Disclaimer: I own naught but the plot line.


She wasn't going to let him hurt her anymore. She knew he deserved better, but where would she find 'better'? NOTE: Sesshomaru has TWO arms.

Author's Note: Edited by dearest WinterWillowWaters ^.^


Why did she let this go on? She knew he would just keep doing it, that there was no way she could take first place in his heart. Yet, here she was, watching her heart get ripped to pieces, again, by the same dog-eared boy. It always happened like this. He'd just disappear, she'd go look for him against her better judgment, and she'd catch him with the clay pot woman. After, he'd apologize and do his damnedest to mend her heart, but the completion rate dropped every time. The tiniest pieces would be lost, creating ugly cracks and welts that would take years to heal; they were wounds unfit for a sixteen year old human.

But no more. She wouldn't stand for it any longer. He had decided a long time ago, she had just been blinded by her feelings; hoping, wishing, praying that she could change his mind. But no more. It was time for her to let go and grow up. He didn't want her, and she'd just have to deal with it. It was time to move on and find someone new.

But would she find someone?

She left the two lovers silently, for once not disturbing them. Girls in the modern world made horrible realizations every day and lived, why should she be any different? But she would not return to camp tonight. No, she needed to be alone to allow herself one last night to grieve for her unrequited first love.

After tonight, he'd just be another boy; a friend she was bound by a simple mistake to help. The others would make it bearable as they always had.

She wasn't aware of where she was wandering. All she truly saw was the steadily whitening grass under her feet. It took some time, but it did eventually click. She turned her teary cerulean gaze skywards.


Winter had ended a long time ago; it was late June now. So why was it snowing? This didn't fit. Perhaps the gods were playing on her emotions? Or could it just be the beginnings of schizophrenia? She frowned at this strange and beautiful phenomenon. It was confusing, but there was no point in questioning it. It suited her mood, that's all that really mattered to her.

Little did she know that it suited another's mood as well, and he was much closer than she could ever have imagined.

She continued on with her aimless wandering, hardly noticing the growing cold. Her modern clothing truly wasn't suited for this weather. Soon she found herself seeking shelter, preferably somewhere near a cache of dry wood so she could put her matches to use.

It was around midnight before she found a cave. It was deep-set and incredibly dark. She kept close to the caves mouth; not wanting to become lost in its dark recesses. She built her fire to warm her bare arms and legs, hoping nothing would be permanently frozen. Outside, the full moon hung at its highest, bathing the world in a gentle silver light.

And, in the face of possible death, Kagome Higurashi found she was at peace. Her inner despair had just…stopped. She was relaxed and alert, almost happy.

Gods, had she fallen prey to hypothermia? She flexed her fingers and toes. No, she could still feel them, no doubt about that. Then what was wrong with her? She had realized only hours ago that her first love was a complete failure and she was nearly happy?

"Miko," she jumped and looked up, her gaze meeting molten gold. So much for being alert. "Why are you not with the half-breed?"

She blinked, taking a moment to try to organize her mind and make sense of it.

She sighed and hung her head. The youkai lord sat down across from her, waiting expectantly. She shook her head and looked back up. "I really don't know how to explain."

The silver-haired demon continued to look expectant. "Try."

This was really different. Shouldn't he be either ignoring her existence or threatening her? Or, better yet, shouldn't she already be dead? But no, here he was, asking about her teenage life dramas. She frowned. Something about this wasn't right, in spite of it feeling perfectly normal, but she couldn't quite figure out what.

"Alright," she said hesitantly, "I'll give it to you in one word." He nodded and she took a deep breath before continuing, "Kikyo."

"So my half-brother has run to his undead bitch." He said, her being there now making some sense to him. She nodded, looking back out at the falling snow. "And he's failed to run after you this time, so it would seem."

"I suppose," she murmured, audible to him only because of his enhanced hearing. She nestles her head upon her up-drawn knees. "I'm giving up on him, Sesshomaru, so don't read too much into it."

Had she been looking at him she would have seen a flicker of emotion cross over him; confusion. "Most human women fight for what they want. They tend to be worse than demon's in that respect."

She turned a small smile on him, her eyes sad and glassy. "I am not most humans, just as you're not most demons."

She turned her blue eyes away from him again, just in time to miss another raw emotion; a subtle, accepting happiness that only the Lord of the West truly understood. What she had said hadn't been meant as anything more than a point made, but he had done a little of that 'reading' she had mentioned only moments before.

"Miko," he said softly, motioning the girl over when she looked over at him. She frowned in confusion, but crawled over to his side regardless of it. Once she was within reach he pulled her into his lap. He wasn't wearing his spiked armor, oddly enough, and it was strange that she hadn't noticed it earlier.

"Sesshomaru, what are you-"

"You may not be 'most humans', but your mortal body requires heat," he stated matter-of-factly. She nodded into his firm chest, once again noticing how big he was compared to her, just like every other time he got close enough to kill her. The only difference this time was that no death threat hung between them. She snuggled closer to him, much like his little ward did when she was cold.

"Thank you, Lord Sesshomaru." It was soft, almost inaudible, but a series of words that the full-blooded inu-youkai had a hard time ignoring. Never before had she used his title. She had once said that she did not give titles where titles weren't due. How had he earned it now? Fickle human woman…

Her name escaped him, and he had no wish to lose her respect by not using it. The half-breed regularly called her 'wench' while in his presence, and he rarely heard it elsewhere. Thinking of the mongrel that shared his father's blood with made him want to growl. Yes, the dead deserved respect, but the height the half-breed took it to was just ridiculous! It also made a strong surge of protectiveness surface, causing him to grip the small human female resting in his deadly grasp much tighter than was necessary.

She looked up at him, concern etched onto her gentle face. "Is something wrong, Lord Sesshomaru?"

"No, Kagome," he replied, using her name unconsciously. He didn't miss the smile it caused. "Go to sleep."

No promise of protection or return to her friends, just a simple order he only gave to one of his own, and she followed it. It had its own hidden promises and she curled right into him completely unaware, her face disappearing against his usual white and red yukata. Just like Rin…

He wrapped his arms around her, giving what warmth he could. Neither really knew what had just taken place, but he did understand that she was now something of his to protect.

At dawn, Kagome woke to a warm bed and her friends usual morning banter. For a moment she didn't remember the nights events: giving up on Inuyasha, her major, unasked for break-through with the Lord of the West, and the snow. However, when the memories did come back to her, she sat bolt upright, examining her surroundings.

Sango and Miroku sat by a fire not far away, there was no sign or any of their demon companions and there was still snow on the ground. Sango noticed her alarmed and confused expression and said, "He brought you back about two hours ago."

So last night hadn't been a dream, but why'd he bother with bringing her back? And where were their youkai friends?

"Kagome!" she turned just in time to catch a small, pouncing kitsune youkai. Kirara, the cute little two-tail youkai, leapt onto her lap too. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," a very startled Kagome said carefully, "Why wouldn't I be?"

Miroku put a hand to his chin. "Well…"

Kagome had been gone for hours now, but none really started to worry until Inuyasha returned without her, looking anything but guilty. "Where's Kagome, Inuyasha?" asked Sango as soon as he appeared.

The half-demon's good mood was suddenly lost. "Isn't she here?"

"She said she was going to look for you!" Sango yelled angrily. Miroku put a hand on the slayer's shoulder to keep her from giving Inuyasha some well-deserved cuts and bruises.

"Please, Sango, getting angry won't get Kagome found," he said levelly, although anger was evident in his own amethyst eyes. He looked to Inuyasha. "Did you happen to see her while you were…out, Inuyasha?"

"No!" the half-demon snapped, turning away. "We have to go He froze, sniffing the air attentively before letting loose a dark growl. "Get out here, you bastard, and give Kagome back!"

The silver inu-youkai appeared from the snowy trees, armor-less, and carrying the Miko in question close to his chest. Even through his emotionless mask you could feel his arrogant air of indifference. "She does not belong to you, half-brother."

"Like hell she doesn't!" Inuyasha yelled. Only seconds later Miroku found himself holding a still-sleeping Kagome and Inuyasha was facedown in the snow.

"Do not raise your voice to me, half-breed. I'd hate to have to kill you," Sesshomaru hissed in his younger brothers ear. Inuyasha struggled to get up to put in his own word.

"Yeah right! Just because you got your arm back you suddenly don't want my head as a trophy?" Inuyasha spat. "I'd say pigs fly, but I guess they already do."

"Who said I didn't wish you dead for myself?" asked Sesshomaru, standing back up and giving his half-brother a kick for good measure. "It is the Miko I do not wish to upset."

"What the hell are you talking about, Sesshomaru?" Inuyasha snapped, sitting up and glaring at his brothers retreating back.

"I am saying, little brother, care for Kagome properly, or I shall take her from you," said Sesshomaru prophetically, choosing then to take to the skies, leaving both mortals and demons looking very confused.

Miroku decided Kagome didn't need to know all the details. "Sesshomaru was very…protective of you, Kagome."

"Oh," the girl murmured in return, hugging Shippo close. "When do you think Inuyasha will be back, then?"

"I'm already back, wench," grumbled Inuyasha, stalking passed her. "Can we move on now? This snow is really getting on my nerves."

"Among other things," Sango muttered to Miroku, making the hentai monk snort.

"I think it's beautiful," Kagome sighed suddenly, looking rather far off. "Like its giving us all a fresh start."

This statement did nothing but confuse Inuyasha. "What the hell are you talking about, wench?"

Kagome smiled up at the red-clad half-demon. "Its nothing, never mind."
