Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Summary: Life is like the weather, there is no eternal happily ever after, but we can hope that tomorrow it will be sunny.


Days had passed. They must have, not that Sesshomaru made time an easy thing to keep. Moments like this, alone, were a rarity. If it was Sesshomaru breathing down her neck, it was Rin running her ragged in the gardens with some game or another. She was an energetic child and not a host of servants, Kagome's own pleading, or rain were going to keep her indoors. Even Sesshomaru's requests for calm only effected her for so long. Thinking was only something she accomplished in Sesshomaru's presence. It was a limited accomplishment, admittedly, but it was better than the nothing she achieved chasing Rin around the palace.

It was something that needed doing, too. Now, staring out at the finally lessening downpour, her tired mind tried to put things together. The concept of time wasn't something she was willing to hurt herself trying to figure out. However, the man that regularly invaded her bed was something that needed attention. Yes, nine times out of ten she was in Rin's bed to begin with, but his continual invasion of her space made it hard to breathe, forget think. It was worse without the child between them, since he insisted on keeping close quarters. No matter her arguments, he won in the end, and she couldn't figure out how she felt about that. It was exciting, terrifying, but what about her friends? Her family? Her damnable quest? Inuyasha?

"Brooding is not a good look for you, girl." She jumped, whirling about just in time to smack into Sesshomaru's chest. He reacted quicker than she, a hand raising to the small of her back to keep her there. He looked down at her, his stoic mask ever in place. She frowned back. "What troubles you?"

"That's a loaded question," she grumbled in return, resting her forhead on his collar bone.

"Is it?" She rolled her eyes at the question, glad that she couldn't see her childish frustration. "Shall I assume that Rin is running you into the ground?"

"That is part of it," Kagome admitted, going weak in the knees when his fingers began to slowly draw circles into her tense muscles. "I love her, she's a sweet kid, but I haven't been able to do what she does...well...ever."

"She is a challenge," Sesshomaru hummed. "I have five shifts of maids and governesses for her. It is the only way to keep on top of her doings. You, however, have taken on her entertainment bravely all on your own. If demon's cannot keep up with the child, I cannot expect the same out of you."

"But she's so sweet," Kagome grumbled, "I can't say no to that face."

"Then I will begin to so that your little human body doesn't give up on us," Sesshomaru said diffinitively. "Next then. Your friends, their little quest." She nodded slowly, wondering how he knew so much about everything. He couldn't be everywhere at once. "They are well. Worried, yes, but well. The half-breed is fussing eternally over the loss of you to me, the fox kit as well but only because he finds you parental, but they are well."

She felt her heart crack at that and straightened, "Shippo - "

"I am considering moving him here as well, miko, calm yourself," Sesshomaru growled. "As much as taunting my half-brother is entertaining, I redeem no such joy in depriving a child. I will remove the kit when I can properly speak with the slayer. You will be patient."

She sighed heavily, but nodded. There wasn't any denying this male when he'd made up his mind. "Alright, fine. Thank you," she said softly.

"Rin enjoys his company as well, perhaps it will remove some stress from you," Sesshomaru hummed. His free hand gently cupped the back of her head and put her cheek back against his collar bone. "You have other issues?"

She drummed impatient fingers on his chest, knowing he knew what he wanted to do about it and that he was avoiding it intentionally to make her talk to him. "You know I do."

"Continue." She made an agrivated noise in the back of her chest and wriggled to walk out of his grip. She was not in the mood for this, but apparently Sesshomaru wasn't in the mood to be avoided either. He simply caught her wrist and pulled her right back into her place against his chest.

"I'm not in the mood for this, Sesshomaru," she whined, feeling her emotional tolerance drop lower by the second.

"Obviously," Sesshomaru snorted. "And I told you to continue."

"And I'm not going to because I'm tired, and confused, and scared, and - "

"What are you afraid of?" he cut in, his hands becoming firm when she tried to escape again.

She stayed quiet for a moment, thinking. Lots of things scared her, especially these days. Where to start? "I'm scared of Naraku, his moving forward to completing the jewel. I'm scared for my friends, I might not be particularly useful, but if I'm here, I can't help them. I'm scared for Shippo, because Miroku and Inuyasha are idiots. I'm scared of losing Inuyasha – don't go laughing. I don't love him, but he's my friend, and you're a sure-fire way to agrivate him beyond reason."

"I'll conceed the point," he hummed, smoothing her hair. "And?'

She fidgeted. She didn't want to add to the list anymore. "You," she muttered softly.

"I frighten you?" She rolled her eyes again, fussing once more. She really wished she had the guts to say something witty or sarcastic, but nothing would come out of her mouth. He slowly kissed the top of her head. "Shall I explain something to you, my little human?"

His little human? Her eyes widened, but she didn't get the chance to respond. He suddenly gripped her buttocks to lift her up to onto the window sil, earning a surprised squeak and her hands fisting in his kimono. Even restricted by the baby blue kimono she'd been given that morning, he managed to stand between her knees, his head lowered to make sure they were nose to nose. She was wide eyed, more than just a little unprepared for dealing with the big male, but literally no longer having a choice. Once he trapped her blue eyes with his gold ones, she was stuck.

"You are mine to protect now," Sesshomaru said slowly, every word as deliberate as the hand he braced her with to keep her from falling from that second-story window.

"What, but - "

"Ah, no. Listen. You are mine to protect now, because my brother is incapable of doing so himself. Because you are a female in much need of protection and I doubt any will do so as well as I will. Further, you have stolen another soft place in my life – they are rare. For our short experience together, I find myself addicted to the smell of you, the sound of your voice, the way you get shy when I look at you, the way you jump when I touch you," his voice was low, its vibrations doing things to her body that she wasn't sure she wanted to understand. "Like right now, you're terrified, but so very excited. I know this because I can smell it on you, and were you of demonic blood, you would be able to understand when I say that you are a divine creature. However, you are young yet, and I am no fool. I will pursue you, my little human. Give me contests, challenge me, I dare you, but remember to reward me when I do, so that this diamond control of mine stays in its place. Its a quality of mine I'm sure you appreciate, but it is not invulerable to my own animal side."

She gaped for a moment. What to say and how to say it were beyond her. That was more than just a little to process. Sesshomaru nudged her nose with his own, looking for more of a response than a war of emotions playing over her oceanic eyes. She release a breath she didn't realise she was holding and said, "So, let me get this straight. You stole me to protect me because Inuyasha is a dunce?"


"Okay, makes sense," Kagome huffed. She couldn't look at him as she continued, looking determinedly at her hands instead. "And you want to ... court me?"

"I am courting you, if you wish to call it that," Sesshomaru said firmly.

"And if you do something to...prove that, I ought to smile at you or something?"

"At the very least," the demon hummed. "So that I can keep my control and avoid a situation that wouldn't work out well for either of us. Petting the pooch, so to speak."

"Ho-kay," Kagome breathed heavily. "Am I missing anything?"

"Yes," Sesshomaru said, straightening. "Your shyness, when you jump, when you gasp in surprise – you're adorable, and I find myself tempted to seek out such reactions."

She winced at the thought. She didn't particularly enjoy being nervous, and he wasn't making it any better at all. He chuckled, leaning back into her to touch noses again. Sure enough, she took in a sharp breath and stilled. He smiled, a smug, extremely satisfied expression. She couldn't decide which she disliked more, when he was his usual cool, uncompromising self, or when he was this...this...puppy. It was an odd word to associate with the masterful demon, but it fit with the way he was behaving now. Pushing for attention.

"Lift your chin," he demanded suddenly. She frowned.


With his free hand he guided her jaw and repeated, "Lift your chin, my little human."

She shrugged and followed his guidence, feeling shakey but really lacking anything else to do, trapped as she was. He nipped at her pulse, getting a nervous whimper that he cooled with his tongue and a deep chuckle. She couldn't breath straight under his hands, and he seemed to know it. Hell, he seemed to thrive on it.

"That is how you quiet me down," he said softly, releasing her and straightening once more. "Should I ever get too violent or angry to be properly dealt with. Among dogs and wolves, an alpha will be shown submission to calm aggression, I am no different. It may not solve the problem, but it will help."

She nodded slowly, unsure of how to move forward. He ran a knucle over her cheek gently and said, "Well, my little human. Are you feeling any better?"

She bit her lip and fussed for a moment before saying, "Not really, no."

He frowned at her. "Made you more nervous, have I then?" he hummed. She nodded, picking at her sleeves. He sighed heavily and murmured, "Do not be afraid, my tiny dear, but humor me a moment."

She was about to ask why, only to have him invade her space once more, free hand pulling away the layers of her kimono so he could stand flush against her, his occupied hand sliding up her back. She froze while he inhaled her scent like some sort of drug. She could hardly breath in the strength of his grip, both fear and the tightness of it making the task a chore. But she didn't fight him.

At least until that free hand pulled her obi free. That was a whole other kettle of fish.

She jerked back from him crying, "Don't - " but the binding was already gone, her kimono hanging dangerously open. He kept his grip behind her, keeping her safe from any fall she might accidently bring on herself, but backed off a short ways, running a knuckle down the strip of bared flesh he'd managed to get. She was shaking now.

"I've yet to meet a man who does not like feeling powerful, my little pet," he said quietly, red veins easily visible in his eyes. "And, by all the gods, do you make me feel powerful. I've overstepped. I know this. But, damnation, child, you smell so delicious."

"Saying things like that isn't helping!" she snapped, frustrated and frightened.

He cocked his head to the side, sliding a finger down her skin again. She jumped at the touch. "Is it not?" he asked.

"You know damn well that its not," she whispered. He smirked, and got on his knees.

"Oh, I know," he murmured, laying a gentle kiss on first one knee, and then the other. "I definitely know."

Then he pulled her to a safely stable place on the sill before pushing back her kimono and placing a light kiss on her stomach. He kept a firm grip on her hips to keep her from scootching back into that dangerous fall, but lent her no other limitations than that. Had she tried it, she could have pulled her clothes back into order, or pushed him off, but she did nothing. She simply sat there, still as a statue, and let him touch her, explore her abdomen with his lips.

In fact, she was almost at ease under his touch when there was a knock at the door.

"My Lord, strangers on the southern border," the knocker called. Sesshomaru's staff knew much better than to enter any room he was in without instruction. Slowly, the Lord stood, pulling his prize up against his chest gently.

"See to them, and do not harm them," Sesshomaru ordered.

"Its probably Inuyasha," Kagome offered quietly as the man outside announced his understanding and departed.

"Very likely," sesshomaru hummed, kissing the top of her head.

"I...I should get dressed - "

"Shall I help you?"

"And how far do you think we'd get in that?" Kagome snorted.

Sesshomaru grinned and lifted her chin to touch noses a third time. "I know that I don't mind where that might lead. What do you think, pet?"

"I think I want a nap," she huffed, nuzzling into his side. "I've got more than one thing to prepare for, don't you think?"

Sesshomaru chuckled before swinging the girl up into his arms and murmuring in her ear, "I do believe you are right. I'll put you straight to bed then, before I go and pick up my foolish little half-brother and your friends."

"He's going to be irate," Kagome warned unnecessarily as the demon adventured deeper into his rooms to put her under his covers. "Like, way worse than usual."

"I can manage," Sesshomaru said yanking back the sheets and laying her down. "But can you?"

"He needs to know where he stands," Kagome said softly. "And, considering what I just withstood without becoming a quivering mass on the floor, I think I can manage an upset teenager."

Sesshomaru laid a kiss on her forhead and murmured, "Then it will be alright. We, my little human, will be alright. And when this storm is over, maybe we'll have a little sun."
