air

"Hey….why do I smell…..Sessh and your pus" his eyes narrowed as he studied Kagome, her hair was wild, her lips were puffy and red, her clothes disheveled and there was a wet spot on her camisole over her nipple.

"I know what you smell" Kikyou stated drunkly as she cupped his crotch and whispered in his ear distracting his intoxicated mind.

"Hey, what are you guys doing back here so soon?" Kagome was careful not to look at Inuyasha, knowing he could smell his brother on her along with the heavy smell of both of their arousal.

"We decided to come back early, Bankotsu dropped us off, we're skippin' the party" Kikyou slurred as she took a drink from the bottle of Sake in her hand, she pulled Inuyasha down and licked one of his fuzzy ears.

Kagome could see the pleasure on his face as he pulled Kikyou into him and sniffed her neck, he was intoxicated enough to become distracted enough to forget what he'd smelled.

'wow he must be really drunk, thank Kami' she was thanking every god she knew of for the good fortune that was the hanyou's intoxication

"Um….the spare futon is in the cabinet" Kagome laughed uncomfortably, knowing that they wouldn't use the futon, she would have to sleep in Souta's room and that she would have to wash her sheets thoroughly.

"mmmhmmm" Kikyou answered against Inuyasha's lips.

"ok you two, I'll see you later, I'm gonna go finish my math homework" she chuckled innocently and smiled big as she watched them walk into the house together .

'oh my god, that was soooo close…eeeep Sesshomaru, he's in the garage!" She hurried back to the garage

Sesshomaru was livid, he was about to bring his bitch release and the hanyou had to come and mess things up.

'She is so delicious…The cursed hanyou did me a disservice and a favor, had she opened her eyes she would have seen the transformation. I must not allow myself to get lost so deeply in her again…until I figure out a way to show her my beast. I pray she will not be put off by the transformation. Kami who knew she would be such a pleasing little wanton bitch. This Sesshomaru has finally been gifted with a stroke of good fortune. She is a hot little bitch and she is all mine' He was glad the shock of the interruption had thrown him out of transformation because by the time she came back the fur was nowhere to be seen.

The scent of her arousal was still thick in the air, he threw his head back and took a deep whiff as she entered the room, suddenly he was upon her again. His eyes tingeing red and the fur on his neck already sprouting, he pulled her flush against him ready to attack her mouth again

'oh god….I can't let him….ok maybe just one kiss….ugh no…..think of something gross …..um…. Dr. Hirohito …NAKED!...' suddenly she stiffened as she thought of her biology professor.

'um…er…math! Math! Lots and lots of MAAATH!' she closed her eyes tightly thinking of anything she could that would distract her from the delicious demon in front of her

"sesshomaru….I thought you said we could take it slowly" she pulled back from him

he looked down at him, lust still glazing his eyes 'can she see it?' panic hit him and he looked up into a mirror that was hanging on the wall. He relaxed when he realized the fur was nowhere to be seen and that kagome had moved to the other side of the garage.

"I have a quiz to finish, and so do you!" she said with resolve

"but first I need to get you a shirt, be right back" she averted her eyes from his very very smooth, very defined chest as she rushed past him, not seeing the smirk of amusement on his lips

'our bitch cannot resist us' his beast was practically doing cartwheels at the new developments in his relationship with their chosen female.

'Indeed she cannot, just as this Sesshomaru cannot resist her. However, she is correct, if we want to ensure she will accept this Sesshomaru and his…condition we must take it slow as she says. She is pure yet she was so wanton with this Sesshomaru' he had to clear thoughts of her wantonness from his mind because he could feel his manhood rising

he picked his bookbag up from its place on the floor where he'd fallen after she maced him for power.

He almost lost his will a few moments later when he saw her standing there at the door, she hadn't changed anything about her appearance except the added layer of clothing, a sweater, he noted her puffy lips, red and swollen from his abuse.

She was perfect, it took all of his willpower to simply watch her walk from the door to the place where he now sat on a pile of sitting pillows next to her calculus book.

"He…here" she said shyly trying not to look at his bare flesh

"thank you" he purred taking the t-shirt she offered him, brushing his finger against hers on purpose, smiling wide at blush that stained her cheeks.

She shivered at his touch, breathing out hard and closing her eyes as the electricity ran through her. She shook her head and bit her lip reach inside of herself for the strength to resist from grabbing him and kissing him until they both couldn't breathe anymore.

Though he too struggled with the intensity of need that his contact with her flesh had brought him, he had much more practice with self-control than she did and he loved watching her squirm.

He slipped the T-shirt, which smelled like her younger brother, on. The smell of him wasn't disgusting like most human males, it was like hers crisp clean and not very human. He didn't mind it very much, though he didn't enjoy smelling of another male but hoped that soon he would be covered in her scent again.

"It should fit, Souta is really big." she said as she lifted her gaze to see him pull it all the way down.

"hn, you both look quite western, however your sibling looks much more so than you. Therefore, his height and build do not surprise me, given the height and buid of your father." She smiled and tried not to giggle when she realized why there was actually a shirt in Souta's shirt drawer and not on the floor where most of his clothes were.

It was the T-shirt his classmate Kaori brought him from America, souta knew enough about the west to know that though it would be acceptable for a male to wear that shirt in Japan, anywhere in the English speaking world he would receive more than a few strange looks if he donned the garment.

"Who is Justin Bieber?" Sesshomaru read the name on the shirt he was wearing, looking at the picture of the teenager who was wearing a bandana and trying to look dangerous. He shrugged before looking up at Kagome for an explanation

"Um…*cough*….*giggle*…he's….*cough* he's a singer from Canada" she put on her false smile and coughed out a few more hidden laughs before pulling her math book into her lap

"Sessho…." She was interrupted because he began talking at the same time

"Miko….er….go ahead" they both paused and she spoke first

"Why didn't you call me before you came over? You would have saved yourself a lot of trouble" she looked at him with guilt in her eyes over his earlier macing

"This Sessh…I was apprehensive because of what occurred earlier. During our first kiss. I assure you any negative feelings you picked up through our connetion had nothing to do with you. On the contrary…..you plea….you pleased me very much. As for coming in unannounced, I do not regret it, because it was that incident which caused you to flare your aura and use your miko ki" He smirked because she blushed in that moment knowing that he was referring to their rather heavy make out session which resulted from her miko ki playing with his aura.

"Miko, you never answered my question" a look of puzzlement crossed her features as she thought about his words

"what question" she said thoughtfully

"Will you allow this Sesshomaru to court you" he was firm and very serious when he asked for her to accept his courtship.

"I thought that was obvious….but I'll give you an answer….Yes" she smiled brightly and looked down at the book in her lap resisting the urge to kiss the very happy looking demon male in front of her.

"Ok, time for math!" Kagome pulled out her quiz review and compared it with the one he was holding

"Yup….well um mine is a bit more difficult than yours, so if you have questions I can try and help" He nodded and smiled at her, they captured each other's eyes for a moment, she'd never seen his expression so soft and relaxed. He waited for her to break her gaze before he pulled out all the necessary tools for mathematics from his bag.

'Yes, she will be ours' his beast purred contently.

It took three and a half hours exactly for Sesshomaru to figure out question numbers 1 and 2. Kagome was kind enough to walk him through problems 3 through 12 in 30 minutes and 24 seconds. Her review sheet was done in 10 minutes, it took her 20 minutes and 24 seconds to convince him to let her help him with 3 through 6 and another 10 minutes to help him. He timed it

The rest of her time was spent trying to convince him that she could help him with 1 and 2 but being very stubborn and very male he maintained that he would finish his questions himself. It was bad enough that she had to pick up the slack for the ones he just couldn't do.

She'd helped him along by explaining certain concepts, of course he was a quick study but he was almost positive that she knew more about the subject than their teacher. He found their studying very stimulating and her intelligence was incomparable.

They'd caught glances of each other, each studying the other while he or she was occupied with a particularly difficult step in a problem. She was truly beautiful, her scent was perfect, she was more intelligent than he. He only became more enthralled by the moment with the perfect creature in front of him. She was his….all his …and he was hers….all hers….only hers and he would never even think of another…

Kagome had watched Sesshomaru struggling stubbornly with question number two but was confident that he would get it in time. He was so cute when he was relaxed, she was sure this was a side he rarely showed to anyone. They'd laughed and made jokes together between equations and steps. She'd even made fun of him and instead of receiving a glare and warning he laughed with her and made fun of her right back. They were so naturally at ease with each other it was as if they'd been cast form the same mold.

She moved a bit closer to him and laid her head down on a pillow next to his leg watching him scribble, the concentration was heavy on his face as he absently moved his hand down and began to run his fingers through her hair. Soon she snuggled up next to him and dozed off.

"HA! YOU HAVE BEEN SUBDUED BY THIS SESSHOMARU, PROBLEM NUMBER 2!" he raised both arms in the air before catching himself, he wasn't prone to outbursts but this one was well earned as it'd taken him so long to figure out the question he'd just conquered.

He looked down and was completely taken back by the beauty who was currently cuddled up next his leg . Her onyx hair was fanned out behind her from his ministrations. Her beautiful face was so peaceful at that moment, she was angelic laying there sleeping next to him. He put his things in his bag and set it down next to her neatly piled books.

He looked down at her again smiling before lifting her gently into his arms, she was only slightly heavier than Rin and didn't drool in her sleep like his beloved little sister. He smiled down at her before taking a deep whiff of her scent, digging his nose into her neck to take in as much as he could.

'Kami, she feels so right in my arms' he held her close, savoring the feeling of her as he walked quietly into the house and up the stairs.

He frowned when he was struck with the stench at the top of the steps , Inuyasha and Kikyou had been soiling Kagome's room.

He growled low causing Kagome to stir a bit in his arms, he quickly changed the vibration to that of an inuyokai to calm his mate. She instantly relaxed, snuggling into his chest. He smiled as he kissed her temple and took in her clean scent, to clear away the offensive stench down the hall.

He remembered her brother was to sleep at a friend's house so he scented out the room that smelled like him and found a small neatly kept bed surrounded by various pieces of clothing and videogames on the floor.

He laid his female down gently, his beast was screaming for him to stay with her, to hold her but he knew the consequences would be heavy if his brother discovered him. He would tell the hanyou of their courtship in the morning when he could be properly dealt with.

He bent down and inhaled her scent, losing himself in the heavenly, clean smell of his bitch. He growled possessively and he dug his nose into her skin to fill his lungs with her.

"mmm….Sessho….Sessho stay" she whispered in her sleep as she wrapped her arms around his waist and clung to him.

He did not need to be told twice, Hanyou be damned, his female wanted him next her and he would comply.

He removed his jeans and gently laid down next to his female, turning her on her side so that he could hold her to him. He pulled her to him, her back to his chest and buried his face in her hair reveling her sweet scent.

He pulled the covers over their bodies and found sleep faster than he thought possible.

Sometime in the night, as per usual a transformation occurred, his fur sprouted but it was not the slight tingle of pain that came with it that woke him, to his surprise it was his little female turning in his embrace so that she could press her face into his furry neck.

She squirmed a bit, though she was still completely asleep. Shesshomaru settled her against him, tucking her head under his chin and holding her in a protective embrace, kissing her temple and pressing his nose to her head.

"sleep my miko….sleep" he cooed before he began a soft rumble in his chest to calm her, she stilled for a moment but soon he felt her tugging at his shirt.

He was a bit surprised when she began tugging at it as if to remove it.

"Mmm Sessho…" she moaned, not wanting her to wake he quickly removed the shirt only to have her wrap her arms around his chest and cling to him tightly.

"mmmmmm.. sessho… soft ….good puppy" she said happily as he quirked a brow and she pressed her face into his neck again, it was as if she needed to feel every inch of his fur on her skin.

He chuckled softly and wraped his arms around her, tucking her head under his chin and thanking every kami in the heavens for sending him this beautiful, perfect woman.

'Perhaps she will accept this sesshomaru's condition more easily than anticipated. I will have her for a mate, no other will do. She is my mate.' he finished his thought, his beast was very happy, and before he could have another one he was in a deep contented sleep with his chosen female in his arms.



Daylight broke and Kagome woke from the most amazing sleep she'd ever had, she inhaled deeply…pressing her face deeply into the furry neck of her bedmate.

'Mmmmmm, his fur is so soft' she thought as she rubbed her face into his neck enjoying the rumble in his chest and the feel of his fur to her flesh

'wait…..fur?' she opened her eyes wide and slowly pulled her face from the crook of her new boyfriend's neck.

'I'm not crazy!' her mind raged

Her eyes widened in wonder as she looked at his face and shoulders and chest and neck, he was covered in a soft downy silver fur, she gently put her finger over his moon marking and smiled. He was so…

"beautiful" she whispered before she pressed her lips to his and softly kissed him.

She moaned contentedly and pressed her face back where it had been, loving the feel of his silky fur on her skin. She let out a soft blissful moan as she rubbed her face in his neck.

'A girl could get used to this...I wonder if I should ask him about it…..no I should let him tell me…maybe he's ashamed…..." she felt him stirring and began to breathe like she was sleeping, she'd heard Kiyou explain how she would sometimes fake being asleep when she was tired so Inuyahsa wouldn't try and "hump her into a coma" as she put it.

She slowed her breathing just as Kikyou'd said and made sure her eyes were closed, not too tightly. She felt him gently pull her from his neck, she made a small huff and let him move her.

She felt him move her hair from her face before he gave her a light kiss on the lips and dug his nose into her shoulder to take one last deep breath of her scent.

"Sleep Kagome, sleep my beautiful bitch" he whispered against her ear before the bed dipped and he was gone.

She waited a few moments before cracking one eye open and seeing that she was alone.

'He must have gone through the window' she thought as she saw that it was unlocked

"OI!" the loud voice interrupted her thoughts as Inuyasha charged in

"Change wench! We're late" he commanded


"yeah well at least you would have been one step closer to being ready to change into your uniform, now get up you lazy bitch, besides you stink of Sesshomaru" suddenly Kagome heard a high pitched whine and saw Kikyou pullig inuyahsa down by one of his ears

"DON'T TALK TO HER LIKE THAT" Kikyou said through her teeth

"I'm sorry….let go….ugh….please baby….let go" he whined like a pup as kikyou smiled sinisterly

"What do we say?" she asked

"Please….please mistress Kikyou" his voice cracked as she pinched his ear

"HEY! YOU TWO TAKE THAT KINKY STUFF INTO THE HALLWAY! I'M GONNA CHANGE!" She jumped out of bed and stretched before opening the door to be met with Kikyou cupping Inuyasha's crotch while her other hand was over his mouth as she whispered filthy nothings into his ear

"P.s. Sesshomaru is courting me" she said happily passing the couple , ignoring their wide eyes and open mouths.

A/N: hope you enjoyed! 3

p.s. I don't own Justin Bieber, or Starbucks. If I did...I'd be waaaaay rich.