Here we go everybody the moment you've all been waiting for!!!!!!!!!! The reason why this story is rated M or Mature, the cherry on the proverbial cake!!! It's Lemon Time!!!!!!!!!^^

Chapter 12

Marik pulled the door shut hastily behind him and rushed Bakura over to the safety of his soft, comfortable bed, laying him down with inhuman care. His ankle was most certainly broken as a brilliantly white bone protruded angrily from the tender flesh. Marik viciously tore a strip of fabric from his tunic and delicately wrapped it around the distorted mass of flesh and bone in a desperate attempt to staunch the bleeding. Bakura cried out and his fingers clamped around Marik's hand, a shooting pain tearing through his consciences and reducing him to a shivering mass of flesh.

As Marik watched Bakura suffer so, he concluded that there was only one course of action that would end the torment of the poor thief. He would have to remove the right foot.

The blonde strode slowly into the other room and retrieved the jewel encrusted dagger, the very same dagger that Bakura had used the day that he had taken Marik from his living hell.

Tears streamed from the Egyptian's eyes as he walked solemnly over to Bakura's bed, his mind screaming for him to hurry and his heart begging him to stop. He reached the thief's side and the albino looked up at him with a mixture of desperation and comprehension.

"Don't worry Bakura," Marik choked on his own words, " you'll feel so much better after this."

He raised the knife above the thief's ruined ankle and closed his eyes when suddenly he felt his hands being seized and rendered useless. He opened his eyes expecting Bakura to be attempting to stop him in one last futile attempt to save his foot, and was surprised to see a blackish purple claw gripping his hand in an unbreakable grip. The black hand stemmed from an enormous golden ring around Bakura's neck, which was now emitting a second hand which seemed to be healing the wound in Bakura's ankle. Within seconds the bone was pushed back into place and the tendons and tissues were being stitched back together as though a seamstress was elegantly stitching the thief back together. Then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, the eerie black hand retreated back into the sanctity of the ring.

Both Egyptians stood in silence there, both horrified and amazed at the sudden, unexpected aid of the golden trinket.

"Well that's a bonus!," Bakura smirked, rubbing his newly healed ankle with a newfound tenderness.

Marik approached the thief cautiously, "What is that thing?!", the blonde inquired, transfixed by the massive golden eye located in the middle of the ring.

"OH MY RA!!!!!!!", Marik cried out in mortification," THAT'S A MILLENNIUM ITEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" his legs nearly gave out from beneath him as the full gravity of what Bakura had done came careening down on him.

The thief removed the item and set it on the floor of the opposite end of the bed, so as to spare Marik from having to fret over it.

"I had to Marik! I had to take it from him, to kill him, or that Priest would have killed me!" Bakura begged Marik to understand, and it did not take much convincing before Marik's bewildered expression turned to one of understanding.

" It did save your foot, so I guess it isn't that bad….", Marik didn't have a chance to finish his sentence as the Thief grabbed him by the arms and pulled the blonde onto his warm, waiting bed.

"Bakura!!!!", Marik cried in mock astonishment, as the albino flipped him around so that he was gazing downwards at the smaller Egyptian.

"Now," Bakura smirked wickedly down at the helpless blonde, "Where did we leave of this afternoon?"

"Well……" The remnants of Marik's response were crushed by the incredible force of Bakura's wanting mouth on his, which silenced whatever thoughts had been floating around in the blonde's mind.

Desire. heat, passion and unadulterated lust quickly burned it's way through Bakura's body and transferred through to that of the innocent Egyptian beneath him. The kiss intensified as Bakura used his tongue to taste and explore the inside of his soon to be lover's mouth, coaxing Marik into responding by tentatively touching the albino's tongue with his own. The albino produced a low, distinctively husky moan at that simple contact from Marik, who was quickly growing bolder as his fingers entangled themselves in Bakura's shaggy white mane. Marik wasn't sure where his instincts had been hidden all this time but he was grateful for them all the same. He felt an intensely strong urge to see the Thief King's body completely uninhibited by clothing and to be disrobed himself.

"Please undress me." Marik begged Bakura quietly, biting the albino's bottom lip to emphasize his previous statement.

A shiver ran down the albino's spine at this, and his arousal grew to incomprehendable proportions as he began to hastily remove Marik's tunic. The blonde didn't hesitate to show him the same courtesy and soon they were both completely and utterly exposed to the hungry gaze of the other.

Bakura found it indescribably difficult to reign in his desire as his eyes pillaged the Egyptian's astoundingly alluring body. His shoulders were slim and his exquisitely tanned chest was slightly muscled, leading down to his perfectly toned abdomen and his slim waist. His blatant arousal was crying out for Bakura's attention as the thief's eye's settled there before being drawn back up into Marik's half- lidded violet gaze.

" I swear by the all the Gods in the heavens that you are the most beautiful creature on this earth!!", Bakura rasped, as Marik, who had obviously been paying him the same respect, shook his head in dismay.

"Second only to you!!!!!!!!," as Marik's eye's now shifted to Bakura's blatantly erect member with a mixture of excitement and unrestrained fear.

"Don't worry Marik!," Bakura almost laughed at the blonde's obvious worry, " we have much yet to do before you need to worry about that.

The Egyptian blushed and was caught off guard as the thief's mouth began ravishing his neck, leaving various red bruises on his previously unmarked flesh. Then, without a warning, Bakura's lips continued to travel downwards before encasing one of Marik's nipples. The blonde moaned in pure ecstasy as the albino nipped the sensitive nub before licking away any remnants of pain. He proceeded to the other nipple, which earned him another round of moans from his beautiful lover.

Marik writhed in pleasure, desperate for more contact, and Bakura was not one to disappoint. His incredibly warm mouth continued it's journey downward until it had reached Marik's quivering pelvis. The thief placed a tantalizing kiss on the inside of each of Marik's thighs before licking the tip of the blonde's swollen member.

"OH MY RA!!!!!!," Marik cried out as Bakura's skillful tongue traced elaborate patterns on his erect flesh. He then engulfed the entirety of the organ in his mouth, before slowly moving his mouth upwards and downwards. The blonde moaned uncontrollably as Bakura quickened his pace and Marik's stomach had just begun to feel tight when Bakura stopped suddenly. The Egyptian whined from the loss of contact, but was soon soothed as the albino's lips pressed against his once more.

Marik broke the kiss slowly and wrapped his arms around the thief's neck affectionately, "I want you inside of me." Marik confessed, panting from the extent of his arousal.

"Are you sure?", Bakura asked, nuzzling the soft flesh between Marik's shoulder and neck.

"Yes.", Marik said simply before allowing Bakura to turn him onto his stomach. The Thief leaned over and kissed the small of Marik's back sensually, causing the blonde to mewl once more. He placed one finger at the Egyptian's entrance, toying with it before slowly pushing it's way inside. The pain that assaulted Marik seemed to sober him from his pleasure induced delirium but he resisted the urge to scream, even when Bakura began to move. The feeling became slightly more pleasurable as Bakura's finger was soon joined by a second and soon Marik was thrusting up to meet the Thief's pleasurable ministrations.

Slowly Bakura removed his fingers, which caused Marik momentary sadness, before they were replaced by something more substantial. The Egyptian could not help but cry out as he felt Bakura's manhood enter him and was introduced to an entirely new level of pleasure. The Thief thrusted into him slowly and soon the pair were moaning and crying out each other's names as the pleasure of their coupling threatened to overwhelm them both. Bakura sensed that Marik was close and simultaneously increased his velocity and gripped the blonde's member with his free hand, causing the blonde to scream Bakura's name one last lust-laced time before finally reaching his peak. The sudden tightening of the muscles surrounding the Thief King's erection allowed him to thrust one last, desired-filled thrust before releasing himself inside Marik's tight body.

The Thief slowly and unwillingly removed himself from his lovers embrace before rolling the blonde over and laying down heavy next to him, who curled up against his still heaving chest while covering them both with the warm, soaked sheet.

"I love you so much Bakura.", Marik whispered tenderly as he buried his face in his lovers strong chest.

"I love you too, my reason for living."