I do not own any of this anime so don't think I do. I just write really funny stuff when I come back from Lunch. Now if any of you have an anime you like and would like me to make something funny of it, tell me in a review or message .


Suichii (sp?) pulled his hair out of the piggy tails that he had recently had them in and crawled over the floor with a pout. This was the third time that Yuki had rejected him to make love in their bed. Secretly in his mind though, he figured that when they finally did make love, that Yuki would be rough and possessive.

'Damn that Yuki, making me wait for him!! I can't wait till he comes home today. I have a special prize for him.' He thought while snickering to himself and slowly crawling into the closet; closing the doors waiting for Yuki to come home from his meeting.

Yuki rubbed his neck while pulling his tie away from his neck and opened the door to Suichii and his apartment. The lights were off which ment that his pink haired love was sleeping. He refused to make love to Suichii until his next book took off, which just so happened to be tonight.

"Suichii! Are you awake?!" He yelled into the darkness while dropping his briefcase next to the door and removing his jacket. There was no answer which made him groan.

'I'll wake the little bastard if I have to.' He hissed in his mind and stompped towards the bedroom to awaken his little pink haired bunny.

His footsteps were light against the wood flooring; that added to his plan to make love to Suichii. When he opened the door to let the hallway light spill into the bedroom, Suichii won't on the bed.

"Su, Suichii? Where are you?!" He asked into the darkness. There was a small giggle coming from the closet that drew Yuki's attention. "Are you in the closet Suichii?" He asked. He only giggled again.

Growling in frustration he marched over to the closet and threw open the doors. When he looked in he almost died from surprise. There Suichii was wearing a dragon Ball Z costume.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" He yelled while falling back on his rump. Suichii crawled out on top of him and smiled down at the man.

"I want you right now Yuki. You have been ignoring me so I thought that maybe, Role-playing would add the fun." He pouted.

Yuki only looked up at his lover in shock. He thought that he was bored with him? No way! Slowly Yuki reached his arms up to wrap them around his love.

"I would never be bored with you. I love you." He said roughly before pulling Suichii down to plant a long kiss on him. Suichii though pulled away with a devil's smirk.

"First, you have to suite up." He said and held out a costume of Trunks for Yuki. Yuki twitched lightly before taking the costume and rushing into the closet to change. While Yuki was changing Suichii crawled onto the bed while removing his clothes and sitting in a seductive pose.

Yuki busted out in a heroic pose with a billowing cape.
"Suichii, I am here to take you!" He said. Suichii threw his head back while spreading his legs.

"Then take me My love!" He yelled while Yuki ran over and jumped into the air, landing on Suichii. He fumbled with the clips on his clothes while Suichii attempted to help him. When he removed the costume he positioned himself in front of Suichii and quickly entered him with no warning.

Suichii yelled out and moaned loudly while wrapping his legs around His love.


When Yuki came close to exploding into Suichii, he decided to call out one of the DBZ attacks and gribbed his wasite.


Suichii scremed random words such as… "Oh baby, yeah that's it! Take me home daddy!!"
"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Yuki screamed while throwing all of his power into the last thrust and feeling a great pressure relived from under her. It took him a couple breaths to breath and then finally went to look at his love…he was gone.

"Suichii? Where are you?"
He sat up in the bed feeling a cold draft and looked up. He had thrust so hard into Suichii, that Sucihii went flying out the window to cling onto the flag pole.

"YUKI YOU BASTARD!!!" He screamed.
Yuki whimpered and apology while looking down. Suichii was going to break up with him.

