Sonic felt more than saw Amy approach as he stood looking out at the sea. He always came here since Amy first showed him it. Not that he told anyone, of course.
"Sonic," she stated simply in that voice he used to find so annoying, but had missed beyond reason when he left.
"Amy," he replied – never turning.
She walked up next to him and looked over the view. Against the burning sun, their bodies a mere silhouette, an unspoken agreement was settled.
"Run away with me," Sonic suddenly said as they lay beneath a tree, gazing up at the stars.
"I'm sorry?"
"Run away with me," he repeated. "Away from all of this," he was sitting now, boring his eyes into hers.
Amy contemplated it. It would mean an escape... a new start, away from the memories of Raif, away from the ever-watchful eyes of her so-called friends, and it would mean them together. A dream that really, she had always wanted. She smiled.
"Of course."
Sonic grinned, and scooped her up bridal style. He ran toward the trees as speed.
The wind blew past her face in a tender caress, singing the story of her freedom. She felt so free, speeding like this, like nothing mattered any more, other than the wind in her hair. The trees were a blur of colours running into each other like paints held vertical, and yet they had never been clearer.
Her thoughts assembled themselves, and anything she had ever doubted was put into understanding.
The wind whispered calming words of wisdom to her again, and in that moment, Amy Rose knew why Sonic ran.
It's finished! So sad to stop but this story has reached it's end. Thanks to my readers and reviewers, and thanks to my beta, Isilthrar. I love you all!